ORD 236 05/19/1977 •
SECTION 1 -1 . Created; composition; appointment of members.
There is hereby created a City Park and Recreation Com-
mission to be composed of seven (7) members appointed
by the City Council.
SECTION 1 -2 . Qualifications and terms of members .
The members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall
be resident citizens (unless this qualification is waived by a
majority vote of the City Council) , taxpayers and qualified voters
and shall be appointed to serve for terms varying from one (1)
to two (2) years respectively: two (2) years for four (4) members
and one (1) year for three (3) members. The initial term of office
shall begin on May first of the year of appointment, except for the
filling/of vacanies and unexpired terms. All vacanies occurring
shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the Council
and such appointments shall be for a two(2) year term. Members shall
be limited to appointment for not more than two(2) complete suc-
cessive terms.
SECTION 1 -3. Members to serve without compensation.
Members of the parks and recreation commission shall serve without
SECTION 1 -4. Organization; meetings.
The members of the parks and recreation commission shah organize
and select their officers and shall hold meetings regularly at
least once in each month and shall designate the time and place
of such meeting.
SECTION 1 -5. Quorum.
A majority of the parks and recreation commission shall constitute
a quorum for the transaction of business .
SECTION 1 -6. Rules and procedure; record of proceedings.
The parks and recreation commission shall adopt its own rules and
procedure and keep a record of its proceedings.
SECTION 1 -7. Attendance.
Members must attend at least fifty(50) per cent of all regular and
special meetings during each six (6) months of their tenure re-
gardless of cause and regardless of excuse. The six (6) month
period shall be from January 1 through June 30, and from July 1
through December 31 of each year. Failure to comply with attendance
requirements whether excused or not will be considered as resigna-
tion from the board. In the event of such termination, the chair-
person of the board shall immediately notify the city commission
who shall then take immediate steps to fill such vacancy.
SECTION 1 -8. General powers and duties.
The parks and recreation commission shall have power EDL. be
required to:
(1) Act in an advisory capacity in all matters pertaining to
public parks and recreation.
(2) Consider the annual budget of the parks and recreation program
and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City
Manager and City Council.
(3) Assist in the planning of parks and recreation programs, pro-
mote and stimulate public interest therein and, to that end,
solicit to. the fullest possible extent the cooperation of the
school authorities and other public and private agencies.
(4) Act on special request for special use of any of the public
parks or playground facilities.
(5) It shall be the duty of the parks and recreation advisory board
to supervise and administer the park and the playgrounds under
the supervision and direction, and subject to the approval
of the City Counci.
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SECTION 1 -9 Expenditures and obligations .
Whenever it is deemed necessary by the parks and recreation
commission to incur any expenses in performing the duties
assigned to it, an estimate of such proposed expenses shall
be submitted to the City Manager, and no debts of any kind or
character shall be made or incurred by the commission or any-
one acting for it unless such expenditures have been specifically
authorized by the City Manager prior to the time such obligations
are incurred.
SECTION 2-1 . Loitering in or about park rest rooms .
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to linger or loiter
in or about a public rest room in a public park without
being able to give a satisfactory explanation of his
(b) For purposes of this section, any person found lingering
or loitering within a distance of one hundred(100')feet
of a public rest room in a public park shall be prima facie
presumed to be loitering "about" the public rest rooms .
SECTION 2-2 Hunting in parks prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any wild birds,
animals or game with firearms, dogs, bow and arrow or other-
wise in any park within the City.
SECTION 2-3 Driving vehicles or riding animals in the park.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or cause to
be driven any vehicle or conveyance of any kind, over,
across, or along the grounds of a City Park other than along
and on the roadways and parking lots provided in such parks.
(b) It shall be unlawful at any time to enter into or upon any
closed or fenced area in said park without the permission of
the City of Cibolo or its duly authorized agent or representa-
SECTION 2-4 Damaging,:oremoving, etc ., park property.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cut, pull, break, bruise,
remove or in any manner injure any tree, shrub or vegetation of
any kind growing in any City Park or to injure, deface or in
any way interfere with any chair, bench, seat or hydrant, frame,
fence, gate, or structure of any kind therein or thereon or
connected therewith. It shall be unlawful for any person to mar,
paint, scratch, or deface any surface on City Park property. This
section shall not apply to anything done by the lawful employees
of the City in the lawful performance of their duties or under
their authority or direction.
SECTION 2-5 Bathing or Swimming.
It shall be unlawful for any person to bathe, swim or wade in
Cibolo Creek.
SECTION 2-6 Carrying or discharging firearms .
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or discharge any
firearms within the City Park.
SECTION 2-7 Curfew Established.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this section for any
person to enter into or upon the Cibolo City Park between the hours
of 10:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M., provided, however, that the provisions
of the section do not apply while any person is attending an
authorized and scheduled event as such location by the City of
Cibolo or its duly constituted agents, representatives, or licensees
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SECTION 2-8 Alcoholic Beverages .
No beer or other alcoholic beverages will be carried into
the ball park, dugouts as pertaining to posted signs. Alcoholic
beverages may be carried into the picnic areas, recreation
SECTION 2-9 All baseball or softball tournments must be approved by the
City Park and Recreation Commission.
SECTION 2-10 Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall
upon conviction thereof be fined not less than one dollar($1 .)00)
nor more than two hundred dollars($200.00) .
JOHN :�S u" i.OR
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Cit •f Cibolo
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City of Cibolo I