Min CC 01/12/2018 - Council Staff Retreat SII
T e X A s
"City of Choice"
City Council/Executive Staff Workshop/Retreat
GVEC Facility
927 N. Highway 46, Seguin, Texas 78155
Friday, January 12, 2018 - 9:00 a.m.
1. Call to order—Mayor Boyle called the Workshop to order at 9:02 am.
2. Roll Call—Council Present: Mayor Boyle, Council Members: Schultes, Garrett,
Byrd, Gibbs, Russell, Hogue and Hicks. Staff Present: CM Herrera, City Sec.
Cimics, Ms. Miranda, Mr. McDaniel, Mr. Fousse, Mr. Klein, Chief Niemietz, Interim
Chief Hugghins and Ms. Rogers.
3. Opening comments. Mayor Boyle thanked everyone for being at the Workshop. He
stated he was glad to be here. City Manager Mr. Herrera gave a brief summary of
what we would be covering in this workshop.
4. Receive an update from the City Manager on prior goals and objectives established
by City Council.
Mr. Herrera went over the goals for the City to pursue in 2018. The goals are
established in three priority tiers to outline the importance of the goals.
Tier One goals include: 1. Working with TxDOT as they make improvements to FM
1103 from IH 35 through Rodeo Way. 2. Partner with the City of Schertz to jointly
improve the road maintenance of Wiederstein Road from Cibolo Valley Drive to IH
35. 3. Address manpower levels and equipment needs within all operating City
departments to grow with the city timely. 4. Work on addressing efforts to resolve
flooding of city streets.
Tier Two goals include: 1. Continue to support and pursue an industrial business park
along IH 10 corridor with Guadalupe Electric Dev. Corp. 2. Work towards bringing
water and wastewater utilities south of SH 78 with the City's CCN areas. 3. Continue
to partner with CCMA and the City of Schertz as they work to build a regional
wastewater treatment facility. 4. Work with the Cibolo Turnpike Company to define
an appropriate route for the extension and construction of Cibolo Parkway from Weil
Road to IH-10. 5. Continue to play a key role within the Cibolo Valley Local
Government Corporation to obtain potable and non-portable water.
Tier Three goals include: 1. Identify and increase use of social media and technology
advances to better communicate with residents and business within Cibolo. 2. Open
additional office space to relieve overcrowding at City Hall.
5. Discuss City's water supply and ability to meet future needs.
Mr. Fousse the Public Works Director went over the total water connections showing
the TCEQ required reserves, available water under contract, available water reserves
and projected consumption.
6. Discuss Fire Station#3 manpower needs assessment.
Fire Chief Niemietz briefed the council on the Fire Departments effects of growth and
customer demands as well as transitioning from a small town volunteer fire
department to a larger, more complex organization. As the City continues to grow,the
fire department will need to address its future manpower needs while adding
additional rank structure. The Cibolo Fire Department currently operates out of two
fire stations with a voter approved bond issue to construct a third fire station. Fire
Station 3 is proposed to be constructed in 2019/2020 and will require additional
firefighters. Chief Niemietz presented a four year plan to incorporate additional
personnel and rank structure that will be a key component to meet the City's fire
departments growth.
7. Wiederstein Road and Cibolo Crossing development update.
Wiederstein Road is located 100%with the City of Schertz. It is the major entrance
into the cities of both Cibolo and Schertz. It is currently a two-lane asphalt road with
no traffic signal lights along the road. Council and staff talked about the desire to see
the road upgraded to a five-lane road. Cibolo has requested in the past to share the
cost with the City of Schertz. Cibolo also requested the road be turned over to
Cibolo,with Cibolo being responsible for repairs. Fasken Oil who has purchased the
property at IH 35 and Wiederstein Road is willing to reconstruct and widen the road
from two to five lanes through new intersection of Ripps Kreusler Road extension
and then to three lanes through Old Wiederstein/Cibolo Valley Drive. Fasken Oil
would like to receive some level of funding or credit for building the road
improvements. Cibolo will continue'to work with Schertz to come to some type of
agreement to improve this road. Both Cibolo and Schertz will need to work with
TxDOT to request a traffic signal light to be installed at IH-35.
8. Receive a report from staff concerning legal conflicts with Green Valley SUI) and
discuss appropriate action by the Cibolo City Council.
Council received a report from Mr. Herrera on the legal issues with Green Valley
SUD. Councilman Gibbs stated that maybe a small group meet with only board
members and see if they could negotiate on the legal issues that are still pending with
Green Valley SUD.
9. Recess for lunch- Council and Staff recess for one hour for lunch—time 11:50am
Council and Staff reconvened into the Workshop at 12:55 pm.
10. Discuss testing the market and issuing a request for qualifications for City Attorney.
Council decided that Mayor Boyle, Councilman Byrd, Mr. Herrera, and Mr. Denton
and Mr. Zech from Denton,Navarro, Bernal, Rocha and Zech meet and discuss City
Attorney Services. Councilman Garrett left at 2:36 pm to pick up his sick daughter
from school.
11. Discuss creating, revisiting and retooling of certain City advisory commissions.
a. Discuss and consider the status of the Communication and Technology
Advisory Committee.
Council discuss this item and decided that this committee will terminate as the
intent was not to have it go for more than one year. The committee did
identify several items that will increase communications (a Public
Engagement Person,marquee sign, and updated website). Councilman Byrd
stated that he felt the deliverables were projects or items that the staff had
been working on for some time. He also stated that in August he had met with
the Chairman of the committee and two other active members who stated that
they had met with Mayor Carpenter of Schertz to discuss the Cibolo Parkway
Project and communication problems the city was having with that project.
Councilman Byrd did not feel that this was appropriate behavior for members
of this committee. The City Secretary will send a certificate to each member
for their service on the committee.
b. Youth Council -Provide new and energetic leadership.
Council discussed bringing this council back with some new leadership and
new guidelines. The City Secretary will bring a new resolution to council in
February for council approval.
c. Formation of Youth Sports league. Work with YMCA/other youth
organizations and provide summer night's program.
This item was discussed by the YMCA prior to lunch break. The YMCA
briefed on the 2018 Sport Offerings for Cibolo to include flag football, soccer,
baseball, softball,t-ball, miracle league and flag football for adults. Additional
Programs were also mentioned such as social media, clinics,movies in the
park,teen night just to name a few.
d. Streets and Drainage -Focus on street signs, drainage and street projects,
focus on safety on roadways with emphasis at school areas.
This committee was discussed and agreed that they saw no reason to start it up
again as the CIP Committee and others serve the same purpose.
e. Formation of Downtown Heritage Commission. Focus on downtown
revitalization and capture the history of our town. Also develop a log or
capture the present to pass it along for future generations.
This was discussed and seem to be a committee the council might want to
discuss further. The City Secretary stated that at one time they did have a
resolution establishing a committee that was to oversee and collect
information regarding the historic areas of the City. Council would like to see
a committee formed and will discuss further at a later date.
12. Economic development discussion.
a. EDC-UP parking lot, medical, institutes of higher learning,top 20,typical
business recruitment, speak to realtors and residents. Update on metrics.
Mark Luft the EDC Director went over the Union Pacific Railroad parking lot
and what staff has been doing to try and complete the project. He also
discussed business retention and medical groups and colleges he is
encouraging to look at Cibolo for possible new locations.
b. Hotel prospects—Mr. Luft Stated he had a few prospects for hotels to be
located near the Cibolo Ballfields.
13. Adjournment.—Councilwoman Schultes made the motion to adjourn the meeting at
4:18pm. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against: None.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
Stosh Bo -'
Mayor — ;
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Peggy Cimics, TRMC
City Secretary