RES 1519 10/13/2015 1„0 iwxn $lQO vX < 1 e xw..iinmmnnitl T e x 0, RESOLUTION 1519 A RESOLUTION BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT MADE PURSUANT TO TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 380 WITH WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 24.75 ACRES LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF BORGFELD ROAD AND NORTH MAIN AS RETAIL DEVELOPMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on September 13, 2013, City Council passed and approved Resolution No. 1477, which in part authorized the City Manager to execute an Agreement with Walmart Real Estate Business Trust, (hereinafter Developer) in regards to the development of a retail development (hereinafter called the "Facility"), on an approximate 24.75 acre tract of real property, more fully described and depicted in the exhibits to the Agreement, and such real property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Borgfeld Road and North Main in Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas; (hereinafter called the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer now seeks an amendment to the Agreement (the "First Amendment") for the sole purpose of allowing the addition of Home Shopping Pick-up Stalls (the"amenity")be added to the Facility; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds the addition of the amenity would provide convenience to the resident of Cibolo and that the inclusion of such amenity does not compromise the benefits inuring to the City through the Agreement: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: Section 1. Findings. The foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the City Council and made a part hereof for all purposes as findings of fact. Section 2. Authorization. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the First Amendment to the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and all documents necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, provided said First Amendment to the Agreement is first fully executed by an authorized representative of the Developer. Section 3. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this resolution was passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapt. 551, Tex. Gov't Code. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.. APPROVED AND ADOPTED on this the 13th day of October, 2015. e�Iayor Attest: Peggy Cimics, City Secretary I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE FIRST AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 380 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 380 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("First Amendment") by and between the CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, a Texas home-rule municipal corporation (the "City"); and Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, a Delaware statutory trust ("Developer") (City and Developer collectively referred to as the "Parties" and sometimes individually as a "Party"), is entered into upon the "Effective Date," as more clearly defined herein. WHEREAS, the Parties entered in to that certain CHAPTER 380 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement) on October 16, 2013; and WHEREAS, the City's City Manager was authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City pursuant to Resolution No. 1477, passed and approved by City Council on September 24, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Developer has asked that the Agreement be amended for the sole purpose of