ORD 214 02/06/1975 •
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The City of Cibolo, Texas hereby offers a reward of TWO HUNDRED
AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) to anyone who secures and furnishes in-
formation necessary to and which results in arrest and conviction
of any person or persons who commit the crime of arson within the
corporate limits of said City of Cibolo, Texas . This reward is a
standing offer, and shall be paid out of the fund
of the City of Cibolo, Texas .
WHEREAS, an emergency is apparent for the immediate preservation
of order, good government and public safety that requires this
ordinance to become effective at once; therefore, upon the passage
of this ordinance by a vote of at least sax members offthb Council,
it shall be effective from and after the date of its passage as made
and provided by the Charter of the City of Cibolo .
PASSED AND APPROVED this (D1-1} day of February, 1975
F. S. Schlather Mayor
Li da -N -Ling 4/2 y$ecretary