ORD 281A 11/06/1980AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE BUILDING OF FENCES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF CIBOLO, TEXAS q AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR p VIOLATION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: 1. A permit is required for any fence erection by property owner or contractor in accordance with the Southern Building Code. Fee depending on cost of construction. 2. Fences shall be constructed so as not to enclose Public Utilities meters (water meters, electricity meters, gas meters, etc.) making them inaccessible to meter readers. 3. A chain-link or similiar open type fence, where obscured traffic is not a factor, may be extended at its maximum height undiminished to the front or side street property lines. 4. No fence, shrub, hedge or other growth within a yard shall be allowed to obstruct the view at traffic intersections. Trees having a single trunk and pruned from the ground to seven (7) feet above the ground are accepted. 5. These specifications and/or dimensions do not apply to or necessarily meet the fence requirements separating commercial or industrial property from adjoining residential property. 6. The minimum 25' front ye --d set back does not apply for existing structures situated less than this distance from the front property line. Front corners of house (not to include open porches, etc.) determine point at which fence height must be reduced if carried to Myy front property line. l 7. For corner lots, the side street set back distances must be observed in the same manner as the front. 8. The portion of a solid fence from the front or rear corners of the house may extend to the side yard fence at the maximum height. Solid fences are described as such: masonry, brick, stone, board, grapestake and chainlink type in which enameled aluminum or plastic or wood filler strips are inserted; this also includes any other structure or hedge, shrub or other growth within a front yard which may obstruct the view. 9. Any violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of not more than $200.00 for each offense. Every day any such violation shall exist shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. 10. If any phrase, word, sentence, section or portion of this ordinance shall be held to be void, unconstitutional, illegal, or un -enforceable, such holding shall not affect the validity of any portion of this ordinance and it is the intention of the Council that each and every word, sentence, section or clause of the ordinance would have been adopted regardless whether or not any other word, phrase, clause or section has been held unconstitutional, void, illegal or un -enforceable. 11. Dimensions of fences are given on attached sheet. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE e-V� DAY OFIL;Je� 1980.