ORD 351 06/04/1985 ORDINANCE NO. 351 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS REVOKING ORDINANCE NO. 343 , AND ESTABLISHING CAPITAL RECOVERY FEES FOR WATER SERVICE, FOR ALL NEW CONSTRUCTION IN TEH CITY' S WATER SERVICE AREA; DESIGNATING USAGE FOR SUCH FEES AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City council of the City of Cibolo, Texas hereby revokes Ordinance No . 343 , an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 331, the Utility Extension Policy'; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo Water System is capable of adequately providing service to the current customers of the system; and WHEREAS , there is a need to provide for capital improvements to the system to insure adequate service for new customers ; and WHEREAS , there is an expressed desire that new developments and _ Projects pay for the costs associated with providing water services to these new developmentsand projects ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS THAT: I There is hereby established an eight hundred ( $800 , 00 ) dollar base capital recovery fee on all new residential, commercial, office and industrial units in the City of Cibolo, and Cibolo water service area. Each individual apartment , mobil= home, manufactured home, town house or similar residential structure shall constitute a separate unit . Duplexes will be treated as two ( 2 ) separate units , based upon square footage . a. The $800 . 00 base fee established herein shall be increased or decreased for single family detached residences , each duplex unit, or townhouses/garden homes in accordance with the below schedule: SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA: FEE 1601 S.Q. FT. & OVER $800 . 00 1600 SQ. FT. & UNDER $600 . 00 ( SQUARE FOOTAGE EXCLUDES GARAGES & CARPORTS ) b . Multi-Family Residence/ $300 x numbe Condos/Apartments of units ( includes accessory used, e . g. , laundry room, community room, etc. ) c. Hotels/Motels : 1. No kitchenettes in rooms $150 x number of rooms 2 . Kitchenettes in rooms $200 x number of rooms d. Mobile Home Park (Rental lots ) $300 x number of rental spaces ( includle's._; accessory used e. g. laundry room, community center, etc. ) Mobile Homes located in Mobile Same as (a. ) Home Subdivisions or located on above individual lots e. Hospitals/Nursing Homes $100 x number of beds f . All other commercial and industrial fees will be based on water meter sizes as follows : METER SIZE: FEE 5/8" _ 1 x $800 3/4 " 1 . 5 x $800 1" 2 . 5 x $800 1-1/2" 5 x $800 2" 8 x $800 4 " 25 x $800 6" 80 x $800 8" 140 x $800 10" 220 x $800 12" 270 x $800 g. Remodeling or Additions : 1 . No fee if no plumbing permit is required; or 2 . The addition or remodeling is for accessory use .. 3 . A $100 fee will be charged where additions contain additional separate kitchen facilities that require a plumbing permit . 4 . A $50 fee will be charged where additions contain additional separate bathroom facili- ties that require a plumbing permit . 5 . When, in the opinion of the City Administrator, or his designated staff member, a new structure, remodeling or addition is not included within the above categories , after review of the project , a determination will be made as to fees to be charged for the project . II The Capital Recovery Fees herein established will be assessed to all new units that have received final plat approval prior to the effective date of this ordinance on the following basis : TIME OF APPLICATION FOR TAP PERMIT: % OF FEE Effective date of ordinance to 6 months thereafter 0% 6 months thereafter 25% 12 months thereafter :50% Ordinance No. 351 2 18 months thereafter 75% 24 months thereafter 100% III - The Capital Recovery Fees established by this ordinance will be decreased by the amount of any subsequent user fee paid for construction of major capital improvements of a type approved for funding by the Water Capital Improvements Program.. IV All Capital Recovery Fees shall be due and payable in full at the time that sewer connection fees and building permit fees , are paid. V No such Capital Recovery Fee shall be collected by the City until a final plat for the development has been approved by the City. Vi The Capital Recovery Fees will be placed in a separate fund established solely for capital improvements to the water system and costs directly associated with such improvements . All interest income on such fund shall remain in the capital improvements account to be used as established herein. Capital improvements financed with this fund will be projects approved by the City Council. Ownership of such improvements shall remain with the City. VII An applicant has the right of appeal to the City Council by delivery of written notice to the City Administrator establishing grounds for appeal. Such appeal shall be heard by the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting subject to Article 6252-17, Vernon ' s Annotated Civil Statutes , notice requirements . The City Council after hearing: the appeal shall have the authority to approve or deny the appeal. VIII The payment and collection° of the fee established by this ordinance shall in no way obligate the City of Cibolo to provide any specific water service and shall in no way guarantee any specific level or quality of service . - IX Capital Recovery Fees established herein are effective June 4 , 1985 . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this the 4th day of June, 1985 . ATTEST: BILL LITTLE,! MAYOR (0171.,' I / (11 n ( 1 - ./ I^1Y SECRETARY Ordinance ( SEAL OF CITY) No. 351 3