Min P&Z 06/11/2014 y�y�wF C/&O
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200 S.Main,Cibolo,Texas 78108
June 11,2014
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Mashburn at 6:32 pm
2. Roll Call—Present:Mr.Felder,Ms.Mashburn,Mr.Dufresne,Ms.Hale,Mr.Moraes and Mr.Coursen
(arrived at 7:20 pm);Absent:Mr.Winter.
3. Moment of Silence-Ms.Mashburn called for a Moment of Silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any
issue.Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be
taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any
factual response to items brought up by citizens.
Joel Hicks of Lamar Street spoke to the commission and ask that before that make a decision on an issue to take in
consideration what the citizens have to say on an issue.
6. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday,June 11,2014 at
6:30 p.m.to be conducted at Cibolo City Hall,200 South Main, Cibolo,Texas,to hear public testimony concerning
an update to the Future Land Use Map for an area located east of N.Main St,north of FM 78, abutting the
southern property lines of Town Creek Subdivision and Steele High School.
Ms.Mashburn opened the Public Hearing at 6:37 pm. Mr.Hicks spoke during this item on the flooding issues and
keeping residential lots to SF-1. Mr.Weatherly wanted to know if developers were required to take care of
flooding issues when building. Mr.Klein, City Engineer gave a presentation to the commission on this item. The
Public Hearing was closed by Ms.Mashburn at 6:52 pm.
7. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday,June 11,2014
at 6:30 p.m.to be conducted at City Hall, 200 South Main St, Cibolo,Texas,to hear public testimony
concerning the rezoning of 311.06 acres of real property,known as the Gilbert Tract, located east of N. Main
St,north of FM 78,abutting the southern property lines of Town Creek Subdivision and Steele High
School,from the Mixed Use Old Town/Town Center District(C-2)to Planned Unit Development(PUD),to allow
a mixed use development comprised of commercial,retail,and residential.
Ms.Mashburn opened the Public Hearing at 6:53 pm. The following citizens spoke during this hearing: Mr.
Hicks showed pictures of flooding at this house in previous years due to flooding. He was very concerned that
building the number of home they want will cause more flooding of the existing homes in the area. Mr.Doyle
owns a small portion of land at the entrance of the Gilbert tract. He wanted to know if he was going to be blocked
in or if some of his land would be taken to expand the road going into this area.Mr.Haag of Julian Point is the
President of the HOA in Town Creek Village. They are also very concerned about the flooding the additional
traffic and the impact of traffic on FM 1103. Mr. Schlueter owes 63 acres of land south of the Gilbert property.
He also is concerned about the flooding and the ingress and egress into this area. Ms.Hogan of Clapboard Run
had several questions that she wanted someone to answer. Some of the question she asked was what the sewer and
traffic plan is and what were the plans for infrastructure. She wanted to know plans for an elementary and middle
schools.Kara Latimer of Tolle Road stated she was already getting runoff and felt that this would just cause more
flooding in her area.Drainage has been a problem for a long time and nothing has worked to stop the water from
washing the road in her area away. Ms.Mashburn closed the Public Hearing at 7:21 pm.
8. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday,June 11, 2014
at 6:30 p.m.to be conducted at Cibolo City Hall,200 South Main St, Cibolo,Texas,to hear public testimony
concerning the replatting of 0.961 acres out of a 1.254 acre lot originally platted as Mesa at Turning Stone Unit 1,
Block 2,Lot 1.The proposed tract would become part of Mesa at Turning Stone Unit 4,Block 2,Lots 13, 14,
15,Kauri Cliffs right-of-way, and a 10 foot utility easement on Block 2,Lot 62
Ms.Mashburn opened the Public Hearing at 7:22 pm. No one wished to speak on the issue. Ms.Mashburn closed
the Public Hearing at 7:22 pm. Chairman Coursen arrived at 7:22 p.m.
9. Discussion,Action on City Council direction to the Planning&Zoning Commission for a Development Policy
within the City of Cibolo.
The commission decided to wait until the City Manager gave his report to City Council on the issues concerning
FM 1103. This item will be brought back at a later date.
10. Discussion,Action,and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding an update to the Future Land
Use Map for an area located east of N.Main St,north of FM 78,abutting the southern property lines of Town
Creek Subdivision and Steele High School.
Ms.Hale made the motion to table this item until the City Manager presents his report to City Council on July 8,
2014.Motion was seconded by Mr.Moraes. For: Mr.Felder,Mr.Dufresne,Mr.Moraes,Ms.Mashburn, and
Ms.Hale;Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
11. Discussion,Action,and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the rezoning of 311.06 acres
of real property,known as the Gilbert Tract, located east of N.Main St,north of FM 78, abutting the southern
property lines of Town Creek Subdivision and Steele High School,from the Mixed Use Old Town/Town
Center District to a Planned Unit Development,to allow a mixed use development comprised of commercial,
retail,and residential.
This item was postponed by the developer until July.
12. Discussion,Action, and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat/Replat
of Mesa at Turning Stone Unit 4.
Ms.Hale made the motion to recommend to Mayor and City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat/Re-plat of
Mesa at Turning Stone Unit 4. Motion was seconded by Ms.Mashburn. For: Mr.Felder,Mr. Dufresne,Mr.
Moraes,Ms.Hale,and Ms.Mashburn;Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
13. Discussion,Action and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Final Plat of Cibolo
Shopping Center.
Mr. Dufresne made the motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council approval of the Final Plat of Cibolo
Shopping Center with the condition that the site/traffic plan be approved by the City Engineer. Motion was
seconded by Ms.Mashburn. For: Mr. Felder,Mr. Dufresne,Mr.Moraes,Ms.Hale and Ms.Mashburn;Against:
None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
14. UDC&CIP Updates—Mr.Klein stated the council has made the selection to both CIP and UDC committees and
meetings are being scheduled.
15. Staff Reports—Staff had no report at this time.
16. Items for future agendas—The commission would like to have Dr. Gibson from the SCUCISD brief the
commission on the school future plans for schools.
17. Adjournment-Mr. Dufresne made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 pm. Motion was seconded by Ms.
Hale. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0.
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G Coursen
Planning&Zoning Commission