Min CC 01/10/2012 J Of c(O O U � O . e TeX AS -clry of clivice" City Council Meeting CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN January 10, 2012 7:00 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Mayor Hartman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call Mayor Hartman Councilman Pedde Councilman Troncoso Councilman Castro Councilwoman Hale Councilman Carlton—absent Councilman Liparoto Councilman Hicks Staff. Interim City Manager Roger Niemietz, City Attorney Charlie Zech, City Secretary Peggy Cimics, Police Chief Gary Cox, Comm. Dev. Services Robert Stricker, Finance Director Anna Marquez, Interim Public Works Director Bill Dee,City Engineer Brian Cope. 3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilman Castro. 4. Pledge of Alle 'glance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time,however, City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. The following citizens signed up to speak to council: George Twist of 3533 Green Valley Road wanted to know when the City was going to fix Green Valley Road from Dean Road to FM 1103. Ryan Travis of 3605 Storm Ridge lives in the Fair Haven Subdivision in Schertz. The Fair Haven area homes are built by Pulte and they are having numerous problems with their homes. He urged the Cibolo Council not to let Pulte start building homes in Cibolo. Robert Catalano of 2634 FM 1103 first thanked the City for their help after the fire at Hannon's BBQ. He also would like the City support in rebuilding the awning in front of the restaurant. He gave council a picture of what he would like to do. Al Gillen of 232 Anvil Place spoke to council on the web site and newsletter. Michelle Small of 136 Sleeping Trail spoke on speeding tickets given to students on school property at Steele High School. 1 James Beeman of 325 Brook Way spoke during item 8G. Felt that the city should let residents pay their water bill by using debt cards when paying on line. Joel Hicks of 203 Lamar spoke during item 8I. He felt that the sidewalk on Main needed to be finished and that he support the purchase if it was the only way to get the sidewalk completed. 6. Consent Agenda—Consent Items(General Items) A. Approval of the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on December 13,2011. B. Acceptance of the November 2011 Check Register pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2011/12 Fiscal Year. C. Acceptance of the Revenue & Expense Report ending November 30, 2011 pending final acceptance of the City's financial audit for the 2011/12 Fiscal Year. Councilman Pedde moved to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilman Troncoso. For: Councilman Hicks,Councilman Liparoto,Councilman Pedde, Councilman Troncoso, Councilman Castro, and Councilwoman Hale; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. 7. Staff Updates A. Capital Projects Schedule B. Court Department C. Fire Department D. Community Development Services Department Robert Stricker gave council an update on Community Development Services. 8. Discussion/Action A. Discussion/Action on the removal,appointments and re-appointments to Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks Commission, Streets and Drainage Commission,Board of Adjustments Commission,Capital Improvement Program(CIP) and Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. No action taken. B. Discussion/Action and authority for the Interim City Manager to execute an Easement Agreement acquiring a 15 foot permanent utility easement on property owned by Gerald and Jo Thurman and abandoning a drainage easement granted to the City in 2001 by the Thurman's. Councilman Liparoto moved to approve the Interim City Manager to execute an Easement Agreement acquiring a 15 foot permanent utility easement on property owned by Gerald and Jo Thurman and abandoning a drainage easement granted to the City in 2001 by the Thurman's. Motion was seconded by Councilman Castro. For: Councilman Pedde, Councilman Troncoso,Councilman Castro, Councilwoman Hale, Councilman Liparoto and Councilman Hicks; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. C. Discussion/Action and authority for the Interim City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding among the cities of Cibolo,Converse, Schertz and Selma and the Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation. Councilman Troncoso moved to give the authority to the Interim City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding among the cities of Cibolo,Converse, Schertz and Selma and the Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pedde.For: Councilman Pedde, Councilman 2 Troncoso, Councilman Castro, Councilwoman Hale and Councilman Liparoto; Against: Councilman Hicks. Motion carried 5 to 1. D. Discussion/Action on the Fireworks Ordinance and the Fireworks Stand/business on FM 78 and IH 10. Council discussed the Fireworks Ordinance and the Interim City Manager stated that