RES 1573 01/08/2019 ,ilk'_o sa ° • '"'Mnmmmn TEXAS "City of Choice" RESOLUTION NO: %.573 A RESOLUTION BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, ENTERING INTO A FUNDING PARTNERSHIP WITH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (TxDOT) TO CONTINUE EXPANSION OF FM 1103 FROM THE END OF THE CURRENT TxDOT PROJECT AT RODEO WAY TO THE EASTERN TERMINUS OF THE CITY'S IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF FM 1103/MAIN STREET; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, The City of Cibolo is agreeable to pursue a funding partnership between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the City of Cibolo to continue the expansion of FM 1103; and WHEREAS, the scope of the partnership would result in the expansion from 2 lanes to 4 lanes with center left turn lane, sidewalks, and bike lanes. The scope would also include channel drainage improvements associated with FM 1103 near Buffalo Crossing which will be funded and addressed by the City; and WHEREAS, the partnership involves pursuing federal funds for the roadway construction portion of the project through the Metropolitan Planning Organization in their next STP-MM call for projects; and WHEREAS, TxDOT and the City of Cibolo would each commit to an equal match on the $13.4 Million construction costs for the project; and WHEREAS,the City of Cibolo's overmatch funding would be needed in 2020/2021; and WHEREAS, below is a summary of each of the potential costs targeted commitments needed from each agency; and 1 Project Cost Item Agency Targeted Commitment Cost $7.6 Million(MPO) TxDOT/Cibolo Pursue .1. $1.9 Million(TxDOT-Required Match) Roadway Construction STP-MM(MPO)Funds $1.9 Million(Cibolo-Overmatch) $11.4 Million Drainage Construction City of Cibolo $2.0 Million Engineering TxDOT $2.6 Million Right of Way Costs TxDOT—90%/Cibolo— 10% To Be Determined Reimbursable Utility TxDOT—90%/Cibolo— 10% To Be Determined Relocations City of Cibolo Owned City of Cibolo To Be Determined Utilities WHEREAS, the Cibolo City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to continue to negotiate a Funding Partnership Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation and to return to the Cibolo City Council with a final document. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS HAS PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS RESOLUTION on this "' day of January,2019. Stosh Boyle, ,, r • / - Attest: I Peggy Cimics, City Secretary 2