Min P&Z 08/12/2015 OF C14.
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200 S.Main,Cibolo,Texas 78108
August 12,2015
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Planning and Zoning meeting.
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by the Chairman Ms.Hale at 6:30 pm.
2. Roll Call—Members Present: Ms. Hale,Mr.Winter,Mr.J.Hicks,Mr.Dufresne,Mr.Benson,Mr.
Moraes,Mr. Gibbs(Alt)and Mr.M. Hicks (Alt);Members Absent: Mr.Felder; Staff Present: Mr.Klein,
Ms. Cimics,Ms. Gonzalez and Mr. Dale.
3. Moment of Silence—The chairman asked for a Moment of Silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any issue.
Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-
agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any factual response to
items brought up by citizens.
Mr.Melvin Hicks spoke to the Planning&Zoning Commission and informed them of all the trash that is building
up at the Robles property. He statedthat the workers for CVS are using the property and leaving it a mess.
6. Public Hearing
The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing to hear public testimony
concerning an update to the Unified Development Code by amending section 18.13 (entitled"traffic impact
analysis")relative to adopting an expiration date for traffic impact analysis's.
Lisa Gonzalez the City Planner explained to the Commission and those in attendance exactly what the Public
Hearing was about and why the UDC was being amended. The Public Hearing was opened by the Chairman Ms.
Hale at 6:36 pm. Ms.Margie Buell spoke to the commission and wanted to find out what was the expiration time
frame ona traffic impact analysis. No one else wish to speak and the Chairman Ms.Hale closed the Public
Hearing at 6:38 pm.
7. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the minutes from the July, 8,2015 Planning&Zoning Meeting.
B. Approval of the minutes of the Planning&Zoning Workshop held on July 8,2015.
C. Approval of the minutes of the Special Planning&Zoning Meeting held on July 29,2015.
Ms.J.Hicks made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dufresne. For:
Commissioners: Mr.Winter,Mr.Benson,Mr.Moraes,Mr. Gibbs,Mr.Dufresne,Mr. J.Hicks and Ms.Hale;
Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
8. Discussion/Action Items
A. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding an update to the Unified
Development Code by amending section 18.13 (entitled"traffic impact analysis")relative to adopting
expiration date for traffic impact analysis.
Mr. Winter made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding an update to the Unified
Development Code by amending section 18.13 (entitled"traffic impact analysis")relative to adopting
expiration date for traffic impact analysis.Motion was seconded by Mr.J.Hicks. For: Commissioners: Mr.
Benson,Mr.Moraes,Mr.Dufresne,Mr. Gibbs,Mr.J.Hicks,Mr.Winter and Ms.Hale;Against:None.
Motion carried 7 to 0.
B. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding the Final Plat of Saratoga Subdivision
Unit 5.
Mr. Dufresne made the motion to recommend to the City Council approve of the Final Plat of Saratoga
Subdivision Unit 5. Motion was seconded by Mr. Benson. For: Commissioners: Mr.Winter,Mr.Moraes,
Mr. Gibbs,Mr. J.Hicks,Mr.Dufresne,Mr. Benson and Ms.Hale; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
C. Discussion/Action and Recommendation to the City Council regarding the final Plat of Red River Ranch
Subdivision Unit 1.
Mr.J.Hicks made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding the fmal Plat of Red
River Ranch Subdivision Unit 1.Motion was seconded by Mr. Dufresne. For: Commissioners: Mr.Winter,
Mr.Benson,Mr.Moraes,Mr. Gibbs,Mr.Dufresne,Mr.J. Hicks and Ms.Hale;Against:None. Motion
carried 7 to 0.
9 . UDC, CIP and Staff Updates.
Ms. Gonzalez briefed the commission on several items. Council had approved the Capital Improvement Report
and council will have a resolution at their meeting on August 25t1i to create a Master Plan Committee. City
Planning Department met with the City of San Antonio on receiving a portion of ETJ from San Antonio. A
decision on this will not take place until the end of the year. Ms. Gonzalez gave a few dates on some of the
businesses that will be opening: CVS — September, Wells Fargo Bank — mid September, Cibolo Valley
Elementary School—August 24th, and Wal-Mart—January 2016.
10. Items for future agendas—None at this time.
11. Adjournment—Mr. Benson made the motion to adjourn at 7:08 pm. Motion was seconded by Mr. J. Hicks. For:
All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
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Planning&Zoning Commission