this ordinance was being looked at by the Fire Marshall and would be brought back at a later date. E. Discussion/Action and approval/disapproval of the amendments to the exhibits of the Public Improvement Agreement for Turning Stone Subdivision. Councilman Pedde moved to approve the amendments to the exhibits of the Public Improvement Agreement for Turning Stone Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Councilman Castro. For: Councilman Pedde, Councilman Troncoso, Councilman Castro,Councilwoman Hale,Councilman Liparoto and Councilman Hicks; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. F. Discussion/Action and direction to staff on the old school building and the old police department building. Council discussed both the old Police Department Building and the Old School Building. Use of the building and repairs were discussed. Council stated that they would have a work session to discuss possible use of the buildings. Staff was directed to get quotes on the cost of repairs to the roof of the Old School Building. G. Discussion/Action and direction to staff on the Water Ordinance 913-Procedures, Charges&Rates. Numerous changes to this ordinance were discussed. Staff will bring to the next meeting a draft of this ordinance for council to look at. H. Discussion/Action on approving a Joint Election Agreement for the May 12,2012 Election. Councilman Troncoso moved to approve a Joint Election Agreement for the May 12,2012 Election. Motion was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: Councilman Pedde,Councilman Troncoso,Councilman Castro, Councilwoman Hale,Councilman Liparoto and Councilman Hicks; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. I. Discussion/Action and direction to staff on the acquisition of 0.0870 acres of land out of the property located at 701 North Main Street, Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas for the purpose of future extension of the sidewalk and road completion. Council convened into executive session to discuss this item under Texas Gov't Code Sec. 551.074. Council also moved item 9 to discuss during the same executive session. Council convened into Executive Session 8:34 P.M. Council reconvened into regular session at 9:01 P.M. Councilman Liparoto directed staff to change the posting of the City Manager to read position will remain open until filled. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pedde. For: Council Members:Pedde,Troncoso, Castro,Hale, Liparoto and Hicks;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. J. Discussion/Action on approving the purchase of approximately 0.0105 acres of land out of a larger tract owned by Victoria A. Farnsworth located at 701 North Main Street, Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas. Approving Purchase Agreement and Deed and providing authority for the interim City Manager to execute Agreement and other documents in order to fmalize purchase. Councilman Liparoto moved to approving the purchase of approximately 0.0105 acres of land out of a larger tract owned by Victoria A. Farnsworth located at 701 North Main Street, Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas. Approving Purchase Agreement and Deed and providing authority for the interim City Manager to execute 3 Agreement and other documents in order to finalize purchase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Castro. For: Councilman Pedde, Councilman Troncoso, Councilman Castro, Councilwoman Hale and Councilman Liparoto; Against: Councilman Hicks. Motion carried 5 to 1. K. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and workshops and scheduling the time,date,and place of additional special meetings or workshops. Council went over the calendars for January and February. The Street and Drainage Meeting was moved from January 23 to January 31. Council set a workshop for 6:00 P.M. on January 24 to discuss real property. 9. Executive Session The City Council will meet in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Sec. 551.074 Personnel Matters to discuss the following: A. To discuss the procedures/hiring of a City Manager. 10. Open Session Reconvene into Regular Session and take action/or give direction, if necessary, on items discussed in Executive Session. Item 9& 10 was moved to earlier in the agenda. 11. City Council requests regarding specific items or staff reports to be scheduled for future agendas. Council requested prices to fix the roof at the old school to be brought back at the next meeting. Councilman Troncoso would like to see an item on Turning Stone Parkland and the developer plans on planting trees. 12. Adjournment: Councilman Troncoso moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 P.M. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Hale. For: All; Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24TH DAY OF JANUARY 2012. ie=fer' artman Mayor ATTEST: J—yam Peggy Cimics City Secretary 4