RES 1260 10/14/2003 RESOLUTION I (Centex Variance Request) Resolution is to set a date,time and place for a City Council and a Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Hearing on the proposed variance request from Centex reducing the front setback as required in Subdivision Ordinance(Appendix A, Section D.3.d.(4))and Zoning Ordinance(Ch.11, Sec.1) from 25' to 15'. Said variance is requested because recorded final plat depicts 15' setback in contradiction to ordinance. Subject parcel has a purchase and sale agreement between applicant and future homeowner based upon said 15' setback. Approval of request is consistent with Local Government Code 211.009. Such approval is not contrary to public interest, is due to special circumstances and has been approved by the City in other situations. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. Section 1. That two Public Hearings will be held to such discuss Centex variance request,the first being on Tuesday, October 28,2003, at 6:30 P.M. in the Cibolo City Hall with Cibolo City Council; and the second being a joint public hearing with City Council and Planning and Zoning on Tuesday,November 11,2003, at 6:30 P.M. in the Cibolo City Hall,for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed variance request. Section 2.The following are the address that require the above variance: Lot 41 Block 8 109 Willow Pointe Lot 42 Block 8 105 Willow Pointe Lot 43 Block 8 101 Willow Pointe Lot 44 Block 8 100 Willow Pointe Lot 53 Block 8 109 Wind Willow Lot 54 Block 8 105 Wind Willow Lot 55 Block 8 101 Wind Willow Lot 56 Block 8 100 Wind Willow Lot 57 Block 8 104 Wind Willow Lot 28 Block 8 101 Willow Cove Lot 20 Block 8 101 Willow Hill Section 3. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 14TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2003. N44�r Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: vonne . Gri in j ity Secretary