RES 1284 07/13/2004 RESOLUTION NUMBER A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO REQUESTING THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY HOLD A CONTESTED CASE HEARING ON THE QUANTITY OF PHOSPHORUS DISCHARGED BY NEW BRAUNFELS UTILITIES' SOUTH KUEHLER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INTO LAKE DUNLAP AS PER WATER QUALITY PERMIT #10232-001. WHEREAS, New Braunfels Utilities has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for renewal of Water Quality Permit#10232-001 for discharge from its South Kuehler Wastewater Treatment Plant into Lake Dunlap, and WHEREAS, South Kuehler Wastewater Treatment Plant discharges an average daily amount of 4.2 million gallons of treated wastewater into Lake Dunlap, and WHEREAS, the current level of phosphorus contained in the discharge from South Kuehler Wastewater Treatment Plant has promoted significant growth of hydrilla, algae, and noxious weeds on Lake Dunlap, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo relies on its drinking water from Canyon Regional Water Authority whose water treatment plant is also located at Lake Dunlap, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Cibolo requests the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality hold a contested case hearing on the quantity of phosphorus discharged by New Braunfels Utilities' South Kuehler Wastewater Treatment Plant into Lake Dunlap as per Water Quality Permit #10232-001. PASSED AND APPROVED unanimously this 13th day of July 2004. // Charles Ruppert J nnifer rtmannny Son Mayor City Council, Place 1 City Council, Place 2 Susan Gray J Cam ell guel Troncoso City Council, Place 3 City Council, Place 4 City Council, Place 5 ATTEST: Yv e n in y Secretary