Min P&Z 02/10/2016 y 0ouf,,,,,,,C,O A .y / O * 1r=` «* 1 4 rlllllllllllllllllllllllllll * exPr' "CITY OF CHOICE" PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING 200 S.Main,Cibolo,Texas 78108 February 10,2016 6:30 PM MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Chairman Karen Hale at 6:30pm. 2. Roll Call—Members Present:Karen Hale,JC Dufresne,Terence Benson, Gabriel Felder,Bruce Winter,Joel Hicks,Melvin Hicks and Ted Gibbs(alternate-non-voting member);Members Absent: Eric Moraes; Council Present: Councilman Garrett; Staff Present: Director of Planning and Engineering Rudy Klein, City Planner Lisa Gonzalez, City Secretary Peggy Cimics and Assistant Planner Cory Dale. 2. Moment of Silence—Chairman Hale asked for a Moment of Silence. 3. Pledge of Allegiance-All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any issue. Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non- agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. The Following individuals signed up to be heard: Larry Skloss spoke to the commission on a possible Go Cart Tract that he would like to build in Cibolo. Chesley Swann signed up but did not speak. Diana Weimer a homeowner in Charleston Parke spoke on the commercial (C-1)designation of the Ratcliff property on Cibolo Valley Drive. Mark Rightnour supported Ms.Weimer and stated that he had talked with many of the residents of Charleston Parke and they want to work with the P&Z, Council and City to avoid the problems that occurred a few years ago with the Wal-Mart property. 6. Public Hearings A. The Cibolo Planning& Zoningwill conduct a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding the rezoning of 1.71 acres located southwest of the intersection of FM 1103 and Cibolo Drive from the current zoning of Light Industrial(I-1)to General Commercial (C-4)to allow general retail sales. Ms. Gonzalez the City Planner gave a briefing to the Planning & Zoning Commission on this re-zoning. Chairman Hale opened the Public Hearing at 6:50 pm. No citizens wish to speak and Chairman Hale closed the Public Hearing at 6:50 pm. 7. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the minutes of the January 13,2016 Planning&Zoning Meeting. Mr. Dufresne made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Mr.Benson. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 8. Discussion/Action Items A. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding the rezoning of 1.71 acres located southwest of the intersection of FM 1103 and Cibolo Drive from the current zoning of Light Industrial(I-1)to General Commercial(C-4)to allow general retail sales. Ms. Gonzalez the City Planner briefed the item to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Winter made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding the rezoning of 1.71 acres located southwest of the intersection of FM 1103 and Cibolo Drive from the current zoning of Light Industrial(I-1)to General Commercial(C-4)to allow general retail sales. Motion was seconded by Mr. J.Hicks. For: All;Against: None. Motion carried 7 to 0. B. Discussion on a proposed Go Kart Racing facility, located along and north of Bolton Road,between Stole Road and Santa Clara Road. Mr.Klein the Director of Planning and Engineering briefed the item to the commission. This property is currently has a non-annexation agreement, no zoning and has not been platted. If project is to go forward zoning would be a priority as the use is only allowed by a conditional use permit under 1-1 zoning. Mr. Skloss stated that he wants to bring a family orientated facility to Cibolo. The facility would include an eight tenths of a mile long go kart tract,a club house and a storage building for carts and a maintenance building. Mr. Skloss stated that he does have some water and electric issues that he is currently working to resolve. Concerns were brought up about the future land use map and what is currently planned for that area. Commission would like for the Master Plan Committee and Halff&Associates to look at this. Commission seemed to think that this could be a good project for the City. C. Discussion on a proposed amendment to the Bison Ridge Planned Unit Development, located along and south of FM 78,between Country Lane and Meadowview Estates. Commission had a long discussion on this item. This was the third time that a change is being requested for this property. The commission was concerned that commercial use was being decrease from 35 acres to only 13.5 acres and that the depth decrease to only 300'. High density residential(SF-3)would also increase from 128 to 149. The commission would like to see more SF1 or SF2 instead of increasing SF3. The school boundaries were also discussed and the commission seemed to think that putting the multi-family(apartments in one district and the single family homes in another would be ok. The commission agreed that more information was needed before they could make a recommendation. They would like to see more information on the apartments, lot sizes and how many homes in each zoning category. Mr.Keck seem to think that he would be able to provide this information to the Planning&Zoning Commission at a later date. 9. UDC, CIP,Master Plan and Staff Updates-Ms. Gonzalez gave an update on items that were sent from the P&Z to Council. Master Plan Committee should be meeting in early March. 10. Items for future agendas-Chairman Hale would like to see if Dr. Gibson from the SCUCISD would be available to speak with the P&Z in the near future. Update on the mini storage on Main Street and DEB. 11. Adjournment-Mr. J. Hicks made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 pm. Motion was seconded by Mr.Benson. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9TH DAY OF MARCH 2016. 40-,141102./ Karen Hale Chairman Planning&Zoning Commission