ORD 223 01/15/1975 f lik ORDINANCE 22. 3 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE MULT-AGENCY CRIME PREVENTION PROJECT SPONSORED BY ALAMO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. WHEREAS, the Alamo Area Council of Governments has proposed sponsorship of a Multi- Agency Crime Prevention Program to be funded by the Texas Criminal Justice Council ; and WHEREAS, the Crime Prevention Program will consist of the following: 1 . The Alamo Area Council of Governments will hire, at its own expense, a full-time Crime Prevention Specialist to be made available to consult . with participating agencies. 2. The Alamo Area Council of Governments will . at its own expense, furnish to each agency a portable Crime Prevention Display which includes locks, alarms, locking devices, door and window construction techniques, special ; films for public showing and publication and reference materials for distribution to merchants . 3. The Alamo Area Council of Governments will , at its own expense, provide for local printing of security checklists, survey lists, brochures, leaflets, etc. , such materials to be provided to each agency; and WHEREAS, the need for concentrated effort in the area of crime prevention in this area is recognized; C I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of _,i _oLO Texas; THAT the City of CAOLL hereby agrees to participate in the Multi-Agency Crime Prevention Project sponsored by the Alamo Area Council of Governments. THAT the Chief of Police of the City of QtcLi , Texas, is authorized to assign an officer to work part-time with the Alamo Area Council of Governments Crime Prevention S c al 'st to carry out the program in the territorial boundaries of the City of �j� a ' THAT the City of QA tto hereby agrees to consider the adoption of security building codes during the second year of this project. / .5 PASSED, approved, and adopted this day ofIT\Oult, --1\ , 1975. Attest: