Min P&Z 01/08/2014 �y O�../9 I, 1 . *•� l O* . .= \ , . TfXts "CITY OF CHOICE" PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING 200 S.Main, Cibolo,Texas 78108 January 8,2014 6:00 P.M. A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Planning and Zoning meeting. MINUTES 1. Call to Order.—Meeting was called to order by Chairman Coursen at 6:21 p.m. 2. Roll Call.—Mr. Coursen,Mr.Welch,Mr.Farnsworth,Mr.Winter,Ms.Mashburn,Mr.Felder(arrived at 6:21) and Mr.Dufresne(arrived at 6:45). 3. Moment of Silence—Chairman Coursen called for a Moment of Silence. 4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any issue.Planning and Zoning Commission may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time however the Planning and Zoning Commission may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. — All citizens that signed up to be heard wish to speak during the actual item. 6. The City of Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday,January 8,2014 at 6:30 pm to be conducted at Cibolo City Hall,200 South Main, Cibolo,TX,to hear public testimony concerning an update to the Future Thoroughfare Plan and Future Land Use Map. The public hearing was called to order at 6:54 p.m.No citizens spoke and the meeting was closed at 6:55 p.m. 7. Discussion, Action and Recommendation to the Mayor & City Council regarding the rezoning of 3.0 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Green Valley Road and Town Creek Road from SF-1 to SF-2. This item was briefed by Planner Randy Anderson. The Developer is looking at doing a development with three units per acres but extra big lots. During the public hearing individuals that lived across the street from this property spoke on the drainage and impact it would have on their properties. Casey Meadows of 2705 Town Creek Road spoke against this zoning as all the homes around this area are 1 acre or more with single story homes. She would like to keep zoning at SF-las she is very concerned with drainage and the zoning being consisted with the homes in that area. Donna Johnson of 2021 Town Creek Road asked the Commissioners to disapprove the zoning. She thought it would be way too many homes and create more flooding and drainage issues. She has had 10 years of drainage issue with the same engineer. She asked the commissioner not to let this happen as it has in the past. Kelly Crain of 3055 Green Valley Road stated that this property would have to drain across her property. Ms. Crain is extremely concern if nine homes are built on the property the amount of drainage that will come across her property. There is no current erosion issues on her property the proposal will affect her property, she does not have an erosion problem now and doesn't want one in the future. She has offered the Smith's to dig a ditch on her property and put pipes in but they did - not accept the offer. The Developer did give a power point presentation on the property and did state that the homes would be 30% larger than normal homes. The developer stated that the project would actually reduce the runoff by 7% in a 100 year storm and will increase the value of the other homes in the area. Mr.Dufresne made the motion to approve the rezoning of 3.0 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Green Valley Road and Town Creek Road from SF-1 to SF-2. No one second the motion. Ms. Mashburn made the motion to deny the rezoning of 3.0 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Green Valley Road and Town Creek Road from SF-1 to SF-2. Motion was seconded by Mr. Winter. For: Mr. Winter, Mr. Welch, Ms. Mashburn and Mr. Farnsworth; Against: Mr. Dufresne and Mr. Felder. Motion carried to deny the zoning 4 to 2. 8. Discussion,Action and Recommendation to the Mayor&City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat of Enclave at Green Valley. Ms. Mashburn made the motion to deny the Preliminary Plat of the Enclave at Green Valley as it did not conform to the zoning requirement. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dufresne. For: Mr. Winter, Mr. Felder, Mr.Welch,Ms.Mashburn,Farnsworth and Dufresne;Against:None. Motion to deny carried 6 to 0. 9. Discussion,Action and Recommendation to the Mayor&City Council regarding the Preliminary Plat of FM 1103 and Main Street Commercial. Mr.Farnsworth made the motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat of FM 1103 and Main Street Commercial.Motion was seconded by Mr.Felder. For:Mr.Felder,Mr. Welch, Ms.Mashburn,Mr.Farnsworth,Mr.Dufresne and Mr.Winter;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 10. Discussion,Action and Recommendation to the Mayor &City Council regarding the Final Plat of Saddle Creek Ranch Unit 5. Mr.Winter moved to recommend to City Council the approval of the Final Plat of Saddle Creek Ranch Unit 5. Motion was seconded by Mr.Dufresne. For:Mr. Felder,Mr. Welch,Ms.Mashburn,Mr.Farnsworth, Mr.Dufresne and Mr.Winter;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 11. Discussion,Action,&Recommendation to the Mayor&City Council regarding amendments to the City of Cibolo Future Thoroughfare Plan and Future Land Use Map. Ms.Mashburn made the motion to recommend to City Council approval of the amendments to the Future Thoroughfare Plan and Future Land Use Map with the property No of 78 (Hoffman acres)from C-1 To Low Density Single Family and that the commercial setback is 300 ft. Motion was seconded by Mr.Welch. For: Mr. Felder, Mr. Welch, Ms. Mashburn, Mr. Farnsworth, Mr. Dufresne and Mr. Winter; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 12. UDC&CIP Updates—Council and Planning&Zoning will have a joint workshop in the next month to work on the UDC. The P&Z will begin reviewing the CIP in the next couple months. 13. Staff Reports—None at this time. 14. Items for future agendas—The chairman requested the minutes of the December meeting be placed on the next agenda and to change the citizen to be heard to three minutes. 15. Adjournment—Mr. Winter moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr.Felder. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried. P•S II APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2014. Tgrrth Coursen Chairman