allowing the addition of"Online Pick-up Stalls" to the retail development portion of the"Project,"as that term is defined in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City finds the addition of Online Pick-up Stalls would provide convenience to the resident of Cibolo: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises and the mutual agreements set forth herein,the Parties hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I RECITALS 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are declared true and correct by the Parties and are hereby incorporated as part of this Agreement. ARTICLE II AMENDMENT 1. For good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency thereof the Parties acknowledge,the Parties agree the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Page 1 of 4 First Amendment to 380 Agreement City of Cibolo,Texas/Store No.4115 Initials: Developer City .._......... . a. By revision to Article VII (entitled "DESIGN CRITERIA / DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS / TRUCK ROUTE / OFF SITE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS / PROPERTY MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS", Section 1, (entitled "Theme") to read as follows: Theme. In accordance with applicable City building codes and planning and development standards, the Developer agrees that the Project, specifically the Walmart Store as shown in the Project Improvements Site Plan, shall comply with exterior architectural standards, and Project elevations shall be completed in substantial accordance with the proposed Project Elevations as attached hereto as Exhibit `D" and with the proposed renderings for the "Online Pick-up Stalls" depicted in Exhibit D-1". b. By replacing Exhibits B, D, and E (as referenced in Article VII, sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Agreement), with the Exhibits B,D, and E, attached hereto. c. By inclusion of new Exhibit D-l. ARTICLE III REMAINDER OF AGREEMENT SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT EXCEPT AS HEREBY MODIFIED OR AMENDED, the remaining provisions of the Agreement not inconsistent with the terms hereof shall remain in full force and effect for all purposes. Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank. Page 2 of 4 First Amendment to 380 Agreement City of Cibolo,Texas/Store No.4115 Initials: Developer City Executed on this 3 day of 0<-1eZ,4 r 2015. CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS By: Robert Herrera, City Manager ATTEST: By. Peggy Cimics, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. 4 ;(- , Cit Attorney Executed on this��day of WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, A Delaware Statutory Trust By: Name: Title: z 4 n____'_ntof Real Estate APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Page 3 of 4 First Amendment to 380 Agreement City of Cibolo, Texas/Store No.4115 Initials: Developer City EXHIBITS Exhibit`B" Project Improvements Site Plan Exhibit"D" Project Building Elevations Exhibit"D-1" Renderings of Proposed of Online Pick-up Stalls Exhibit`B" Residential Landscape Buffer Page 4 of 4 First Amendment to 380 Agreement City of Cibolo,Texas/Store No.4115 Initials: Developer City LEGEND PROPOSED PROPERTY UNE e APPROX.LIMITS OF BORGFELD F e ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 0 �± ° a 0 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN 0 '130 260 //// "Project Improvements Site Plan" � s SITE DATA PROPOSE ULL GRAPHIC SCALE AS SHOWN JURISDICTION CITY OF CIBOLO ACCESS DRIVE DETE ON � p CURRENTZONING C3(RETAIL/OFFICE) da POND \ R ACREAGE SUMMARY \ \ u WALMART ±18.40 AC. e. O WALMART OUTLOT#1 ±0.97 AC. O WALMART OUTLOT#2 ±2.26 AC. PROPOSED FULL � TOTAL ±21.63 AC. ACCESS DRIVE Q- o J W LL 77,7j- qz O � j *� O Lu Uj3 APPROX.LIMITS OFM\ U BORGFELD ROAD s`. z RECONSTRUCTION ���` y ±2,800 LF ♦ `���;��`� ;, ° \ _ PROPOSED LEFT TURN RESTRICTED NOT A PART O z PROPOSED I T TURN N ION \ L ' Tp O S �``�`` �`�` POND NOT A PART P OPOSED FULL G`av1pv�V ' ACC SS DRIVE PROPOSED FULL PROPOSE I NA ACCESS DRIVE °' \ in O Z gogo 1 a V N � O PRO SE FULL C:) a ACCESS DRIVEi' W Z Z, IV W WOODENTRELLIS EIFS CORNICE-PAINT EIFS-PAINT SW 16082 j#7EADOWLARK' EIFS-PAINi5We7522 SPLITFACECMUSW17694 EIFS-PAINTSW17522 DFS-PAINT SW 86082 'CBBLE BROWN" SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SW 17694 'MEADOWLARK' EIFS-PAINTSW16082 'DROMEDARY CAMEL7 'MEADOWLARK' YOBBLE BflOWNTo.M "DROMEDARY CAMEL' PAINT 5W 86082 SPLfiFACE CMU-PAINTSW#7522 'COBBLE BROWN' T0.µ CREEK' 'MEADOWLARK' TOM \T.O.M \TO.M 271' \TO.M "111LIFACIC.", z4 aJsm MANUFACTURED ST ONE BLACKBOLLARDS SPLITFACECMU BIKE IL MANUFACTURED STONE WOODEN TRELLIS MANUFACTURED STONE SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SPLITFACE C DRYSTACKLEDGESTONE PAINTSW#6082 RACKS DRYSTACKLEDGESTONE DRYSTACKLEDGESTONE SW#6082'COBBLE BROWN PAINT SW#7522 PAINT SW#6082 'GRAMEL"BYBORAL 'COBBLE BROWN' 'CARAMEL!BY BOHAL 'CAflAMEL'BYBORAL "MEADOWLARK' 'COBBLE BROWN" SPLITFACECMU-PAINT SW#7522 SMOOTHFACECMU-PAINTSW#7522 SMOOTHFACE CMU-PAINT SW#7694 SMOOTHFACE CMU-PAINTSW#7522 SMOOTHFACE CMU-PAINT SW#7694 'MEADOWLARK' 'MEADOWLAflK' "D MEDARY CA -TOM I` \ M ROMEDARYCAMEL RO M \TOM ..._..____ 24�' ,TDM TO.M. ACE CIVIL PAINT NORTH(REAR) SMOOTHF"DROMDARYNCT SWR7522'MEADOWLARK' SW#7694'DROMEDARY CAMEL" STANDING SEAM SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SW#7522 SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SW#7694 SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SW#7522 SMOOTHFACECMU-PAINT METAL ROOF-'LEAD COTE" 'MEADOWLARK' "DROMEDARY CAM D 'MEADOWLARK" SW#7522'MEADOWLARK' \TOM TAM )��• dr E' EAST(RIGHT) SPLITFACE CMU PAINT SPLITFAG-CMU PAINT SW#7522'MEADOWLARK' SW#6082'COBBLE BROWN" SMOOTHFACE CMU-PAINT SPLITFACE CMU-PAINT SPLTTFACECMU-PAINT - SW#7522'MEADOWLARK' SW#7522'MEADOWLARK' SW#7694*DROMEDARY CAMEL' EIFS CORNICE-PAINT STANDING SEAM SW 7522'MEADOWIARK' METAL HOOF=LEAD COTE' 1 TAM T10 2e'O' WEST(LEFT) L SPLITFACECMU-PAINT L MANUFACTURED STONE SPLITFACECMU-PAINT D SWi7694'DROMEDARYCAMEL' DRYSTACKLEDGESTONE SWi6082"COBBLE BROWN' 'CARAMEL!BY BORAL "Project Building Elevations" FOR AHJ REVIEW-CLIENT APPROVED ELEVATIONS I 3 ■ ( Wa I ma r f SEPTEMBER 17,2015 CIBOLO,TX #4115 �+ U �/r ran ow coxzmucTio" ARCHITECTS , r , r , �k+j43 Lf 4+51.''w 1 Lr, VT. ` o � y u "4 „ ! I ! I i -"- --- _._ _a'•fit'`,. C i _ 7­�-- c. D-1 Wa l m a r t "Renderings of Proposed Online Pick-up Stalls" THE RECORD COPY OF THIS DRAWING IS ON FILEATTHE OFFICES OF SGA IUTY SGA Design Group Pc DESIGN GROUP.THIS ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FORTHE September 9,2015 Cibolo,TY..#.4115 �Pickup Perspective N PURPOSES THIS DRAWING SHALLOBECONSIDERS FINAL MANAGEMENT.LES DRAWING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINAL. COMPLETE UNLESS R IS SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ARCHRECT. DESIGN REPRESENTATION ONLY-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION The el,xu;n.;nn«�,hn,,.-xlewe,<,nt�FlN,dex<�Rentdtt��n inrent any.Tr building imrages mxy nc[relkct sarlutiorts in cob:.[nik hu�tint sfudilq.xn�FJ.