RES 1279 04/27/2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO URGING THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT TO FILE A PETITION IN FEDERAL COURT CHALLENGING THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY'S NON-ATTAINMENT DESIGNATION OF AIR QUALITY IN GUADALUPE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Clean Air Act clearly defines the 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard for an attainment designation is based on a three year average of the fourth highest daily recorded measurement being less than 85 parts per billion, and WHEREAS, an ozone monitor in Guadalupe County located at the New Braunfels Airport recorded air quality within the Clean Air Act's 8-hour standard for the years 2002 and 2003, and WHEREAS, an ozone monitor in Guadalupe County located in the City of Seguin recorded air quality within the Clean Air Act's 8-hour standard for the year 2003, and WHEREAS, Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality recommended an attainment designation of air quality in Guadalupe County based on the Clean Air Act's 8-hour ozone standard, and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a non-attainment designation for Guadalupe County based, not on the Clean Air Act's 8-hour ozone standard, but on an EPA guidance memorandum, dated March 28, 2000, which states the Metropolitan Statistical Area should be the presumptive non-attainment boundary, and WHEREAS, nowhere in the Clean Air Act, which is the law, does it state the MSA is the presumptive non-attainment boundary, it only appears in the EPA guidance memorandum, and WHEREAS, the rule of law demands that in a court of competent jurisdiction, the law; i.e., the Clean Air Act, be entitled to greater weight than a guidance memorandum, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Cibolo urges the rule of law be upheld and that.the Guadalupe County Commissioners' Court file a petition in Federal Court challenging the EPA's non-attainment designation of air quality in Guadalupe County. PASSED AND APPR VED unanimously this 27th day of April 2004. Charles Ruppert Eddie Williams ,Johnny Sutton Mayor City Council, Place 1 City Council, Place 2 Com` AL Susan Gray Je ampbell Patrick O'Brien City Council, Place 3 City Council, Place 4 City Council, Place 5 ATTEST: 6 �w onne Griffin Ci Secretary