RES 1373 10/14/2008 RESOLUTION NO. 1373
WHEREAS, certain areas of the City of Cibolo are subject to periodic flooding and other
natural hazards with the potential to cause damages to people and properties within the
area; and
WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo desires to prepare and mitigate for such circumstances;
WHEREAS, under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, the Untied States Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires that local jurisdictions have in place a
FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Action Plan as a condition of receipt of certain future
Federal mitigation funding after November 1, 2004; and
WHEREAS, to assist cities and counties in meeting this requirement, the Alamo Area
Council of Governments, has initiated development of a regional, multi jurisdictional
Hazard Mitigation Action Plan covering the City of Cibolo.
NOW,therefore, be it resolved, that this Cibolo City Council hereby:
1. Adopts those portions of the Plan that pertain to the City of Cibolo; and
2. Requests of the Alamo Area Council of Governments to include Cibolo Action
Items in the Alamo Area Regional Mitigation Action Plan, as attached; and
3. Vests the City Manager with the responsibility, authority, and the means to:
• Inform all concerned parties of this action.
• Develop an addendum to this Hazard Mitigation Plan if the town's unique
situation warrants such an addendum.
4. Appoints the City Manager to assure that the Hazard Mitigation Plan be reviewed at
least annually and that any needed adjustments to the City of Cibolo addendum to
the Hazard Mitigation Plan be developed and presented to the Cibolo City Council
for consideration.
5. Agrees to take such other official action as may reasonably be necessary to carry
out the objectives of the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
jfer H manr
Peggy Cimics
City Secretary
`ttS�tO e,aT
r? O October 15, 2008
0, 5 I Mr. Dan Kinsey
X Emergency Management Coordinator
D- .,,Adrnis,;s.,c_11, 415 East Donegan
Seguin, Texas 78155
Re: City of Cibolo
citymanaaer�cibolotx nee Alamo Area Regional Mitigation Action Plan (MAP)
Dear Mr. Kinsey,
The City of Cibolo wishes to update the Alamo Area COG Regional
Mitigation Action Plan to include the City as a participating community and
incorporate local action items into the plan. The city was involved with the
mitigation team that met December of 2002 under team leader Larry Timmerman
for the Guadalupe County communities of Cibolo, Marion, New Berlin, and
Seguin. Unfortunately, city resources at that time did not allow Cibolo to fully
participate in the Regional Mitigation Action Plan.
In September 2007, the city adopted the Town Creek Flood Protection
Plan. Many of the action items developed in this plan reinforce the goals and
objectives outlined in the "Mitigation Strategy" section of the AACOG Regional
Mitigation Action Plan. This is illustrated in the attached table titled "How Does
Cibolo's Action Plan Further the Objectives of the Alamo Area Council of
Governments Regional Mitigation Action Plan?"
The City desires that Cibolo's action items be incorporated into the
AACOG Regional MAP, specifically at page 100. These action items are
formatted and populated with supporting information that describes each item
as set forth in the "Local Mitigation Actions" section of the Regional Mitigation
Action Plan, and can be found attached to this correspondence.
The City of Cibolo appreciates this opportunity to be included in the plan
and looks forward to participating in the next formal update. To prepare for this
update, the City requests further info about the update process. If you have any
questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at (210) 658-9900.
r Q1 Todd Parton
City Manager
^x!1.:7.,.,..Tex,7 I
c,;..: Attachments: Objectives & Actions Table
Cibolo Action Items
Resolution No.
http://www cibolotx net
Cc: Mr. Larry Timmerman, Guadalupe County
Mr. Don McFarland, AACOG
Ms. Kathy Hopkins,TWDB
How Does Cibolo's Action Plan Further The Objectives of the Alamo Area Council of Governments Regional Mitigation Action Plan?
•. .........
............ 0
City of Cibolo Construct a channel improvement project along Town Creek
Mitigation Action 1.1 Tributary No.I upstream of FM 1103.
Objective(s)Addressed: Reduce Flooding to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Floodin
Priority(High,Medium,Low): High
Estimated Cost: $1,539,526
Potential Funding Sources: Im act Fees;CIP Funds
Lead Agency/De artment Res onsible: Jr Public Works
Im lementation Schedule: 2008
City of Cibolo Construct a channelimprovement project along Town Creek
Mitigation Action 1.2 (Mainstem)upstream of FM 1103.
Objectives Addressed: Reduce Flooding to Homes and Streets
Hazard(s)Addressed: Flooding
Priority h,Medium,Low): Hi h
Estimated Cost: $2,776,239
Potential Funding Sources: Impact Fees,CIP Funds
Lead A enc /Department Res onsible: Public Works
Im lementation Schedule: L 2009
ultimateConstruct a regional detention facility do,-Anstream of FM 1103
Mitigation Action 1.4
and upstream of FM 78 to mitigate for the 4%
Ob ective s Addressed: Reduce Flooding to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Flooding
Priori h,Medium,Low): High
Estimated Cost: $2,701,426
Potential Funding Sources: Impact Fees;CIP Funds;Private Funds;Park
Development Funds;Economic Development
Lead A enc /De artment Res onsible: Public Works
Im lementation Schedule: 1.2010
Develop a voluntary acquisition-and relocation fund and
City of Cibolo
program that can he used to purchase properties at risk in a 4%
Mitigation Action 1.5
chance or higher event, • convert them to open
Objective s Addressed: Reduce Flooding to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Flooding
Priority(High,Medium,Low): High
Estimated Cost: $580,992
Potential Funding Sources: CIP Funds;HMGP Funds
Lead Agency/De artment Res onsible: City Hall,Planning Department
Im lementation Schedule: 2009
Citv of Cibolo Require detention for the 1%annual chance—eveni,—either
Mitigation Action 2.1 through on-site or regional.
