Min P&Z 10/14/2015 OF Ci
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200 S.Main,Cibolo,Texas 78108
October 14,2015
1. Call to Order:Ms.Hale called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
2. Roll Call: Present: Ms.Hale.Mr. Winter,Mr.J.Hicks,Mr.M. Hicks,Mr.Dufresne, Mr. Gibbs,Mr.Moraes and
Mr.Felder-arrived 6:50 pm.Absent:Mr.Benson-did not notify City Secretary's office.Mayor Pro-Tem Hogue,
Councilman Russell and Councilman Weber attended. Staff:Mr.Klein,Ms. Gonzalez,Mr.Dale and Asst. City
Secretary Edmondson.
3. Moment of Silence: Councilman Russell led the moment of silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance:All rose and recited the pledge of allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any issue.
Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-
agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any factual response to
items brought up by citizens.
None at this time.
6. Public Hearing
A. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission-will hold a Public Hearing to hear public testimony
regarding an application for the Comprehensive Sign Program for certain real property located at 863 FM
1103, 600 feet east of the intersection of FM 1103 and N.Main Street.
Public Hearing opened at 6:34 pm.
Property Owner:AutoZone.Applicant/Agent: Jones Sign Co.,Inc.,Brian Siddall and Mr. S Peters.
AutoZone requesting deviation in excess of the 50% standard due to the layout of the AutoZone building and
how the city is calculation the allowed 10 of the wall area.Notice was sent to six property owners around this
development,no replies for or against this developer's request.Mr. Siddall explained the signage proposal
that AutoZone is requesting. No citizens spoke.Public Hearing closed at 6:37pm.
B. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony
regarding a variance to the 20 foot landscaping buffer required of a non-residential property abutting single-
family zoning,per Article 17.1 (1)of the Unified Development Code,for certain real property located
southeast of the intersection of FM 1103 and Green Valley Road.
Public Hearing opened at 6:37 pm.
Property Owner:Brandon S.McGarrell and Dara C.McGarrell.Applicant/Agent: Gallup engineering is
requesting a variance to the 20 foot landscaping buffer required of a non-residential property abutting single-
family.Ms. Gonzalez said several notifications were sent out to neighboring properties and only one reply
was sent back,which was for the proposed variance and none in opposition.Mr.McGarrell spoke to the
commission and said his business is an 8am to 5pm. There were no citizens spoke.Public Hearing closed at
6:42 pm.
C. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony
regarding the rezoning of approximately.5 acres of a 3 acre parent tract located at 915 Stolte Road,half a
mile northeast of the intersection of Stolte Road and Schmoekel Road currently zoned Agricultural-
Homestead(AG)to Manufactured Housing(MH-1).
Public Hearing opened at 6:42 pm.
Property Owner:Featherland Egg Farms Inc.Applicant/Representative;RSB Environmental requesting
rezoning of.5 acres from AG to MH-1.Mr.Klein went over the rezoning request and three surrounding
owners were notified with replies sent back. Ms.Melissa Tovar-714 Stolte Rd.,Marion, is more
comfortable with the rezoning request,but still had several concerns of drainage,flooding and use of the
manufacture homes and traffic. Public Hearing closed at 6:50 pm.
D. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony
regarding the rezoning of approximately 21 acres located parallel to Dean Road,north of Saratoga
Subdivision and east of Willow Bridge Subdivision,currently zoned Low Density Single-Family Residential
(SF-1)to Medium Density Single-Family Residential(SF-2).
Public Hearing opened at 6:50 pm.
Property Owner: Jose C.Rodriguez.Applicant: Boerne Broad Oak,Ltd. Ms. Gonzalez went over the
rezoning request of 21 acres from SF-1 to SF-2. Staff received two in favor,and five in opposition of the
rezoning request. Mr. Steve Berg-581 Dean Rd. spoke in opposition of the rezoning.His concerns were of
the major flooding currently his property experiences.Ms.Robbie Berg spoke in opposition of the rezoning.
Her concerns were of the many rooftops Cibolo currently has. Public Hearing closed at 6:56 pm.
7. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes from the September 9, 2015 Planning&Zoning Meeting.
Tabled to the November 12,2015 meeting.
8. Discussion/Action Items
A. Discussion/Action regarding an application for the Comprehensive Sign Program for certain real property
located at 863 FM 1103, 600 feet east of the intersection of FM 1103 and N.Main Street.
Mr.Dufresne made a motion to accept the sign within the 110ft. sign ordinance.Mr.J.Hicks seconded the
motion.For: Mr. Gibbs,Mr. J.Hicks,Ms.Hale,Mr.Dufresne and Mr.M.Hicks;Against: Mr.Moraes and
Mr.Felder. Motion passed 5 to 2.
B. Discussion/Action regarding a variance to the 20 foot landscaping buffer required of a non-residential
property abutting single-family zoning,per Article 17.1 (1)of the Unified Development Code, for certain
real property located southeast of the intersection of FM 1103 and Green Valley Road.
Mr.Dufresne made a motion to approve the variance to the 20 foot landscaping buffer required of a non-
residential property abutting single-family zoning.Mr. J.Hicks seconded the motion.For:All;Against:
None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
C. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding the rezoning of approximately.5
acres of a 3 acre parent tract located at 915 Stolte Road,half a mile northeast of the intersection of Stolte
Road and Schmoekel Road currently zoned Agricultural-Homestead(AG)to Manufactured Housing(MH-1).
Mr.Moraes made a motion to approve the rezoning of approximately.5 acres of a 3 acre parent tract located
at 915 Stolte Road,half a mile northeast of the intersection of Stolte Road and Schmoekel Road currently
zoned Agricultural-Homestead(AG)to Manufactured Housing(MH-1).Mr. Gibbs seconded the motion.
For: All;Against:None.Motion carried 7 to 0.
D. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding the rezoning of approximately 21
acres located parallel to Dean Road, north of Saratoga Subdivision and east of Willow Bridge Subdivision,
currently zoned Low Density Single-Family Residential(SF-1)to Medium Density Single-Family
Mr.Dufresne made a motion to disapprove the zoning request from SF-1 to SF-2.Mr.M.Hicks seconded the
motion. For:All;Against:None.Motion carried 7 to 0 to disapprove the request from a SF-1 to SF-2
rezoning. Ms. Gonzalez will note in the information packet to council the request of the applicant to bring
back to the city in two months for reconsideration.
E. Discussion on the September public outreach event initiating the process to update the City of Cibolo's
Master Plan.
Ms. Gonzalez reported that the public outreach event meetings had a great turnout.The two day kick-off
meetings were attended by several citizens and city and local agencies around the area. Mr.Dufresne said he
attended the meetings and discussions were great.
9 . UDC, CIP,Master Plan and Staff Updates: Ms. Gonzalez updated the commission on the following:
Master Plan Open House scheduled for Nov.9, 2015 and the Master Plan Meeting will be Nov. 19, 2015. Future
discussion with City Council and the possible annexation of 886 acres (south of FM 78) that are have annexation
agreements that were signed in 2007. The process for annexing these properties will start in January 2016 and will
come in six waves.
10. Items for future agendas.
Minutes from the September 9, 2015 and October 14,2015 meetings
Update the Sign Ordinance-Mr.Moraes would like to revisit with monument signs
UDC-Split SF-1, SF-2 and SF-3 current housing standards and options
EDC Classifications
11. Adjournment:
Mr. J. Hick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. Mr. Dufresne seconded the motion. For: All;
Against:None.Motion carried 7 to 0.
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Planning&Zoning Commission