RES 1360 12/11/2007 RESOLUTION NO. 1 3" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, (CITY) DECLARING ITS SUPPORT FOR PATRICK W. LINDNER AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF MUNICIPAL INTERESTS ON THE REGION L.WATER PLANNING GROUP WHEREAS, the Region L Water Planning Group is responsible for preparing and updating the regional water plan in accordance with state law, and the Water Planning Group consists of individuals representing affected interests, including municipalities; and WHEREAS, the CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, (COUNCIL) has been notified of the existence of a vacancy on the Regional L. Planning Group for a representative of municipal interests; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL has been inforined that PATRICK W. LINDNER, with the law firm of Davidson and Troilo, is willing to serve on the Regional Water Planning Group to represent the interests of small municipalities; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL is aware that PATRICK W. LINDNER has twenty-eight years of experience assisting cities located throughout the state in addressing water supply issues and has the support of several municipalities located throughout the Region L. planning area; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL declares that the unique interests of small municipalities in the acquisition, delivery, and future planning for surface and ground water supplies serve a critical public purpose; and because water issues have become increasingly complex and important the nomination of a well qualified candidate is of particular interest to the CITY; and WHEREAS, the COUNCIL finds that Patrick W. Lindner is well qualified and his nomination on behalf of the CITY is in the best interests of its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS,THAT: SECTION 1. NOMINATION - PATRICK W. LINDNER is nominated for appointment to the Region L. Water Planning Group to represent the interests of municipalities. SECTION 2. AUTHORIZATION - The MAYOR of the CITY, or the CITY MANAGER as the case may be is authorized to take all such action as may be appropriate to demonstrate the City Council's support for the appointment, including, but not limited to submitting a nomination form to the Regional Water Planning Group prior to December 20, 2007. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 11th day of December, 2007. ennife artman, Mayor Attest: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary PCD#: 177851