RES 1252 06/24/2003 RESOLUTION NUMBER 16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO URGING THE SCHERTZ-CIBOLO- UNIVERSAL CITY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO RECONSIDER ITS POLICY OF NAMING SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR PERSONS STILL LIVING AND TO INCLUDE "CIBOLO" IN THE NAME OF THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL. WHEREAS, naming a school facility for a person posthumously is a fitting tribute to the memory of that individual which will survive public scrutiny, and WHEREAS, naming a school facility for a person still living may promote cronyism, aggrandizement, a sense of entitlement, along with possible embarrassment should that person commit an indiscretion in the future, and WHEREAS, the true nature and scope of an individual's accomplishments are not fully realized until many years after their service to the organization is complete, and WHEREAS, nothing inspires hometown pride in Texas more than a high school named for the hometown, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Cibolo supports a change in school district policy on the naming of school facilities for persons still living and to include "Cibolo" in the name of the new high school. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of June, 2003. w4ffbv4lll� Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: >�l ri i' fF`n Ci Secretary