�n[li?ht initnuty,i�aterixh,te::Wre,t.vt'.tras:,lent it;+k.conchstfon ralpllm:tequ:ed�y Cv7t5rq ureS tY il�pec:as.mitellal avaiL+Y.nit�w Rnjl eleslyncW..xRno. x -•fit � _ - . CIA A 16, Walmart THE RECORD COPYOFTHIS DRAWING IS ON FILE ATTHE OFFICES OF SGA SGA Desi OCifOU DESIGN GROUP,THIS ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE 9 RR4 September 9,2015 �ibQiQ,T:.X4115 Pickup Perspective PURPOSES OF REFERENCE,COORDINATION,AND/ORFACIUTY MANAGEMENT.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINAL OR i COMPLETE UNLESS R 5 SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ARCHITECT. DESIGN REPRESENTATION ONLY-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ra•6uiklinu hoar-s shown arc arepresen;atiar oFdri curtenI e-1g.mft ronly.ThebuRkimg lmeoes may net rok•a San,n nn,in cde:,tau,hue,[int,skMing,am6knt fght inlcn4ry ivN..rWs,le-Wre,urv..sf,lout slyk,:—n.t..-mttiax requeed iry Ctd4ingcrct a n:s­:ws,ma, W­'iE-bky 1r fi:ut deOgn de,1 q, J - F h Walmart� �� THE RECORD COPY OF THIS DRAWING IS ON FILE AT THE OFFICES 011- 3 SGADesignGroupRc September9,2015 DE56NGROUP.THISELECTRONICDOCUMENTISRELEASEDFORTHE Cibolo,TX.#4115 Pickup PerspectivePURPOSESOF REFERENCE,COORDINATION,AND/OR FACILITY MANAGEMENT.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINAL OR COMPLETE UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ARCHITECT. DESIGN REPRESENTATION ONLY-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 'hetwmny'�mnges Chown arearegezentallan a(tire<urtent dezujn intent artty.the NdH Jng image.may net rNlecl earWlons in rob:,[me Nue,tint.shading,+mhLznt light ML-lily,rraMriah,tee Wm,.—t,fart slgk,:antruction rxatimt re4uued bybvlding;:,i+a:rspec;r�s,rr�izll�­iLbuty n frt.;A lhyQt tfe;iny I — ---- ------ — --- --_ - _ - - ' 40'-0%28'0` CANOPY ABOVE ------------- i t — t I Ei —f :n �o - __ - -- -- --- --- - ----___..-- ` .. , ' I I , 78'-10• ! 25'-2' Walmart pra �, THERECORD COPYOF THIS DRAWING IS ON FILE ATTHE OFFICES OF SGA SGA Design Group,Rc September 9,2015 Clboio,TX.#4115 Pickup Pidf1 yy DEPURPOSUP .THIS ESOF FEELECTRONIC DOCUMENT N,ANRFEEDFORTHE MANAGEMENT.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINAL OR COMPLETE UNLESS IT IS SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE ARCHITECT. DESIGN REPRESENTATION ONLY-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION The""W"'g Images hg Am a sept—I.Allon or lit curtest design intern utdy.The bt'3&V4-91 may nct mtletls-aiutiorn m talo,t—.hue,LIM shad'ag,a:6ent light nLnvp,mtero.e „e.ufonsty L. teyuied 6yt:ilding tazs ur[,specrots.rmle:irl a.aReW,xy orf�tksi;n Ne:�&,p, . To.Cano Metal Loading Canopy 14'-0'from Match SW 6885 Knockout Orange Pavement Gateway Metal Canopy 0-i,7111; .00n — — Matrh MISSES Knockout Orange 1T-0'from Steel Column Painted ---T- — ---_._-� Pavement SW 7014 Elder WNte,Typ —� AWL Walmart THE RECORD COPY OF THIS DRAWING IS ON FILE ATTHE OFFICES OF SGA faM DESIGN GROUP.THIS ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE SGA Design Group,P.C. _t September Elevation,��15 ��bp10,TX.X4775 Pickup Side Elevation y PURPOSES OF REFERENCE,COORDINATION,ANDIORFACILIY MANAGEMENT.THIS DRAWING SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FINALOR COMPLETE UNLESS If IS SIGNED AND SEALED BYTHE AR61RECr. DESIGN REPRESENTATION ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION The bU4din_imaW,shetvn all a representation fd,-cunenldtnugn ln(entonly.The LIWIdingimage may not retktvargtiom Al colok,tore.It onL shading amhientkhclnlensity,I:ester✓,h.texlure.c9t:,tit,font Styk-cointrsnrn—i-u— bybo+ldinttWdekkJn ul—&rµ 0 Z 41 i i 03 i - 0 2 i! C is - is • -_ i. i i _ i 1 I — 0 rEL - O LE s — I "Residential Landscape Buffer' I I j a Cibolo Walmart#4115 I't ucY' t , 1 4' •�„ � 9f �„54f + RM phamacY k tiy, k AV Walmart TMf BaoB°corvortws nu.m:cuoRnff.rsx[cmc[s o:ttn 0[SIOIGFAu,.n!b Rb[111BM[°°[uu[wilf xfuuf➢IO�T2 September 9,2015 Gbolo,7X.