RES 1568 10/23/2018 FINAL RESOLUTION NO. I SSS RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE SOUTHERN PLANT WASTEWATER SERVICES AND FUNDING AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG THE CITY OF CIBOLO,TEXAS,THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AND THE CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY PERTAINING TO THE SOUTHERN PLANT REGIONAL WASTEWATER FACILITY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND/OR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THIS FIRST AMENDMENT; AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the City Council (the Council) of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the City) has previously discussed and desired to participate in the design, acquisition, construction, and equipment of a new regional wastewater system(the Southern Plant)that will be owned,managed, maintained, operated, and potentially expanded by the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (the Authority); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas (Schertz) and the Board of Directors of the Authority also wanted to participate in the design, acquisition, construction, and equipment of the Southern Plant; and WHEREAS, the City, Schertz, and the Authority previously approved the issuance of obligations designated as "Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 (Southern Wastewater Treatment Plant Project)", dated September 1, 2014, in the principal amount of$6,950,000(the 2014 Obligations)to finance certain costs to design, acquire, construct, and equip the Southern Plant and to pay the costs of issuing the 2014 Obligations; and WHEREAS, the Authority received the proceeds of the 2014 Obligations on October 8, 2014; and WHEREAS, the City, Schertz, and the Authority previously executed a Southern Plant Wastewater Services and Funding Agreement, dated August 26, 2014 (the "2014 Funding Agreement") relating to the Southern Plant that is attached as Exhibit A hereto; and WHEREAS, the cost of constructing the Southern Plant has increased and the Authority will need to authorize the issuance of not to exceed $4,500,000 in additional contract revenue bonds to complete the Southern Plant; and WHEREAS, as such, the 2014 Funding Agreement must be amended by a First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement that is attached as Exhibit B hereto; and WHEREAS, the Authority, the City, and Schertz are authorized to enter into the 2014 Funding Agreement and the First Amendment thereto pursuant to Chapter 8166 of the Texas Special District Local Laws Code, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 30 of the Texas Water Code, and other applicable laws; 73532952.1 WHEREAS, the Council hereby finds and determines the adoption of this Resolution and the execution of the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement are in the best interests of the residents of the City;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS THAT: SECTION 1. The First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement, attached hereto in substantially final form as Exhibit B, is incorporated by reference to this Resolution for all purposes, is hereby approved by the Council. This First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement authorizes and consents to the issuance of up to $4,500,000 in additional contract revenue bands by the Authority, but only otherwise amends Section 4(b) to reflect the payment obligations of the Cities of Schertz and Cibolo concerning the 2018 Obligations, amends Exhibit B concerning the increased costs of the Southern Plant, and adds a new Exhibit D to the 2014 Funding Agreement to recognize the debt service requirements on the 2018 Obligations by the City and Schertz, and otherwise the 2014 Funding Agreement is approved, ratified, reconfirmed and readopted in all respects. SECTION 2. The Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem, the City Manager, and the City Secretary of the City are hereby authorized to execute and seal the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement. SECTION 3. The Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tem, the City Manager, and/or the City Secretary (each an Authorized Oficial) are authorized to approve any nonsubstantive changes to the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement in order that the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement may be finalized. An Authorized Official shall present the finalized version of the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement at the next Council meeting after the First Amendment to the 2014 Funding Agreement is finalized. SECTION 4. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Resolution for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings of the Council. SECTION 5. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Resolution shall be and remain controlling as to the matters resolved herein. SECTION 6. This Resolution shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. SECTION 7. