ORD 448 09/13/1994 ORDINANCE #448 , AN ORDINANCE ENACTING AN ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE FOR THE HANDLING OF CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY SEWER TAPS. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas, staff acts as the primary collecting agency for Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Sewer Tap impact fees; and WHEREAS, City of Cibolo Staff processes the necessary paperwork for said taps, collects monies due CCMA, and forwards said monies on a monthly basis; and WHEREAS, this constitues a service on the part of said City Staff for which there has previously been no compensation, NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION ONE (1) : An administrative handling and processing fee of $15 . 00 is hereby assesed on each sewer tap performed by the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority which occurs within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas and/or for which the Staff of said City act as the processing agents . SECTION TWO (2) : The City of Cibolo shall be responsible for collecting the aggregate sum of both the CCMA Sewer Tap impact fee and City of Cibolo administrative handling fee and shall transfer all monies due to CCMA on a monthly basis . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /3 DAY OF S /-Pv-..4.,,_ 1994 A.D. r 43)C1,610—A Sam Bauder, Mayor ATT T: L C:.& co' CHARLES BALCAR