Min CC 02/03/2011 - Workshop y aO' �f'a,C1u ,
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"City of Choice"
200 S. MAIN
February 3, 2011
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Workshop was called to order by Mayor Hartman at 6:35 P.M.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Hartman
Councilman Pedde
Councilman Krasnai—absent
Councilman Wiederstein
Councilman Winn
Councilman Carlton—absent
Councilman Liparoto
Councilman Hetzel
Staff. City Manager Bruce Pearson,City Secretary Peggy Cimics,City Attorney Charlie Zech,Fire Chief
Roger Niemietz and Police Chief Gary Cox
3. Invocation—Mayor Hartman ask for a moment of silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—Councilman Winn led the Pledge of Allegiance
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City
Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda
issue at this time,however,City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by
No citizens signed up to be heard.
6. Presentation/Discussion
A. Presentation/Discussion and direction to staff on the City of Cibolo Radio Network.
Chief Cox presented a power point presentation on the City of Cibolo Public Safety Radio System.
Presentation included Narrow banding deadline:January 1,2013,what narrow banding is?Why new
radios?Migration problems,Rebanding and what is it,Interoperability &Mutual Aid,history, solutions
and Project 25 requirements. This item will be brought back up at a Workshop sometime in April 2011.
B. Presentation/Discussion and direction to staff on Loop 539 Bridge Report.
Mr.Lehmann of Lehmann Engineering gave council a report on the bridge structure on Loop 539. Mr.
Lehmann did notify council that bridge had some minor deterioration evident by the cracking in the wing
wall and abutment structure. He also stated the bridge structure is still serviceable and able to perform its
intended purpose. Councilman Pedde directed staff to continue to work forward on this matter.
C. Discussion and direction to staff concerning voting districts for the City of Cibolo and the possibility of
establishing a Charter Review Commission.
City Attorney Charlie Zech answered a few legal questions council had concerning the possibility of
districts. Councilman Winn had a few questions and concerns and had a written sheet with his concerns
passed out to council. Council discussed forming a Charter Review Commission to look at the districting
questions as well as other items in the charter. Council discussed how to get the word out to citizens if they
would like to volunteer to serve on this commission. Council requested that this item be placed on the
February 22,2011 regular Council Meeting to establish this commission and the procedures to select the
D. Discussion and direction to staff on the possible transfer of SCUCISD property to the City of Cibolo.
The City Manager Bruce Pearson briefed council on the possible transfer of SCUCISD property to the City
of Cibolo. Mr.Pearson has had conversation with Dr. Gibson about this property for some time. The
building was built in 1916 and would need work to bring it up to code. The deed on the property does state
that the building must be used for public good. Council talked about the possible use but until the school
district makes a final decision council can take no action. Council directed staff to continue talks with Dr.
7. Adjournment
Councilman Winn moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:36 P.M. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Liparoto. For: All;Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
=nifer artman
Peggy Cimics,TRMC
City Secretary