Objective(s Addressed: Reduce 7117.-dinR to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Floodin
Estimated Cost: _
Potential Fundin Sources: Re lation
Lead Agency/De artment Responsible: City Council,Planning De artment
Im lementation Schedule: 2007
City of Cibolo Require dedication of drainage right-of-way for the ultimate I'%"
Mitigation Action 2.3 annual chance event.
Objectives Addressed: Reduce Flooding to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Floodin
Priority(High,Medium,Low): High
Estimated Cost: _
Potential Fundin Sources: egulation
Lead A enc /Department Responsible: Ci Council,Planning Department
Im lementation Schedule: 7008
Include an tip de of the Green Valley Road crossing of Town i'
City of Cibolo grA
Creek in the City's CIP, to provide clear conveyance of the 1'!/,,
Mitigation Action 3.1
annual event.
Objectives Addressed: Reduce FloodinR to Homes and Streets
Hazards Addressed: Flooding
Priori (High,Medium,Low: High
Estimated Cost: $800,000
Potential Funding Sources: Impact Fees;CIP Funds;DHS grant funds;
Private Funds;County
Lead A ency/De artment Res onsible: CitV Council,Planning Department
Im lementation Schedule: 2011
City of Cibolo Install Low Water Crossing safety.features(cross-art–n-
Action 5.1 retractable fence)at low water crossings.
Objectives Addressed: Public Safetv
Hazards Addressed: Flooding
Priori (High,Medium,Low): High
Estimated Cost: $75,000
Potential Funding Sources: CIP Funds;DHS grant funds;HMGP grant
Lead Agency/De artment Responsible: Public Works
Im lementation Schedule: 2010
Provide free access to the floodplain maps,both in paper and
Cite of Cibolo digital form.Create an atlas of maps,which can be viewed at
Mitigation Action 6.1 Circ Hall,downloaded in.pdf format from the City's website,
and eventually viewed on the City's website.
Utilize educational material available through FEMA,TFM.A,
City of Cibolo GBRA and others(such as the"Turn Around Don't Drown"
Mitigation Action 6.2 sticker campaign,and GBRA's"Staying Safe"Flood Guide)in
dissemination efforts.
City of Cibolo Work with private industry and other stakeholders to further an
Mitigation Action 6.6 existing program,or develop and implement a program to
distribute NOAA All Hazards Weather Radios to the public.
.• • K, •
City of Cibolo In any public outreach program,heighten awareness of
GBRA's KWED 1580 AM radio broadcasts as a means of
Mitigation Action 6.7
reaching the public even during power outages.
City of Cibolo Coordinate with Guadalupe County office of Emergenc},�
Management,GBRA and SARA about the introduction of
Mitigation Action 7.1
streamflow gages on Town Creek.
. •
•. of a .
Cite of Cibolo C+fficiah,request USGS assistance in the placement of a
Mitigation Action 7.2 streamflow gage at Loop 539 or the railroad
• .. • �. •0=1
.. . ••.
Has •
• !9149411
Continue dialogue with GBRA about the placement of
additional automated rainfall gauges in the Town Creek
City of Cibolo watershed to enhance this network.This network data is
Mitigation Action 7.3 collected and placed on a non-public interni page to allow
emergence management personnel and the National Weather
Service access to the data.
NIM one 190
• . • . III.
• I RN Witt FONT016 of •
City of Cibolo Allow Town Creek room to move with normal geomorphologic
Mitigation Action 9.1 processes.Dedicate stream buffers that are at least as wide as
the /o chance ultimate conditions floodplain. l
.. -• .•.
-. •
Cite of Cibnlo Conrin►xe to share technical information with Guadalupe ��
Mitigation Action 10.1 . Couxth,GBRA and SARA,the Citv's key pattxters in floodplain '
Addressed: Promote Partnerships
• .. - ••.
' igh,Medium, • Medium
Potential . • Cooperative
Lea -1 City Hall.PlanminLDe
• •. •• •
•art en,
L_Lm2lementation,ched ••
$ttild upon the existing cooperative relationships aY the la��
City of Cibolo enforcement level with neighbormg coxnmm�ities,to develop
Mitigation Action 9.0.2 specific emergency management and forecasting
communications measures that can be mutually beneficial.
Addressed: _
Addressed: romote Partnerships
Potentialted Cost:
• Cooperative
• . ••
Review and update dxe flood Protection plan at the same time
City of Cibolo updates are made to the Master Plan,the Mulu Hazard
Mitigation Action 10.3 Mitigation Action Plan,Emergency Action Plans,and Capital
Improvements Plans.
Addressed: Coordinate
Addressed: Flooding
Hi h
Cost: $50,000
L FIVIA Planning Grant
• Department Responsible: Department
•)n Schedule: 1 1