Min P&Z 04/11/2018 r,
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Tex P,5
200 S.Main Street,Cibolo TX 78108
April 11,2018 '
6:30 PM
1. Call to Order—Chairwoman Hale called the meeting to order at 6:34pm
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences—Members present:K.Hale,T.Benson,E.Moraes,J.Dabbs,JC Dufresne,N. Savoie,T.
Woliver. M.Hicks was present but not seated at the dais. Members Absent: C.Odom. Council and Staff present:R. Klein,
M.Luft,L. Gonzalez,C.Dale,A.Valdez.
3. Moment of Silence—All present observed a moment of silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard—No citizens signed up to speak.
6. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes from March 14,2018.—This item was tabled until the next agenda.
7. Public Hearing
A. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding a
Comprehensive Sign Program application for the Cibolo Medical Office Building located northwest of the intersection of
Cibolo Valley Drive and North Main Street. —C. Dale spoke briefly on the application. The Planning Department had
not received any letters in favor or against at the time of the meeting. EDC Director Mark Luft and EDC board member
P. Buell spoke in favor of the sign. The applicant, Francine Johnson, was present. A photo of the sign was shown and
Chairwoman Hale opened up the public hearing at 6:40pm. No one spoke during the public hearing and Chairwoman
Hale closed the public hearing at 6:41pm.
B. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the
proposed amendments to the Unified Development Code, which includes revisions to zoning regulations, use tables and
lot design standards.—L. Gonzalez spoke briefly about the notices sent out to inform the public that changes may affect
the zoning of their property or surrounding properties as well as the UDC committee and the process as to how they
decided on the proposed amendments Chairwoman Hale opened the public hearing at 6:52pm. The following people
spoke in the public hearing:
• Gary Edenbum(Crown Castle)representing wireless infrastructure facilities company and voiced concern about the
restrictions and how it may affect wireless service in Cibolo by the proposed changes to the UDC that addresses
wireless towers.
• Tom White wanted to speak against commercial campgrounds in Cibolo as it would affect his property.
• Sherlyn Krivka was concerned that the UDC revisions would change her existing use at her property where she has a
warehouse and wanted to be sure she'd be"grandfathered"in. The changes would not affect her current use.
• RayJoy Pfannstiel spoke against campgrounds as he is concerned that it would increase traffic in the agricultural
• Ian Halisack wanted to know if the updates would be less or more restrictive. Mr. Halisack also asked if a CUP
would be considered if necessary.
• Christy Ellard asked for clarification of a asphalt batching plant.
• Annabelle Lindsman had a question about a specific location and wanted clarification as to what was being
Chairwoman Hale closed the public hearing at 7:11pm
8. Discussion/Action Items
A. Discussion and Action regarding the Final Plat of Bella Rosa Subdivision.—R. Klein briefed the commission on the final
plat for the subdivision. Mr. Dufresne made the motion to approve the final plat of the Bella Rosa Subdivsion. The
motion was seconded by E.Moraes. For All;Against:None. Motion carried 8-0.
B. Discussion and Action regarding a Comprehensive Sign Program application for the Cibolo Medical Office Building
located northwest of the intersection of Cibolo Valley Drive and North Main Street. C. Dale explained the application
and that they are allowed 2 signs but are asking to merge and place one sign larger than the allowable size in the
ordinance. After a discussion of the sign and possible issues with safety Mr Dufresne made a motion to approve the
Comprehensive Sign Application for the Cibolo Medical Office Building. The motion was seconded by T Woliver. For:
All, Against:None. Motion carried 8-0.
C. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the proposed amendments to the
Unified Development Code, which includes revisions to zoning regulations, use tables and lot design standards. L.
Gonzalez led the discussion of the proposed amendments to the UDC with the commission and received feedback from
Mr.Edenburn about how section 11.1 could affect their business and wireless communication in Cibolo. There was a
discussion regarding campgrounds and the commission decided a CUP would be the best way to address this in the
future. Mr. Dufresne made the motion to recommend approval of the UDC with the exception of section 11.1 and after
converting the campground site in agricultural areas to be allowed by conditional use permit to City Council. The
motion was seconded by E. Moraes. For E. Moraes, J Dabbs, K. Hale, T Woliver, JC Dufresne and N. Savoie;
Against: T Benson. Motion carried 7-1
D. Discussion regarding the post-adoption actions implemented by the City per the 2016 Comprehensive/Master Plan
recommendations.—L. Gonzalez reviewed the 2016 comprehensive master plan and the status of the 1-2 year goals.
E. Discussion regarding the role, powers and function of the Planning & Zoning Commission; as defined by the Texas
Local Government Code, City of Cibolo Charter and the current/proposed Unified Development Code. —L. Gonzalez
gave a presentation to the commission regarding the understanding of planning and zoning per the Texas Local Govt.
Code, the City's Charter and the current UDC.
9 UDC, CIP,Master Plan.and Staff Updates—L. Gonzalez informed the commission that the CIP has had their first meeting
and that they were given an overview of the CIP and their responsibilities of their committee along with the next scheduled
CIP meeting.
10. Items for future agendas— The commission asked Staff to reach out to the school district to attend the next meeting for an
11. Adjournment—Mr Benson made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 pm. The motion was seconded by T Woliver.
For All;Against:None. Motion carried 8-0.
Karen Hale
Chairwoman for Planning and Zoning Commission