Min CC 08/28/2018 of C,
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"City of Choice"
200 S. Main
August 28,2018
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order at 6:32pm. by Mayor Boyle.
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences—Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Garrett,
Councilman Byrd, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Russell, Councilman Hogue and Councilman Hicks; Staff
Present: City Manager Mr. Herrera, City Attorney Adolfo, City Secretary Ms. Cimics, Finance Director Ms.
Miranda, EDC Director Mr. Fousse, Police Chief Hugghins, Fire Chief Niemietz, Planning & Engineering
Director Mr.Klein and Public Works Director Mr.Fousse.
3. Invocation—The Invocation was given by Councilman Russell.
4. Pledge of Allegiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Closed Session
The City Council will meet in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074 Personnel
Matters to discuss the following:
A. The hiring of a new Attorney Firm for the City of Cibolo.
Council convened into closed session at 7:13pm.
6. Open Session
Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary, on items discussed in closed
Council reconvened into regular session at 7:35pm.
Councilman Hogue made the motion to select the firm of Davidson Troilo Ream and Garza with a start date of no
later than 1 October 2018 and to have the City Manager write up a contract for legal services.For: Councilwoman
Schultes, Councilman Byrd, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Russell and Councilman Hogue; Against: None;
Abstained: Councilman Garret and Councilman Hicks. Motion carried 5 to 0 to 2.
7. Citizens to be Heard
This is the only time during the Council Meeting that a citizen can address the City Council. It is the opportunity
for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to
speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. City Council may not debate any non-
agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time, however, City Council may
present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion — JC-0169) (Limit of
three minutes each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any individual member
thereof. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks while addressing the Council may be
requested to leave the meeting.
The following citizens spoke at Citizens to be Heard:
Tony Catalano representing the Chamber give a brief report on Chamber Events. Judy Parker expressed her
displeasure with city departments on their poor customer service. She stated that no one will return phone calls
and these are individuals in mid and upper management positions. Ms. Parker give a couple examples of poor
customer service. Kevin Ramer stated that he had watched the last Council Meeting from home and was very
disappointed in the City Councils behavior. Melvin Hicks spoke on the Friday Night Lights Program and wanted
the city to support the program next year.
8. Public Hearing
A. The City of Cibolo City Council will conduct a public hearing to hear public testimony concerning the
proposed tax rate for 2018.
The Public Hearing was briefed by Ms. Miranda the Finance Director. Mayor Boyle opened the public
hearing at 7:09pm. No one wish to speak and Mayor Boyle closed the public hearing at 7:09pm.
B. The City of Cibolo City Council will hold a public hearing to hear public testimony regarding a Conditional
Use Permit(CUP)for an Indoor Sports and Recreation use located at 508 Gulf Street, Suite 108.
City Planner Ms. Gonzalez briefed council on this CUP. Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:11pm. As no
one wish to speak the public hearing was closed by Mayor Boyle at 7:11pm.
9. Presentation
A. Presentation of a Five Year Service Award to Jeremy Trimm.
Mr. Trimm was not available for this presentation.
B. Presentation of the Employee of the Quarter for April-June 2018 to Ms. Garcia.
Mr.Herrera presented Ms. Garcia with the Quarter Award for April-June 2018.
C. Presentation for volunteer service to the Cibolo Youth Alliance 2018.
Mayor Boyle thanked Mr. Craighead, Ms. Pollok and Mr. Midlick for the outstanding service to the Cibolo
Youth Alliance. Mr. Gonzalez was not present to receive his Certificate of Appreciation but certificate was
given to Mr.Herrera for a future presentation.
10. Consent Agenda—Consent Items(General Items)
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by
one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which
case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered as part of the order of business.)
A. Approval of the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on August 14,2018.
B. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on August 14,2018.
C. Approval of the minutes of the Budget Workshop held on August 15,2018.
D. Approval of the minutes of the Budget Workshop held on August 16, 2018.
Councilman Gibbs made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hicks.
