Min CC 07/15/2017 - Workshop vzo
ex PS
'Cin./of Choice'
City Council Workshop
200 S. MAIN
July 15,2017
1. Call to Order City Council Workshop-Workshop was called to order by Mayor Dunn at 9:03 am.
2. Roll Call — Council Present: Mayor Dunn, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Garrett, Councilman Byrd,
Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Russell, Councilman Hogue and Councilman Weber; Staff Present: Director of
Planning & Engineering Mr. Klein, City Attorney Mr. Erkan (left at 10:30am), City Secretary Ms. Cimics, EDC
Director Mr. Luft(left at 10:30am),It Director Mr.McDaniel and Assistant City Secretary Ms. Valdez.
Mr. Russell gave the Invocation and all in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Citizens to be Heard
This is the only time during the Council Workshop that a citizen can address the City Council. It is the
opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors
wishing to speak must fill out the Sign-In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. City Council may not debate
any non-agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time, however, City Council
may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens.
Mayor Dunn explained that he would be doing Citizens to be Heard after each discussion item has been
completed by staff.
4. Discussion
A. Discussion on the City of Cibolo Alcohol Ordinance and direction to staff on a possible Special Election in
November 2017.
City Secretary Cimics gave a history of the Alcohol Ordinance.Mr.Klein gave a briefing on how we measure
the distance from a church or school. Attorney Erkan gave a power point presentation on the consideration of
adoption of alcohol beverage sales distance requirement variance process.The council discussed the item and
staff answered several questions that council had on the Alcohol Ordinance.Mayor Dunn opened Citizens to
be Heard for those that had signed up for the Alcohol Ordinance.
The Following individuals spoke on this subject: Joshua Hatfield a member of the EDC Board spoke to
council and requested they consider a variance process to the ordinance and that they add daycare facilities to
the present ordinance. Paul Buell a Board Member of the EDC also spoke to council requesting they send to
the voters consider authorizing the City Council to make variances following a variance procedure. Christi
Ellard did not feel the ordinance needed to be changed at this time. Jamie Mathis a Cibolo business owner
was in favor of sending to the voters a variance procedure. Joel Hicks stated there was nothing wrong with
the current ordinance we have not had complaints and we should leave it as is.
The Mayor and City Council answered the questions of the citizens that had spoken during this item.
B. Receive a presentation, discuss and consider potential road alignments for the Cibolo Parkway Project from
approximately Weil Road to IH 10 within the city limits of Cibolo,Texas.
Scott Young from Public Werks gave a short over view of the Cibolo Parkway Project and discussed a
possible second route using Tolle Road.
The following individuals signed up to speak on this Project.
Emily Stuebben—Ms. Stuebben stated she was here today on behalf of her entire family. This route on Tolle
Road would consume their entire Storage Business and home. She was not in favor of this route. Melissa
Tovar stated that the City should be in contact with landowners that may be effective due to this project.
Many of the individuals that would be directly effective knew nothing about this project or that the City was
looking a possible route effecting their property. Ms. Tovar opposed the project and stated that the council
should listen to public input.Ashley Zimmerman opposed the toll road. She stated that the map that was
present today had 24 landowners that were not in the City,44 landowner's left off the map and 5 landowners
that this route would consume their homes.Ms.Zimmerman stated that the City should require an EIS. She
also did not understand why the City would sign a contract without knowing the route. Ms. Zimmerman
stated she had started a Facebook survey on the Toll Road Project and so far the citizens seem to be against
this project.Ms. Zimmerman did say this is a new survey just started but was willing to give results to the
City as request by a councilmember. Kathryn Eddy stated that she understood that many things happen
during construction project. She just wanted the citizens to be given more information. Kris Tate thought
that this item should be brought to a vote of the Cibolo citizens.Ms.Tate felt for the City to use imminent
domain then turn it over to for Profit Company is misuse of power. Katie Cunningham stated that the map
being presented by the Texas Toll Road Project is at least 7 to 8 years old. She wanted to know if a second
route was being presented why the original route was not available when asked for,Ms. Cunningham stated
that the route should have been done before any contract was signed by the City. She also felt that the citizens
are not being given all the information on this project. Jim Raby stated that the route using Tolle Rood would
destroy his property. This route splits many properties. He was concerned with landowners having access to
the road. Sonja Williams was under the understanding that the contract would not be signed until the
feasibility study was completed. She wanted to know if the feasibility study came back as not being feasible
would the City be able to get of the contract.Amy Palmer stated that citizens are not getting information.
This project should be voted on by the citizens of Cibolo.Individual effected by this project are not being
informed by their Councilmembers. Steve Luman opposed to the Toll Road Project. Landowners not being
talk to. If you try to take my property you will have a fight on your hands.
The Mayor, City Council,and Mr. Scott Young answered the questions that citizens brought up during this
agenda item.
5. Adjournment of Workshop
Councilman Weber made the motion to adjourn this meeting at 1:06 pm. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Byrd.For: All;Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0.
Allen Dunn _
Peggy Cimics,TRMC
City Secretary