ORD 296 09/16/1982 • ORDINANCE NO: j..-69.6 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CIBOIO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVITEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation has been duly signed and acknowledged by each and every person or corporation having an interest in the following described territory, to wit: Description of a 41 .174 acre tract of land more or less, being out of the Jas . W. Gray Survey No . 255 and the J. M. Cadena Survey No . 254, Guadalupe County, Texas, and being One, 9 .216 acres of land more or less out of that certain 133.39 acre tract of land conveyed by Helena Pfeil, et al, to Benjamin R. K. Pfeil, Sr., . J , et ux•, Two, 3.443 acres of land more or less out of that certain 19 .207 acre tract of land conveyed by Henry W. Pfeil, et ux, to the Veterans Land Board of the State of Texas under Contract of Sale to Mayo D. Hogue; Three, 0.149 of an acre of land more or less out of that certain 0.91 of an acre tract of land conveyed by Benjamin R. K. Pfeil, Sr., to Rubin Pfeil; Four, 19 .766 acres of land out of Tracts 1 and 2 conveyed by Stephanie T. Stark to John L. Stark; Five, 5.837 acres of land more or less out of that certain 94.4 acre tract of land conveyed by Ida B. Wehe Estate to Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier; Six, 2.499 acres of land more or less out of that certain 139.1 acre tract of land conveyed by L. H. Roberts, et ux, to Ann Roberts, et vir; and Seven, 0.264 of an acre of land more or less a part of the Green Valley Road; and in all being 41 .174 acres of land described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows: - BEGINNING at an iron pin in the East line of the present City Limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas, being the East line of a 46.074 acre tract of land annexed by the City of Cibolo, Texas, set in the South line of the Benjamin R. K. Pfeil, Sr., et ux, 133.39 acre tract, for the Northwest corner of the Mayo D. Hogue 19 .207 acre tract; THENCE with the East line of the said present City Limits, N. 30° 00' W. 250 .0 feet to a point, the Northeast corner of the said annexed 46.074 acre tract, the Northwest corner of this tract; THENCE N. 60° 44' E. 1 ,616.71 feet to a point in the East line of the Benjamin R. K. Pfeil, Sr., 133.39 acre tract, the Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE with the East line of the said Benjamin R. K. Pfeil, Sr., 133.39 acre tract, S. 30° 00' E. 245.21 feet to the Northeast corner of the John L. Stark 10.000 acre tract 1 ; THENCE with the East line of the said John L. Stark Tract 1 , as follows; S. 29° 40 ' 41 " .E. 749.92 feet, S. 59° 24' 57" W. 150.0 feet, S. 30° 24' 18" E. 223.90 feet, N. 590 24' 57" W. 110.0 feet, and S. 30° 03' 26" E. 249.41 feet to an iron pin in the North line of the Green Valley Road, set for the Southeast corner of the said John L. Stark 10.000 acre Tract 1 , for a Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE with the North line of Green Valley Road, the South line of the said John L. Stark 10.000 acre Tract 2, S. 59° 24' 57" W. 268.20 feet to an iron pin set for the Southwest corner of the said John L. Stark 10.000 acre Tract 2, for the Southeast corner of the John L. Stark 24.544 acre Tract 1 , for a re-entrantcorner of this tract; • - THENCE crossing Green Valley Road, S. 30° 14.' 24 E. 60 .0 feet to a point in the South line of Green Valley Road, the North line of the Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier 94.4 acre tract, a re entrant corner of this tract; THENCE with the South line of Green Valley Road, the North line of the Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier tract, N. 60° 00' E. 243 .21 feet and N. 83° 00' E. 62 .5 feet to a corner post, -the Northeast corner of the said Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier tract, the Northwest corner of the Ann Roberts 139 .1 acre tract; THENCE with the North line of the Ann Roberts 139 .1. acre tract, the South line of Green Valley Road, N. 60° 00 E. 210.35 feet to a point a Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE S. 30° 00' E. 517 .50 feet more or less to a point in the present ETJ of the City of Cibolo, the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE S. 60° 00' W., at 210 .35 feet passing the common line between the Ann Roberts tract and the Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier tract, in all a total distance of 700 .70 feet to a point, the Southwest corner of this tract; THENCE N. 30° 1)4' 24" W. 520.0 feet to a point in the North line of the Elgin Schulmeier and Evelyn Wehe Schulmeier tract, the South line of Green Valley Road; THENCE crossing Green Valley Road, N. 30° 114' 24" W. 60.0 feet to a point in the North line of Green Valley Road, the South line of the aforesaid John L. Stark 2)4.544 acre Tract 1 ; THENCE N. 30° 14 24" W. 1 ,314.47 feet and S. 60° 44' W. 488.62 feet to a point in the West line of the said John L. Stark 24.5 acre Tract 1 , the East line of the aforesaid Rubin Pfeil 0 .91 of an acre tract; THENCE crossing the Rubin Pfeil tract, S. 60° 44' W. 25.0 feet to a point in the West line of the said Rubin Pfeil tract, the East line of the Mayo D. Hogue 19 .207 acre tract; THENCE with the common line between the said Mayo D. Hogue tract and the Henry W. Pfeil tract, the East line of the present City limits of Cibolo, N. 30° 00' W. 250.0 feet to the place of beginning. Compiled from existing descriptions found in the Deed Records of Guadalupe County Deed Recrods be and same is hereby annexed to the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the. City of Cibolo, Texas, be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory within the City limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas-, and the_ same _ — shall - shall hereafter be included withir-bhal,territc rial..limits _o_f.said-city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to ahall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said city. The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Guadalupe County, Texas a certified copy of this ordinance . PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this the 16th day of September 1982, and declaring an emergency. EDWARD LING, MA OR CITY OF CIDJLO, TEXAS ATTEST: .4–ed IVA R. AMACKER, CITY SECRETARY