For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
11. Staff Updates/Discussion
A. Street Depal lucent
B. Administration
As presented in Council Packet.
12. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on the removal, appointments and re-appointments to Planning and Zoning Commission,
Board of Adjustments Commission, Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Charter Review Committee,
Master Plan Committee, Youth Council and Cibolo Economic Development Corporation, Animal Advisory
Board and all other Committees, Commissions and Boards.
Council convened into closed session on this item at 7:40pm.
Council reconvened into open session at 8:39pm. Councilman Garrett made the motion to appoint Ms. Cindy
Spencer to the Planning & Zoning Commission as District 2 representative. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Byrd. For: Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Hogue, Councilman Russell, Councilman
Gibbs, Councilman Byrd and Councilman Garrett; Against: None; Abstain: Councilman Hicks. Motion
carried 6 to 0 to 1.
B. Discussion/Action to authorize the City Manager to execute KFW Engineering Task Order 18-04, in the
amount of Four Hundred Seventy Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty Dollars and Zero Cents
($477,930.00)to provide the engineering services needed to construct the FM 78 East Sanitary Sewer Project.
Councilman Hogue made the motion to approve to authorize the City Manager to execute KFW Engineering
Task Order 18-04, in the amount of Four Hundred Seventy Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty Dollars
and Zero Cents ($477,930.00) to provide the engineering services needed to construct the FM 78 East
Sanitary Sewer Project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gibbs. For: All; Against: None. Motion
carried 7 to 0.
C. Discussion and direction to staff on the proposed voluntary and involuntary annexations of approximately
1,353 acres within the City of Cibolo's current Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction, relatively located north of FM
78 and east of FM 1103.
Council directed staff to continue to focus on the City's ETJ found within Area 1 of the map that was
provided to council as a priority, with the remaining areas to follow. Council also directed staff to pursue
non-annexation agreements with owners of property east of Heights of Cibolo and Saddle Creek Ranch
Subdivisions. Also pursue annexation of properties (without agricultural exemptions) within .5 miles of FM
1103,Tolle Road.
D. Discussion and direction to staff on the upcoming expiring Non-Annexation Agreements of approximately
2,348 acres,relatively located along Lower Seguin Road and IH-10.
Council gave direction to start the process and send out letters. Council also wanted to make sure we have an
Open House so those that may be involved in the annexations have an opportunity to ask questions.
E. Discussion and direction to staff on a maximum occupancy standard of non-related adults within a single-
family dwelling unit 'pit pad'.
Council directed staff to continue to collect data from other cities. Will schedule a Workshop at a later date
to cover this issue.
F. Discussion and direction to staff on an amendment to Section 74-187 of the Code of Ordinances to add FM
1103 from FM 78 to the Cibolo/Schertz City limit (Old Wiederstein Rd.) to the list of Specific No parking
This item was briefed by Ms. Gonzalez. Council requested the item be brought back to the next council
G. Discussion and direction to staff on an ordinance controlling through commercial truck traffic for trucks
driving or operating on city streets,roadways or highways in the corporate city limits.
This item was discussed and council request it be brought back to the next agenda.
H. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and
scheduling the time, date, and place of additional special meetings or workshops.
Council went over the calendars for August and September 2018.
13. Ordinance
A. Approval/Disapproval of an Ordinance of the City of Cibolo authorizing the issuance of a Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) to allow an Indoor Sport and Recreation Use to operate at 508 Gulf Street, Suite No. 108,
Cibolo,Texas and providing an effective date.
Councilman Garrett made the motion to approve the Ordinance of the City of Cibolo authorizing the issuance
of a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)to allow an Indoor Sport and Recreation Use to operate at 508 Gulf Street,
Suite No. 108, Cibolo, Texas and providing an effective date. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks.
For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
14. Adjournment
Councilwoman Schultes made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Gibbs. For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
tosh Bo , e -
Mayor -
Peggy Cimics, TRMC ,
City Secretary - •