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid,the remainder of this Resolution and the application of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the Council hereby declares that this Resolution would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 8. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time,place, and subject 73532952.2 -2- matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Resolution, was given, all as required by Chapter 551, as amended,Texas Government Code. SECTION 9. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after the date of its adoption, and it is so resolved. 73532952.2 -3- PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 23rd day of October, 2018. CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (CITY SEAL) II 73532952.2 -4- EXIHBIT A SOUTHERN PLANT WASTEWATER SERVICES AND FUNDING AGREEMENT 73532952.2 A-1 EXHIBIT B FIRST AMENDMENT TO SOUTHERN PLANT WASTEWATER SERVICES AND FUNDING AGREEMENT 73532952.2 B-1 Ciboio Creek Municipal Authority Items to be Changed for Re-Bid of the Project RFB-2018-003 South Regional Water Reclamation Plant Payton Construction Proposed Changes Potential Savings ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. UNIT PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT Description Total Saved GENERAL Excavation safety System.Development,design,and Implementation 1 of the excavation and support protection systems,as required by the LS 1 $ 1,500.00 This item to remain as required Occupational Safety and Health Administration,furnished-and installed, $ 1,500.00 by law. continuously monitored,complete and in place,per lump sum. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.Development,design,and implementation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan,including 2 necessary materials and coordination for compliance with storm water LS 1 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 This item to remain. regulations and ordinances,furnished and Installed,continuously monitored,complete and in place,per lump sum. Sitework.Site work preparation including grading,site clearing, $ dewatering,soil stabilization,earthwork,seeding,and sodding(except 3 for Bid Items as listed separately below).All materials and labor, LS 1 $ 179,000.00 $ 179,000.00 This item to remain. including rock rip rap and drainage Swale/diversion terrace installation are included in this Bid Item. Reinforced Concrete Pavement.A Unit Price Bid Item for asphalt/gravel furnishing Paving to be changed to 2- ishing course asphlt/ l with and Installing reinforced concrete.pavemenl,including driveways, 4 drainage culverts, excavation,surface preparation,subgrade,concrete, BY 11,750 $ 54.00 $ 634,500.00 small concrete areas near units rebar,placement,finishing,painting,and curing,with all materials and that may involve spillage. labor,per square yard. Entrance road width to be Intruder-Resistant Fence.A Unit Price Bid Item for furnishing and changed. $ (350,000.00) 5 installing V chain link intruder-resistant fence including,framework, LF 4,020 $ 47.00 Shorten fence(1,200 ft)and gates,and modifications to existing fences,with all materials and labor, $ 188,940.00 delete mow strip. per linear foot. $ (75,000.00 Delete.CCMA to acquire 6 Pipe Bollards.A Unit Price Bid Item for furnishing and installing 6"pipe concrete blocks or limestone bollards,with all materials and labor,per each item. EA 70 $ 350.00 $ 24,500.00 blocks and place as needed at either$40/block or$60/block in EQUIPMENT place. $ (24,500.00) Chemical Feed Pumps.Fumish and install three(3)aluminum sulfate 7 and two(2)sodium hypochlorite chemical feed pumps including all Work defined in RFB to supply PUMP,CHEMICAL FEED(Section 11069)with LS 1 $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00 This item to remain. piping,valves,and controls. Submersible Centrifugal Pumps(Tier 1).Furnish and Install three(3) 6 submersible centrifugal pumps and all Work defined in RFB to supply LS 1 $ 69,000.00 $ 69,000.00 This item to remain. PUMP,SUBMERSIBLE CENTRIFUGAL(Section 11075). $ Rotary Fine Screen.Furnish and install fine screen system and all Work 9 defined in RFB to supply FINE SCREEN SYSTEM,ROTARY(Section LS 1 11120),including all electrical controls,piping,,and debris collection $ 76,000.00 $ 76,000.00 This item to remain. system,complete in place,and ready for operation. TREATMENT UNITS AND MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURESISYSTEMS The following Bid Items include: Furnishing and installing reinforced concrete,including excavation, forms,concrete,rebar,placement,finishing,and curing; Furnishing and Installing structural subgrade and backfill material or foundation material as replacement for non-suitable material; Items to be Changed for Re-Bid of the Project Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority RFB-2018-003 South Regional Water Reclamation Plant Payton Construction Proposed Changes Potential Savings ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CITY. UNIT PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT Description Total Saved Furnishing and installing stone or rock riprap improvements for erosionprotection;and r Items to be Changed for Re-Bid of the Project Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority RFB-2018-003 South Regional Water Reclamation Plant Payton Construction Proposed Changes Potential Savings ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CITY. UNIT PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT Description Total Saved All items and materials not listed that are shown In corresponding RFB Drawings or identified In Technical Specifications. Packaged Treatment Units.Furnish and install treatment units(except Delete packaged for Bid Items as listed separately below)and all Work defined in RFB to P g 10 supply PACKAGE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT(Section LS 1 $ 3,200,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 hydropneumatic System and 11390)and PACKAGED HYDROPNEUMATIC SYSTEM(Section replace diffusers wth EDI 13230),complete,in place,and ready for operation. diffusers. $ 64,500.00) Yard Piping.Yard piping between units including plant drainage system Metering manhole to be manholes and all Work defined in RFB to supply PACKAGED 11 METERING MANHOLE STATION(Section 13140),pipe connections LS 1 $ 430,000.00 $ 430,000.00 adjusted relative to pipe size. between treatment units,piping for non-potable water system,and Fire water loop to be Installed potable water piping for fire water loop. aS designed. Influent Lift Station.All Work defined in RFB to supply Influent Lift 12 Station,MONORAIL AND HOIST(Section 14370).Does not include LS 1 $ 628,000.00 $ 628,000.00 Delete monorail and hoist. pumps listed in Item No.8. 13 Effluent Outfall.All Work defined in RFB,to construct Effluent Outfall, $ (104,000.00) includes outfall piping and outfall structure. LS 1 $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00 This item to remain. $ Odor Control Systems.Furnish and install two(2)odor control systems 14 and all Work defined in RFB to supply BIOLOGICAL ODOR CONTROL LS 1 SYSTEM(Section 11264),Including foul air collector piping,water supply $ 207,000.00 $ 207,000.00 This item to remain. piping,and electrical controls. This item to be modified. Administrative Building. Furnish and install administrative building Engineered metal building with 15 including all Work defined In RFB to supply PRECAST CONCRETE LS 1 $ 389,000.00 $ 389,000.00 either Butler TextureWall BUILDING(Section 13120). system or masonry veneer system.Building subgrade to be modified. $ 100,000.00) Chemical Feed System.Furnish and install chemical storage area and Building to be changed to chemical feed building including all Work deflned In RFB to supply prefabricated FRP Building. 16 PRECAST CONCRETE BUILDING(Section 13120),chemical feed LS 1 $ 348,000.00 $ 348,000.00 Chemical feed tanks and tanks,and concrete containment.This item does not include the chemical feed pumps and controls which are included in Item 7. secondary containment areas will not be modified. $ 45,000.00) Blower Building.Furnish and install blower building including all Work Building to be changed toengineered metal building with 17 defined in RFB to supply PRECAST CONCRETE BUILDING(Section LS 1 $ 850,000.00 $ 850,000.00 canopy over blower area and 13120).Blowers and air piping to be included in Item 10. either metal building for electrical or concrete block. $ (350,000.00) Electrical System.Furnish and install ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Some minor adjustments to 18 including all Work defined in RFB to supply electrical system(Division LS 1 $ 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 accommodate comments from 16). electrical subcontractor. $ (20,000.00 Instrumentation System.Furnish and Install INSTRUMENTATION Some minor adjustments to 19 COMPONENTS Including all Work defined in RFB to supply LS 1 $ 519,000.00 $ 519,000.00 accommodate comments from instrumentation system(Division 17). ALLOWANCES electrical subcontractor. $ 5,000.00 20 Signage.Allowance for additional signage not included in the Contract Documents,Technical Specifications,or Drawings. LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 No change Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Items to be Changed for Re-Bid of the Project RFB-2018-003 South Regional Water Reclamation Plant Pa on Construction Proposed Changes Potential Savings ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT CITY. UNIT PRICE EXTENDED AMOUNT Description Total Saved Internet-based Construction Management System.Allowance for 21 INTERNET-BASED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT(Section 01039) LS 1 $ 3,000.00 $ software. 