Min EDC 01/21/2016f....,.
200 South Main Street, P.O. Box 826, Cibolo, Texas 78108
Phone: (210) 658-9900 Fax: (210) 658-1687
Regular Call Meeting
Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
200 South Main, Cibolo, Texas 78108
Thursday, January 21, 2016
6:00 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
1. Call to Order
Mr. Jackson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences
Present — Mr. Jackson, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hetzel, Mr. Hicks, Mr. Abel, and Mr. Moody.
Absent— Ms. Williams
Staff— Economic Director Luft, Business Development Coordinator McVey, and Finance Director
3. Invocation —Moment of Silence
Mr. Hicks led the invocation.
4. Pledge of Allegiance
All rose and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard (limit remarks to 3 minutes)
This is the opportunity for visitors and guest to address the Board of Directors on an issue that is
relevant to the mission and purpose of the Economic Development Corporation. The Board of
Directors may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -
agenda issue at this time, however, the Board of Director's may present any factual response to
items brought up by citizens. (Texas Attorney General Opinion — JC -0169) OTHER THAN A
All remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Directors as a body, and not to any individual
member thereof. Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks while
addressing the Board of Directors may be requested to leave the meeting.
None at this time.
6. Opening Remarks by the President, Cibolo Economic Development Corporation.
Mr. Jackson welcomed all to the first Board of Directors meeting of 2016. He remarked on the
good job EDC staff and Board did over 2015 and expressed a desire to make 2016 even better.
7. Consent Agenda. All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate
discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Board Member.
A.) Approval of Minutes for October 15, 2015.
B.) Presentation of the Financial Reports for November 2015.
C.) Presentation of Sales Tax Report for November 2015.
D.) Presentation of Quarterly Investment Report Ending September 30, 2015
Mr. Hicks made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Item's 7A, 76, 7C, and 7D. Mr. Boyle
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
8. Election of officers for the Board of Directors as required in the Cibolo Economic Development
Corporation's Bylaws described in Section Five (5) subsection 5.01 and 5.02 (page 6):
A.) Nomination and Election of the President, Board of Directors.
B.) Nomination and Election of the Vice President, Board of Directors.
C.) Nomination and Election of the Secretary, Board of Directors.
D.) Nomination and Election of the Treasurer, Board of Directors.
Mr. Boyle motioned that Donnovan Jackson remain as President of the Board of Directors. Mr.
Hicks seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
Mr. Hetzel motioned that J Moody serve as Vice President of the Board of Directors. Mr. Hicks
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
Mr. Boyle motioned that Tony Abel serve as the Secretary for the Board of Directors. Mr. Hicks
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
Mr. Hicks motioned that Dick Hetzel serve as the Treasurer for the Board of Directors. Mr. Boyle
seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 6-0.
9. Discussion and appropriate action to Consider a Resolution of Financial Commitment for an
application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to Borgfeld
Housing, L.P. (to be formed) for a 2016 Affordable Housing Tax Credit Application, Borgfeld
Manor, a proposed elderly development to be located in the City of Cibolo at the NW corner of
W. Borgfeld Road and Dobie Boulevard and authorizing the Cibolo Economic Development
Corporation's Director to provide to TDHCA with a letter stating the City through its Economic
Development Corporation will provide a grant of $250.00 for the benefit of the Development.
Mr. Luft began by providing information on City Resolution No. 1337 which outlines what the
Economic Development Corporation is able to do and that staff's recommendation is to support
the project. Ms. Linda Brown, Principal for Casa Linda Development Corporation and Economic
Strategic Solutions, Inc., then addressed the Board regarding the Borgfeld Manor development.
Ms. Brown gave a history of the project, explained the housing tax credit process, and shared on
the amenities and plans for Borgfeld Manor. Mr. Hicks motioned to provide a letter stating the
City of Cibolo through its Economic Development Corporation will provide a grant of $250.00 for
the benefit of the Development. Mr. Boyle seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed.
Motion passed 6-0.
10. Discussion and recommendations on proposed site locations to be considered for Wayfinding
Signs within the city and to coordinate said locations between the departments of Planning and
Public Works staff in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Mr. Luft shared preliminary City staff recommendations on placement of wayfinding signs within
the City limits and requested permission to work with the Planning and Public Works
departments to solicit RFPs for pricing and design options. Permission was granted and Mr.
Hicks and Mr. Hetzel were both appointed to work with the EDC staff on the project.
11. Existing Project Update Report as Presented (Staff)
Mr. Luft and Ms. McVey provided a report on the businesses and developments that came in
2015, as well as a look into what businesses are expected to open in 2016 and early 2017.
12. Future Agenda and Items of Interest relating to Economic Development Activities.
Halff Associates update on the FM 78 Corridor study
Approval of minutes and financial reports
Business improvement grants (The Shops at The Mill)
Discussion of FM 1103 strategy
Executive Session
® Kalmar RT Center LLC
® "Project Awesome'
Possible update on Wayfinding Sign project
13. Set a Date and Time for next Meeting—Tentatively- February 18, 2016, at 6:00 pm.
14. Adjournment
Mr. Hicks motioned to adjourn. Mr. Hicks seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed.
Motion passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned 7:29 PM.
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