Min P&Z 04/09/2014 0 F Cl
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200 S.Main,Cibolo,Texas 78108
April 9,2014
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Chairman Coursen at 6:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call—Members Present: Mr. Coursen,Mr.Felder,Mr. Winter,Ms.Mashburn,Mr.Dufresne,Ms.
Hale and Mr.Moraes; Council Present: Councilman Doty,Hogue, Carlton and Garrett; Staff Present: City
Engineer Klein, City Manager Herrera, City Attorney Banks, City Secretary Cimics and Planner
3. Moment of Silence—Chairman Coursen requested a Moment of Silence.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard:
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any
issue.Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be
taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present
any factual response to items brought up by citizens.
Joel Hicks of 203 Lamar Street spoke to the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission on slowing
down on home building in the City. The City needs to have more commercial building not homes.
6. Public Hearing
Conduct a public hearing for the rezoning of approximately 12.559 acres at the intersection of North Main
Street and Borgfeld Road from Neighborhood Commercial(C-1)and Single-Family Residential R-2(SF-2)
zoning to the Retail/Office(C-3)zoning district.
Chairman Coursen opened the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m. Mr.Adams and Ms.Driver from Everyday
Christian Fellowship explained to the commission and those present at the meeting the different phases of the
churches preliminary master site plan. They also stated that they purchased the property in 2002 and at that
time their records show that the property was commercial. Staff has the property zoned as C-1 and Single-
Family Residential R-2 (SF-2). The church is asking for the property to be zoned to the Retail/Office(C-3)
zoning district. Councilman Doty spoke during this item and he stated that he talked with the church as he is
the district representative for the church. He asked the P&Z Commission to look favorably on their
application.The church did state that they have met with staff and Mayor Jackson several times on this issue.
Several citizens spoke in favor of the zoning to include Joel Hicks, Claudia Walker and Carol Alvarado.Mr.
Chambers also spoke and stated that he would hope that the church would be transparent and open their plans
to the community to assure the neighbors that the church plans on staying at this property.Mr.Adams
responded and stated that plans are open and the community can visit the church at any time. They are a
community church serving the everyday people of the community. The Public Hearing was closed by
Chairman Coursen at 6:56 p.m.
7. Approval or Disapproval of the minutes from the March 12,2014 meeting.
There was one correction on the minutes, section 6B.third sentence,time was changed from 6:52 p.m.to 6:42
p.m. Ms.Hale made the motion to approve the minutes with the change. Motion was seconded by Ms.
Mashburn. For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
8. Discussion,Action, and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the rezoning of
approximately 12.559 acres, at the intersection of North Main Street and Borgfeld Road from Neighborhood
Commercial(C-1) and Single-Family Residential R-2 (SF-2)zoning to the Retail/Office(C-3)zoning district.
City Engineer Mr.Klein went over the zoning history of this property starting in 1987. Mr.Joel Hicks signed
up to speak on this item. He stated that he has been a member of this church and they continue to discuss the
different phases of development for the property. They are a good neighbor helping the community with
daycare and food pantry. There were many questions commissioners asked to the church. The different
zoning and the need for C-3 was discussed. Ms.Mashburn made a motion to make the recommendation to
rezone approximately 12.559 acres at the intersection of North Main Street and Borgfeld Road from
Neighborhood Commercial(C-1)and Single-Family Residential R-2 (SF-2)to 300 ft.along Town Creek Road
to be zoned C-1 and 300 ft along Main Street to be zoned C-land the remaining property be zoned C-2,
making this property all commercial property. Motion was seconded by Ms.Hale. Before a vote was taken
Mr.Herrera the City Manager approached the Commission and stated that he didn't see why they needed to
have a C-1 buffer along Main Street and that this was not what was discussed.Mr. Winter also asked the City
Attorney if we would have to re-advertise as we are changing the zoning from what was advertised. Ms.
Banks the City Attorney stated that since we were going to re-zone to a low density we would not have to re-
advertise and could continue with the zoning process. Staff also pointed out that Borgfeld Road was actually
Town Creek Road. Ms.Mashburn made a new motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council to rezone
approximately 12.559 acres at the intersection of North Main Street and Town Creek Road Road from
Neighborhood Commercial(C-1)and Single-Family Residential R-2 to 300 ft along Town Creek Road be
zoned C-1 and the remaining property be re-zoned as C-2,property along Main Street would become C-2 also.
Motion was seconded by Ms.Hale. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
9. Discussion,Action,and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary
Acceptance of Heights of Cibolo Unit 4A.
Mr.Winter made the motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council approval of the Preliminary
Acceptance of the Heights of Cibolo Unit 4A. Motion was seconded by Ms.Hale. For: All;Against:None.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
10. Discussion,Action, and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary
Acceptance of Heights of Cibolo Unit 4B.
Mr. Felder made the motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council approval of the Preliminary
Acceptance of the Heights of Cibolo Unit 4B. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dufresne. For: All; Against:
None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
11. Discussion,Action,and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Preliminary
Acceptance of Turning Stone Unit E3.
Ms. Mashburn made the motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council approval of the Preliminary
Acceptance of Turning Stone Unit E3.Motion was seconded by Mr.Dufresne. For: All;Against:None.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
12. Discussion,Action and Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Final Replat of
Pat-Tom Subdivision Cibolo Retail Center No. 1.
Chairman Coursen left the room at 7:49 p.m. due to a conflict of interest.Ms. Mashburn took over the meeting
as Vice Chairman. MS. Hale made the motion to recommend to the Mayor and City Council approval of the
Final Replat of Pat-Tom Subdivision Cibolo Retail Center No. 1. Motion was seconded by Mr.Winter. For:
All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. Chairman Coursen returned at 7:52 p.m.
13. Discussion about the assignment of a PUD(Planned Unit Development)to allow mixed use development
with commercial and single-family residential uses to a 210.15 acre site that may be annexed into Cibolo.
Developer with Nortex Farms discussed the Planned Unit Development they are trying to bring into Cibolo.
They stated that this would be built over a possible 20 year period. Size of lots and roads into and out of the
subdivision were discussed by the developer and the commission. Some of the commissioners stated they
would like to see more commercial and possible apartments similar to the plan on the Schertz side of the
subdivision.This was a discussion item only and no recommendation was made at this time.
14. Discussion/Action/Update on UDC AND CII'updates.
City Secretary stated that the council will be making selections to the UDC and CIP Committees either at the
next meeting or the first meeting in May. The CIP committee will have a representative from each district as
requested by the City Council at the last council meeting. P&Z members that have small corrections to the
UDC can send them to Mr.Klein or the City Secretary. A list will be made and sent to the Commission for
15. Discussion/Action on the Zoning and Master Plans.
Mr.Klein stated that a new zoning map will be given to the council at the next meeting at the request of the
16. Staff Reports.
Mr.Klein asked the P&Z Commission if they like the ideal of the developer asking for a PUD or CUP to come
in and brief the commission prior to getting approval. The commission like this ideal,just like the Nortex
developer did at today's meeting.
17. Items for future agendas.
Mr. Moraes wanted to know why we don't update the Master Plan before we start up a CIP Committee.
Chairman Coursen agreed that the Master Plan needed to be looked at soon. Mr. Dufresne requested that the
City Council along with the Planning & Zoning and Economic Development Corporation meet on a semi-
annual basis to make sure that everyone is going in the same direction and that we all have a clear plan on what
the City wants to accomplish.
18. Adjournment.
Ms.Mashburn made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr.Felder.
For:All; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
Ga Coursen
Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission