Min CC 04/25/2018 - Workshop OF Ci9 `O •EC y ..) T %A5 "City of Choice" CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FIRE STATION#2 3864 Cibolo Valley Dr., Cibolo, TX 78108 April 25,2018 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Mayor Boyle called the Workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call — Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Garrett, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Russell, and Councilman Hicks; Council Absent: Councilman Byrd and Councilman Russell; Staff Present: City Manager Herrera, City Secretary Cimics, Asst. City Secretary Valdez, Finance Director Ms. Miranda, Police Chief Hugghins, Fire Chief Niemietz, Engineering & Planning Director Mr. Klein, ED Director Mr. Luft, IT Director Mr. McDaniel, Public Works Director Mr. Fousse, City Planner Ms. Gonzalez, Public Affairs Ms. Pollok, and Admin.Assistant Ms.Rogers. 3. Welcome/Opening Comments—Mr. Herrera welcomed everyone to the Fire Station and stated that we had a lot to cover and if we don't finish we will schedule another Workshop later in May. 4. Receive an Overview of Planned Public Improvements being made by the City South of FM 78. —Mr. Klein and Mr. Fousse went over CIP Project south of FM 78 to include: FM 78 Sewer Main Project, FM 78 Water Main Project second phase, Water Plant #3, Cibolo YMCA Community Center, 12" & 16" Water Main Project, Sanitary Sewer System, Town Creek Drainage Project and Haeckerville Road reconstruction. 5. Discuss the possibility of placing a Bond Election item on the November 2018 Ballot. A. Relieve overcrowding/lack of office space at City Hall and the City's Public Works Complex. —Mr. Herrera went over the overcrowding at City Hall and remodeling the Old School House as a City Hall Annex Building. Mr. Fousse went over adding an addition on to the existing Public Works Building to add more space for the growing number of employees. A shower facility would be built as at the present time employees have to be sent home to shower and change. B. Improve Police and Fire Radio Network Coverage — Both Chief Niemietz and Chief Hugghins briefed the need to improve radio coverage. This project is to expand the coverage area of the Randolph Metro Emergency Communication System to provide for extended coverage for portable radios within the service area as well as improve in-building coverage for first responders as required by the 2012 International Fire Code. C. Bond measure to allow funding for possible road improvements to Tolle Road—City Council has indicated a desire to address the road condition of Tolle Road from Weil Road to Country Lane. The advance payment of traffic and drainage fees of 1.2 million will help pay for some of this work. The bond will allow the City to issue 1.2 million dollars in general obligation bonds to complete the funding needed for this proposal. D. Funding for improvements to Tolle Park and a joint effort with YMCA to construct a Miracle Ball Field—In May 2017 the City accepted the donation of 54.6 acres of land from the Tolle estate. Staff believes that the 1 development of this park will be helpful in obtaining the goal of launching a linear hike and bike trail park system. The City will work in partnership with the YMCA to construct a Miracle Ball Field. The City Manager stated that the citizens would be able to vote on three separate proposition. The first proposition would cover City Hall/Public Works Building and Communications (radios). The second proposition would be drainage—the Tolle Road Project. The last proposition would be quality of Life Issues —Tolle Regional/Community Park and Miracle Ball Field Complex. 6. Discuss Street Maintenance Tax — This item was briefed by Finance Director Ms. Miranda. The streets maintenance sales tax is paid by a consumer on taxable sales from local businesses and on certain online purchases when the business has a location in Texas. It is a portion of the 8.25% tax paid on all taxable sales. If the sales tax for streets maintenance is not reauthorized by the voters, the general fund of the City would be burdened with the additional cost of streets maintenance, which may impact the City M&O tax rate by approximately 2-cents. Additional, any sales tax savings for the consumer may be lost if the County has an election to authorize the collection of this 0.25% for other purposes. Since the last reauthorization in November 2014 the City has utilized these funds for: Maintenance of Town Creek Road at Schlather Park, Replacement of the Cibolo Creek Low Water Crossing at Lower Seguin Road, Pavement repairs along Cibolo Valley Drive, Asphalt "Mill and Overlay" of Deer Creek Blvd., from Oak Creek Drive east to Cordero Drive, Restriping of Cibolo Valley Drive and the purchase of a specialized asphalt truck. 7. Discuss proposed Wiederstein Road improvements — Council was shown a rough draft of what a four lane road from IH 35 to the existing Cibolo Valley Drive would look like. The City has been in discussion with Schertz. Possibility that a 380 Agreement could be utilized for this road. Construction could possible begin late 2018. Talks between cities and developer on IH-35 and Wiederstein continues. 8. Discuss and compare Single Member Districts to At-Large Council Seats — Councilman Hicks stated that he wanted to discuss this item as several members of the City had approached him on this subject. Several of the councilmembers felt that districts had only been in play for approximately three/four years. It was placed on the ballot by a petition of the citizens. Consistence of the council felt it was too early to make changes at this time. 9. Discuss the City's current Code of Conduct and Ethics Ordinance—This item was discussed due to time. 10. Adjournment—Councilman Hicks made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Schultes. For:All; Against:None. Motion carried 5 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY 2018 Stosh Bo .F- Mayor ATTEST Peggy Cimics, TRMC City Secretary 2