3,000.00 No change 22 Building Permit.Allowance for Builders'Permitting fees for required Expect that Schettz will delete permits. LS 1 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 this re uirement. $ 250,000.00) 23 Laboratory Equipment.Allowance for laboratory equipment to be LS 1 purchased for the Administration Building. $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 No change. $ 24 Mobilization.The unit price for this item shall not exceed two percent (2%)of the total contract amount. LS 1 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 No change Contractor Overhead,Insurance,Bonds,Profit - - No Change $ (8,000.00 Subtotal $ (1,396,000.00 Contingency(10%) $ 9 405,940,00 $ 8,009,940.00 No chane $ 800,994.00 Total:Items 1 through 24 9,405,940.00 0 $ 8,810,934.00 DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES 25 Tier II Pumps.Deductive Alternate for PUMP,SUBMERSIBLE CENTRIFUGAL(Section 11075)Tier II pumps instead of Tier I pumps. LS 1 No Bid NO Bid No change. 26 Entrance Road.Asphalt entrance road instead of concrete. LS1 $ 150 000.00 $ 150,000.00 May show as a different width. $ 27 Entrance Road Lighting.Lighting extending from gate to Trainer Hale Rd.Light at gate to remain. LS 1 $ 48,000.00 $ 48,000.00 Will delete. $ 26 Rotary Fine Screen.Replace rotary rine screen with manual screen(114- LS 1 inch slots-stainless steel)and drain plate. $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00 Will delete. $ Exhibit B Southern Plant Cost Estimate Item Estimated Cost 0.5 MGD Treatment Units Installed $6,302,925 Additional Sludge Storage (deleted) $0 Site Work $606,834 Influent Lift Station $734,775 Yard Piping and Outfall $517,500 Small Administrative/Lab Building $327,900 Subtotal $8,489,934 Contingency(10%) $848,993 Total Estimated Construction Cost $9,338,927 Design(Eng., Survey, Geotech @ 11.5%) $1,073,977 Total Estimated Project Cost $10,412,904 FINAL, FIRST AMENDMENT TO SOUTHERN PLANT WASTEWATER SERVICES AND FUNDING AGREEMENT BY AND AMONG CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY, THE CITY OF CIBOLO, AND THE CITY OF SCHERTZ WHEREAS, this First Amendment (the "First Amendment") to the Southern Plant Wastewater Services Funding Agreement by and among Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (the "Authority"),the City of Cibolo,Texas ("Cibolo"), and the City of Schertz, Texas ("Schertz")has an effective date of October 23, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Authority, Cibolo, and Schertz previously authorized and executed the Southern Plan Wastewater Services and Funding Agreement by and among Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, the City of Cibolo, and the City of Schertz with an effective date of August 26, 2014 (the "2014 Funding Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the costs of construction for the Southern Plant (as defined in the 2014 Funding Agreement) have increased and necessitates that the Authority issue not to exceed $4,500,000 of additional contract revenue bonds (the "2018 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Authority anticipates the sale of the 2018 Bonds at a meeting of the Authority's Board of Directors on November 8, 2018 with the delivery of the 2018 Bonds on December 6,2018; and WHEREAS, Sections 2(d) and 9 of the 2014 Funding Agreement recognize that additional contract revenue bonds may be issued by the Authority to complete the Southern Plant and the 2018 Bonds are deemed to be Southern Plant Bonds as defined in the 2014 Funding Agreement, and Cibolo hereby authorizes and approves the issuing of the 2018 Bonds and the First Amendment;NOW, THEREFORE, Section 1. The 2014 Funding Agreement is amended by the First Amendment to recognize the issuance of the 2018 Bonds and to amend Section 4(b) to reflect the payment obligations of the City and Schertz concerning the 2018 Bonds, amends Exhibit B concerning the increased costs of the Southern Plant, and adds a new Exhibit D to the 2014 Funding Agreement to document the increase in debt service requirements on the 2018 Bonds by the Cities of Schertz and Cibolo, and as reflected in Exhibit C to the 2014 Funding Agreement concerning those debt service requirements of the City and Schertz on the 2014 Bonds. Section 2. Except as noted in Section 1 concerning the approval of the First Amendment, the City hereby authorizes, readopts, reconfirms, and ratifies the 2014 Funding Agreement in all respects. Section 3. Each person signing on behalf of the parties hereby confirms that they have the authority to execute this First Amendment on behalf of the party indicated,by their signature. 73535059.2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this First Amendment to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, all as of the day and year first above written, which is the effective date of this First Amendment. [The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.] 73535059.2 -2 CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY By: Board President ATTEST: Board Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § Before me, on this day personally appeared the foregoing individuals, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who executed this document in my presence. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 2018. Notary Public, State of Texas (NOTARY SEAL) 73535059.2 S-1 CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS G? By: City Manager ATTEST: City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § Before me, on this day personally appeared the foregoing individuals, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who executed this document in my presence. f Given under my hand and seal of office this 9 y day of 52018. No ry Public, State of T as OTAR � 11111P/� ` .nom " AMPIDA VALDEZ v' W Comm.ExP • J4.07-2018 •«� ��� rF�F TEP���• 73535059.1 S-2 CITY OF SCHERTZ,TEXAS By: City Manager ATTEST: City Secretary STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § Before me, on this day personally appeared the foregoing individuals, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who executed this document in my presence. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 2018. Notary Public, State of Texas (NOTARY SEAL) 73535059.2 S-3 CERTIFICATE OF CITY SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § CITY OF CIBOLO § THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES that: 1. On the 23`d day of October, 2018, the City Council (the Council) of the City of Cibolo, Texas (the City) convened in regular session at its regular meeting place in the City Hall (the Meeting), the duly constituted members of the Council being as follows: Stosh Boyle Mayor Jennifer Schultes Councilmember, District 1 Verlin Garrett Councilmember, District 2 Brian Byrd Councilmember, District 3 James Doty, Jr. Councilmember, District 4 Jim Russel Councilmember, District 5 Vacant Councilmember, District 6 Joel Hicks Councilmember, District 7 and all of such persons were present at the Meeting, except the following: thus constituting a quorum. Among other business considered at the Meeting, the attached resolution (the Resolution) entitled: RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AUTHORIZING A SOUTHERN PLANT WASTEWATER SERVICES AND FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY, THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS,AND THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS; AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH was introduced and submitted to the Council for passage and adoption. After presentation and due consideration of the Resolution,a motion was made by Councilmember Gr*r rG,i ;', that the Resolution be finally passed and adopted in accordance with the City's Home Rule Charter. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hi-G,E s and carried by the following vote: voted "For" voted "Against" -abstained all as shown in the official Minutes of the Council for the Meeting. 2. The attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the official records of the City; the duly qualified and acting members of the Council on the date of the Meeting are those persons shown above, and, according to the records of my office, each member of the Council was given actual notice of the time, place, and purpose of the Meeting and 73532939.1 had actual notice that the Resolution would be considered; and the Meeting and deliberation of the aforesaid public business, was open to the public and written notice of said meeting, including the subject of the Resolution, was posted and given in advance thereof in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 551, as amended, Texas Government Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name officially and affixed the seal of the City, this 23`d day of October, 2018. City Secretary, City of Cibolo, Texas (CITY SEAL) -2- 73532939.1 F A October 11, 2018 NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP Via E-Mail 300 Convent Street, Suite 2100 Via Federal Express San Antonio, Texas 78205-3792 United States W.Jeffrey Kuhn Ms. Peggy Cimics Partner City Secretary Direct line+1 210 270 7131 City of Cibolo w.jeffrey.kuhn@nortonrosefulbright.com 200 South Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Tel +1 210 224 5575 Fax+1 210 270 7205 nortonrosefulbright.com Re: Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2018 (Southern Wastewater Treatment Plant Project) Dear Peggy: I enclose the following documents pertaining to the captioned financing for execution at the October 23, 2018 regular meeting of the City Council: 1. Resolution Approving a First Amendment to Funding Agreement (one copy and five signature pages); 2. City Secretary's Certificate pertaining to the above Resolution (two copies and five signature pages); and 3. First Amendment to the Southern Plant Wastewater Services Funding Agreement (one copy and five signature pages). Please one completed copy of each of the City Secretary's Certificates, and all executed signature pages to me. The completed copies of the aforementioned documents should be retained for the files of the City. Thank you, in advance, for your prompt attention to this matter. If I can provide any additional assistance concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. VYereyy yo rs, ,i WKuhn WJK/jcq Enclosures cc: Mr. Robert T. Herrera (City of Cibolo, Texas) Mr. Frank Garza (Davidson, Troilo, Ream & Garza P.C.) Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP is a limited liability partnership registered under the laws of Texas. 73533016.1 Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP and Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa Inc are separate legal entities and all of them are members of Norton Rose Fulbright Verein,a Swiss verein.Norton Rose Fulbright Verein helps coordinate the activities of the members but does not itself provide legal services to clients. Details of each entity,with certain regulatory information,are available at nortonrosefuIbright.com. P Ms. Peggy Cimics October 11, 2018 NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT Page 2 Mr. Clint Ellis (Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority) Mr. Ryan Madsen (Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority) Mr. Mark McLiney (SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc.) Mr. Andrew Friedman (SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc.) Ms. Veronica Alonzo (SAMCO Capital Markets, Inc.) Mr. George W. Scofield (Firm) Mr. Clay Binford (Firm) Ms. Stephanie V. Leibe (Firm) Mr. Adam C. Harden (Firm) Mr. Arnold Cantu III (Firm) Ms. Lauren N. Ferrero (Firm) Mr. John D. Hall (Firm) Mr. Matthew A. Lee (Firm) 73533016.1 $6,950,000 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revnue Bond, Series 2014 Contract Revenue Bond,Series 2014 Payments-City of Schertz Payments-City of Cibolo Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total---F- Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total 2015 $75,000 267650 $342,650 2015 $75,000 $267,650 $342,650 2015 $0 $0 $0 2016 $145,000 266150 $411,150 2016 $145,000 $266,150 $411,150 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $150,000 263250 $413,250 2017 $150,000 $263,250 $413,250 2017 $0 $0 $0 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $0 $0 $0 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $0 $0 $0 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $0 $0 $0 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $0 $0 $0 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $0 $0 $0 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $0 $0 $0 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $0 $0 $0 2025 $180,000 $232,450 $412,450 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2026 $185,000 $225,250 $410,250 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2027 $195,000 $217,850 $412,850 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2028 $200,000 $210,050 $410,050 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2029 $210,000 $202,050 $412,050 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2030 $220,000 $193,650 $413,650 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2031 $225,000 $184,850 $409,850 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2032 $235,000 $175,850 $410,850 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2033 $245,000 $166,450 $411,450 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2034 $255,000 $156,650 $411,650 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2035 $0 $0 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2036 $0 $0 $0 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2037 $0 $0 $0 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2038 $0 $0 $0 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2039 $0 $0 $0 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2040 $0 $0 $0 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2041 $0 $0 $0 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2042 $0 $0 $0 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2043 $0 $0 $0 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 2044 ,$0 $0 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 Total $6,950,000 $4,796,900 $12,280,7001 1 Total $2,580,000 $2,996,650 $6,110,450 Total $4,370,000 $1,800,250 $6,170,250 $6,950,000 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revnue Bond, Series 2014 Contract Revenue Bond,Series 2014 Payments City of Schertz Payments-City of Cibolo Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 17;Pr�in`ipallInterest Total 2015 $75,000 267650 $342,650 2015 $75,000 $267,650 $342,650 2015 $0 $0 $0 2016 $145,000 266150 $411,150 2016 $145,000 $266,150 $411,150 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $150,000 263250 $413,250 2017 $150,000 $263,250 $413,250 2017 $0 $0 $0 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $0 $0 $0 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $0 $0 $0 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $0 $0 $0 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $0 $0 $0 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $0 $0 $0 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $0 $0 $0 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $0 $0 $0 2025 $180,000 $232,450 $412,450 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2026 $185,000 $225,250 $410,250 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2027 $195,000 $217,850 $412,850 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2028 $200,000 $210,050 $410,050 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2029 $210,000 $202,050 $412,050 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2030 $220,000 $193,650 $413,650 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2031 $225,000 $184,850 $409,850 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2032 $235,000 $175,850 $410,850 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2033 $245,000 $166,450 $411,450 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2034 $255,000 $156,650 $411,650 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2035 $0 $0 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2036 $0 $0 $0 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2037 $0 $0 $0 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2038 $0 $0 $0 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2039 $0 $0 $0 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2040 $0 $0 $0 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2041 $0 $0 $0 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2042 $0 $0 $0 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2043 $0 $0 $0 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 2044 $0 LO LO 2044 $395,000 15,800 $410,800 Total $6,950,000 $4,796,900 $12,280,700 Total $2,580,000 $2,996,650 $6,110,450 Total $4,370,000 $1,800,250 $6,170,250 $6,950,000 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revnue Bond, Series 2014 Contract Revenue Bond,Series 2014 Payments-City of Schertz Payments-City of Cibolo Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ending 9/30 Prinipal I Interest I Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal InterestFTotal 2015 $75,000 267650 $342,650 2015 $75,000 $267,650 $342,650 2015 $0 $0 $0 2016 $145,000 266150 $411,150 2016 $145,000 $266,150 $411,150 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $150,000 263250 $413,250 2017 $150,000 $263,250 $413,250 2017 $0 $0 $0 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $0 $0 $0 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $0 $0 $0 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $0 $0 $0 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $0 $0 $0 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $0 $0 $0 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $0 $0 $0 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $0 $0 $0 2025 $180,000 $232,450 $412,450 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2026 $185,000 $225,250 $410,250 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2027 $195,000 $217,850 $412,850 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2028 $200,000 $210,050 $410,050 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2029 $210,000 $202,050 $412,050 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2030 $220,000 $193,650 $413,650 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2031 $225,000 $184,850 $409,850 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2032 $235,000 $175,850 $410,850 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2033 $245,000 $166,450 $411,450 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2034 $255,000 $156,650 $411,650 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2035 $0 $0 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2036 $0 $0 $0 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2037 $0 $0 $0 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2038 $0 $0 $0 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2039 $0 $0 $0 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2040 $0 $0 $0 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2041 $0 $0 $0 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2042 $0 $0 $0 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2043 $0 $0 $0 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 2044 KO $0 $0 2044 $395,000 $15,800 00 $410,8 Total $6,950,000 $4,796,900 $12,280,700 Total $2,580,000 $2,996,650 $6,110,450 Total $4,370,000 $1,800,250 $6,170,250 $6,950,000 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revnue Bond, Series 2014 Contract Revenue Bond,Series 2014 Payments-City of Schertz Payments-City of Cibolo Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total 2015 $75,000 267650 $342,650 2015 $75,000 $267,650 $342,650 2015 $0 $0 $0 2016 $145,000 266150 $411,150 2016 $145,000 $266,150 $411,150 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $150,000 263250 $413,250 2017 $150,000 $263,250 $413,250 2017 $0 $0 $0 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $0 $0 $0 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $0 $0 $0 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $0 $0 $0 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $0 $0 $0 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $0 $0 $0 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $0 $0 $0 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $0 $0 $0 2025 $180,000 $232,450 $412,450 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2026 $185,000 $225,250 $410,250 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2027 $195,000 "$217,850 $412,850 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2028 $200,000 $210,050 $410,050 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2029 $210,000 $202,050 $412,050 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2030 $220,000 $193,650 $413,650 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2031 $225,000 $184,850 $409,850 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2032 $235,000 $175,850 $410,850 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2033 $245,000 $166,450 $411,450 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2034 $255,000 $156,650 $411,650 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2035 $0 $0 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2036 $0 $0 $0 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2037 $0 $0 $0 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2038 $0 $0 $0 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2039 $0 $0 $0 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2040 $0 $0 $0 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2041 $0 $0 $0 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2042 $0 $0 $0 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2043 $0 $0 $0 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 2044 UO LO LO 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 Total $6,950,000 $4,796,900 $12,280,700 Total $2,580,000 $2,996,650 $6,110,450 Total $4,370,000 $1,800,250 $6,170,250 $6,950,000 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Contract Revnue Bond, Series 2014 Contract Revenue Bond,Series 2014 Payments-City of Schertz Payments-City of Cibolo Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ending 9/30 Prinipal I Interest I Total Ending 9/30 Prinipal Interest Total Ending 9/30 1 Prinipal Interest Total 2015 $75,000 267650 $342,650 2015 $75,000 $267,650 $342,650 2015 $0 $0 $0 2016 $145,000 266150 $411,150 2016 $145,000 $266,150 $411,150 2016 $0 $0 $0 2017 $150,000 263250 $413,250 2017 $150,000 $263,250 $413,250 2017 $0 $0 $0 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $150,000 $260,250 $410,250 2018 $0 $0 $0 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $155,000 $257,250 $412,250 2019 $0 $0 $0 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $160,000 $254,150 $414,150 2020 $0 $0 $0 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $160,000 $250,950 $410,950 2021 $0 $0 $0 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $165,000 $247,750 $412,750 2022 $0 $0 $0 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $170,000 $242,800 $412,800 2023 $0 $0 $0 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $175,000 $237,700 $412,700 2024 $0 $0 $0 2025 $180,000 $232,450 $412,450 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2025 $90,000 $116,225 $206,225 2026 $185,000 $225,250 $410,250 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2026 $92,500 $112,625 $205,125 2027 $195,000 $217,850 $412,850 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2027 $97,500 $108,925 $206,425 2028 $200,000 $210,050 $410,050 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2028 $100,000 $105,025 $205,025 2029 $210,000 $202,050 $412,050 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2029 $105,000 $101,025 $206,025 2030 $220,000 $193,650 $413,650 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2030 $110,000 $96,825 $206,825 2031 $225,000 $184,850 $409,850 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2031 $112,500 $92,425 $204,925 2032 $235,000 $175,850 $410,850 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2032 $117,500 $87,925 $205,425 2033 $245,000 $166,450 $411,450 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2033 $122,500 $83,225 $205,725 2034 $255,000 $156,650 $411,650 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2034 $127,500 $78,325 $205,825 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2035 $0 $0 2035 $265,000 $146,450 $411,450 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2036 $0 $0 $0 2036 $280,000 $133,200 $413,200 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2037 $0 $0 $0 2037 $295,000 $119,200 $414,200 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2038 $0 $0 $0 2038 $305,000 $104,450 $409,450 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2039 $0 $0 $0 2039 $320,000 $89,200 $409,200 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2040 $0 $0 $0 2040 $340,000 $73,200 $413,200 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2041 $0 $0 $0 2041 $350,000 $59,600 $409,600 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2042 $0 $0 $0 2042 $365,000 $45,600 $410,600 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2043 $0 $0 $0 2043 $380,000 $31,000 $411,000 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 2044 5-0 $0 LO 2044 $395,000 $15,800 $410,800 Total $6,950,000 $4,796,900 $12,280,7001 1 Total $2,580,000 $2,996,650 $6,110,450 j Total $4,370,000 $1,800,250 $6,170,250