#4115 Pickup Perspective -1 rol/(EIf U:+If55RYBIGHpx:.95fNIDBYTIf•I[[xrttti. e[s.un.eoacmm�nowoxv.xm,wcmrmurnox'irt e..saon,�,.,n<,.n�,-:,�.,+s..,m,..m u�.,r,'.��e•nn;m.,oM.ix.wu,m.n:,'...a+,,,�•-.a.,,k,,.,.��omr„a:[,,.N.n�•.u�x.d„n�av,'�'x.,:u�e:,x..o.m.:,,+u.W,.�,u�.,.,,:,.,�xn:.:�_::+,+ea,w,.df,.,,,,,.yw.a[rd+�n..,k.N x,•r.<u,.n,.Irl«,x..mw,.s..mry-..r,�::,m: , 16 is iSC f • S u K r Walmart gecanmrva•TMis Dn^nwcuoN rns^rrF[°m¢s pvwn I,!�O�cign 6rwp ofp[zlcxcgouP.TMi5¢[nq°xN°°cu^cttN rawsfDrpgno: September 9,2015 Obolo,TX.54115 Pickup Perspective 2 x w m°^Dx^pN^xaDq,p¢r mvnrwq^EU ANO-lE^pxND,gm-, l uri ss n is s�wr�il°nx°su{e°e.mi nnwrtcc DFS1GIq{igFYN!^TON DNIY.NpTIDq CONSrgYRION TIrWiEm9�.,.y�Jr..n,eaxy+-.tu..tnul Jr.urerx6dyn:nevu�,rb..l�`.iM:m.Y �eNnvF.�mNe:.4timm.b._t..t•E#ny,.nJMai41��y-vxna¢.W,.nnu..�m,.-a.yn,ry{...:�,�_Y.mr�ouvn-.wve.:t�bu:-0v�:Mr.it ln�p•,b�tm,�.isl.awl.biM:rlmJJ.Lpr�.iSno t , 4 „t y Walmart ne nccnnocorrcr>xisonnsnrupaxrncnrrNeo�s or son esr.00slgo croup ec Se tember9,2015 oevcx oxour.mrs nicrouicovcu,sxrumuswwxme P Cibolo,TX.;.4115[Pickup Perspective 3 ,,PUW°�°,:,"�"�'���; evmnerc wrrss n is s iexw nxv s wm m na reNncer. xEALNMP>[sp114xpY0W-xxrlOx[OkSlxurnCN Tle nye-u,p.v�.,.b..,+u>,mrt�.,M':.ialu.-rnnnran�..:l.n,ahl�-,>14�c:mwr+.^'xrA n!i..n..,dnn.,i,w:�e...b...M.J,�I.nannnmeWn;.x,m%n:.-ur:n..nre�,o.:�u.!xi,uysawmr'wwrwtmah,nr�Jkv nu„unimL-�,i rnn.r...in...dd+w!.2,r�r'YJ evFn w:nr} _� •I LLL..--- CRNO►YAlWE - 1R I I r ' I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I . -. IN-Ra. I I I Walmart l'-;": M eCORo ron a nns oRwvx;¢K ox rRt•rme omas oR sa OECNOLV.IIKIF[m0,KOONMfMiYRifAfp IORM MmeO Rvsl�xC4(OOImMRIIdL IHpD1 RMYIY :annntieonupe�. September 9,^c075 Cibolo,TX.$4715 JPickup Pian "Rmw a`Ru�ilnU�s�cxp�,�yu°`aacoucwa�w aumlRol�nemaur•Ilorw�m.sRwnlax n.bai�elp,R.sh..Rm.e�m.,nik.ur„xa-q�'w.w atn.l�n�n�r-•w.aon:�a.,uv«.xnww.n�..M.d.+�..a..R�uw.Iw.4+nwrcmnnw:.rno...Av+,scare*M-.cw.wcee...rtm,�s+u.+�.:aaaa+v.�w,ul�w+�...M�..:�ae,l,bennhat�+a=eAa Tula Mehilw4M WnPY IaO'ham MarchSJJllS rtwtWtOplye Pmmmt GP4Wry MJJ WPq Yy. Mabr5W 611YYMda t0 g 17-0.f m AMCYAmn PJs+eO _.._._.__..� P, F fwrouFq wNa lm. [L � _ i� � � ;f f�`ry, '---� - � f •- _ rpt; a� -�__�—_ i_ �._. Walmart TIF FKpnD CW Y Di Tus DMtNNG 30N flF ni lHF MPG:•S of SG n E4LNLnWv,TPf RFl1Y0mCDDUMD:i ISKLFASFDPOnM `GA Design Group r.cSeptember 9,20t5 Cbolo,TX.N4115 Pickup Side Elevation Mu4LpeNC Aitl pYiYi a`, NOTe CONSOG` DP mnlv�FiF uNtFss rt rs valD.uo sFUFn q YNF nnovsen. DIpGYn[PFYSIMnmOp DrRY-JDIIMlANS1PVCin)N lhb, mrm+RrrM1vwn+.earKrnN,�M�nt:hw,:Nl dwmsvrrc-1µ14W4:n inwpe.xua n.lm 4�l+�nwYacu aq n:..RgduJwgr�dinrt l;Jr,Mm:ry.mak.ti leinn...u+.erarLbEvryh:w6urtinenivtuw vga.vlF+JY✓�mrahrrr lmp�uv..m.N+:+I no1.dYynf.WM1r.I:,r.YrFWw. 1 l I I 'I l i I I I I I l i I Ir� i .. ..--.. 1 i 9 _ BORGFELD - -----.__.._..__.----___-_---•_._-____._...-----..__----_---_---BOR (` (VARYING WIDTH R.O_W) j (VARYIN -T.--- • r • __.- —'ems._.___—_ _.__—.�_ .-- ._....._ �.._..- ..—.._ .................................. J.. i i SUB it'M y Ips > u d a -, jLA ��• i i 0 — I � I I i O a .� a �,• I E w Q i; i ! EWl � . Oz 1 Residential Landscape Buffer Cibolo Walmart#4115 i