RES 1270 02/10/2004 RESOLUTION__ ,
Resolution to set a date,time and place for a Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Joint
Hearing on the proposed annexation and R-213 zoning of a said tract of land being 3.298 acres of
land out of the Mathias Lindenburg Survey,Abstract No. 215, Guadalupe County, Texas, and
being all of a designated 3.263 acre tract as described in a Warranty Deed from Lewis C.
Borgfeld, a single man,to Mack Kardys and wife Juanita Kardys,dated September 26, 1974 and
recorded in Volume 491,Pages 477-478 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas.
Section 1. That Joint two Public Hearings will be held to such discuss proposed annexation and
R-213 zoning,the first being with City Council on Tuesday,February 24,2003 at 6:45 P.M. in the
Cibolo City Hall; and the second being a joint City Council and Planning and Zoning being held
on Tuesday,March 9,2004, at 6:30 P.M. in the Cibolo City Hall, for the purpose of providing all
interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed R-213 Zoning of 3.298
acres of land by the City of Cibolo.
Section 2. The description of the 3.298 acres of land which is proposed to be annexed and zoned
R-213 is as follows:
BEGINNING: at a found V2"iron pin in the Southwest boundary line of said Mathias Lindenburg Survey
and being the Westernmost corner of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and the
Southernmost corner of Lot 3,Block 2 of THE RIDGE AT DEER CREEK, UNIT NO. 1
as recorded in Volume 6, Page 523 of the Map and Plat Records of Guadalupe County,
THENCE: (1)NORTH 59 deg. 10'29"East(all bearings in this description are based on Grid North
of the Texas Coordinate System,Zone 4204,NAD 86/93),a distance of 149.99 feet along
the Northwest boundary line of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and the Southeast
boundary line of said Lot 3, Block 2, to a set %2" iron pin with plastic cap being the
Northernmost corner of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and the Westernmost corner
of the remaining 315 acre Lewis C.Borgfeld tract as recorded in Volume 409,Pages 436-
43 8 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas;
THENCE: (2)SOUTH 31 deg.25' 02"East,a distance of 949.15 feet along the Northeast boundary
line of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and the Southwest boundary line of said
remaining portion of a 315 acre tract to a found ''/Z" iron pin in the Southeast boundary
line of said Lindenburg Survey, said %2" iron pin being the Easternmost corner of this
parcel and said 3.263 acre tract;
THENCE: (3)SOUTH 59 deg.35' 04"West,a distance of 149.99 feet along the Southeast boundary
line of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and said Lindenburg Survey and the
Northwest boundary line of a 103 acre tract as recorded in Volume 1037, Pages 739-743
of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas,to a found %"iron pin being
the Southernmost corner of this parcel and said 3.263 acre tract and being the
Easternmost corner of Lot 20, Block 3 of DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1,
PHASE 7 as recorded in Volume 6,Page 333 of the Map and Plat Records of Guadalupe
County, Texas;
THENCE: the following courses along the Southwest boundary line of this parcel and the Northeast
boundary line of said Block 3 of the DEER CREEK SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1,
THENCE: (4) NORTH 32 deg. 15' 00" West, a distance of 54.07 feet to a set %" iron pin with
plastic cap being an angle point;
(5) NORTH 31 deg. 36' 35" West, a distance of 415.24 feet to a set '/" iron pin with
plastic cap being an angle point;
(6)NORTH 31 deg. 17' 27"West,a distance of 369.61 feet to a found %"iron pin being
an angle point;and
(7)NORTH 30 deg. 41' 13"West,a distance of 109.18 feet to a found %"iron pin being
the POINT OF BEGINNING,and containing 3.298 acres of land.
Charles Ruppert
jonne R. r� i f nSecretary