RES 1392 11/10/2009 Y RESOLUTION#.,_ag2 WHEREAS,Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA)of 2009 and the President signed into lave on February 17th 2009, to stimulate the economy and create jobs; and, WHEREAS, ARRA included $3.2 billion in funding for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Program authorized in Title V, Subtitle E of the Energy independence and Security-Act (EISA) and signed into law on .December 19, 2007; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the EECBG program is to, l) reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, and to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities 2) to reduce the total energy use of eligible entities; and, 3) to improve the energy efficiency in the building sector, the transportation sector and ether appropriate sectors and, WHEREAS, the City is a city with limited financial resources and desires to support the development of energy efficiency programs; and, WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo accepts its allocation and may also accept additional funds that may become available at a later date;and, WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has developed or is interested in developing a EECBG project, which is :sustainable and has measurable energy savings, job creation and economic stimulus effects into the city; and; WHEREAS, THE.City of Cibolo is determined to support energy efficiency projects that leverage federal funds with other public and private resources, including coordinated efforts involving other Federal programs targeting community development; and, WHEREAS,>the City of Cibolo intends to comply with all agreed upon contractual requirements of ARRA, the EECBG program and other federal and state law:` NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOEO,GUADALUPE COUNTY,TEXAS: 1. The City of Cibolo, through the City 'Manager, pursue all EECBG funding made available through ARRA and being allocated by the State Energy Conservation Office to be used to assist in reaching the city's goals of energy efficiency. 2. The City of Cibolo continue its commitment,toward energy efficiency for the citizens of Cibolo and all of Texas. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 10th DAY OF NOVEMBER,2009. n. Te fer Hartman, Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary