Min CC 05/15/2017 - Projects Tour of C/6 rz0 . e , Tex P5 "City of Choice" CITY COUNCIL CITY PROJECTS TOUR BEGINS AT: CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S.MAIN May 15,2017 5:30 P.M. Minutes 1. Roll Call — Council Present: Mayor Dunn, Councilwoman Schultes, Councilman Garrett, Councilman Byrd, Councilman Gibbs, Councilman Russell and Councilman Hogue; Council Absent: Councilman Weber; Staff Present: City Manager Mr. Herrera, City Secretary Cimics, IT Director McDaniel, Public Works Director Fousse, Fire Chief Niemietz, Planning & Engineering Director Mr. Klein, ED Director Luft, Bus. Dev. Coordinator Ms. McVey and Admin.Asst.Ms.Rogers. 2. Cibolo Youth Sports Complex—First stop on the tour was the Cibolo Youth Sports Complex located at 338 S. Main Street. Work started on January 9, 2017 and substantial completion is scheduled by July 31, 2017. Fields are scheduled to be ready for play on September 16,2017. 3. 1.25 million gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank—This is a composite tank with the pedestal being concrete and the tank being welded steel. Construction is 95% complete. Project is scheduled to be completed by late May 2017. Council had the opportunity to go inside the tank on this stop. 4. Town Creek Drainage Project — Council did not walk the site of this project. Mr. Fousse briefed the item as Council was in the van. The project includes a large drainage channel, 500' + long bridge over Town Creek and a complete replacement of Haeckerville Road from FM 78 south past Town Creek. New roadway will include two 12' wide lanes, 5' wide bike lanes on both sides, and 6' wide sidewalks on both sides. Land acquisition efforts are underway. Project is scheduled to bid in July/August 2017. 5. Cibolo Community Center — Council was given an update on this project by Mr. Fousse. Project design is expected to be completed within the next 60 to 90 days with substantial completion is expected by October 2018. 6. Fire Station # 1 Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project — Chief Niemietz briefed council on this project. Council was able to walk through the facility to see exactly is being accomplished. Construction started on October 17, 2017. Total construction costs are $1,250,000. City expects the project to be completed by July 2017. 7. Old Town Cibolo Main Street Sidewalk Project — This project was briefed to council by the Planning & Engineering Director Mr. Rudy Klein. The project was designed by Klein and Cope Engineering. Construction started in April 2017. Total construction costs are $85,000 with Cibolo EDC contributing $50,000 towards the construction cost. Project is scheduled for completion in June 2017. 8. FM 1103 Cibolo Valley Drive/North Main Street Intersection Reconstruction Project—Council pulled their van over to the CVS parking lot to be briefed on this project due to the amount of traffic in the area. Mr. Klein briefed council on the project. Project is currently scheduled to be advertised for bids by late May/early June and bids will be opened June 26th. 9. Borgfeld Road Reconstruction and Utility Project — The last project on this tour was the Borgfeld Road Reconstruction and Utility Project. Council was able to walk around the site to see the work that is being done. Mr.Fousse briefed the project and stated that project is expected to be completed by December 2017. 1 10. Return to City Hall—Council returned to City Hall at 7:45pm. 11. Adjournment—Mayor Dunn adjourned the tour at 7:45pm. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 23'DAY OF MAY 2017. Allen Dunn Mayor .1z7- ATTEST ;fATTEST ,61 A' Irl,. vj Peggy Cimics,TRMC 'y City Secretary 2