ORD 292 05/06/1982 4110, 4 ORDINANCE NO . 292 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVITFGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INBA.BITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation has been',•dluly signed and acknowledged by each and every person or corporation having an interest in the following described territory, to wit: Description of a 46.074 acre tract of land, more or less out of the James W. Gray Survey No . 255, Guadalupe County, Texas, and being One; all of that certain 20.0 foot road containing 0.519 of an acre of land,and a 11 .683 acre tract of land out of that certain 133 .39 acre tract of land conveyed by Helena Pfeil, et al, to Benjamin R.K. Pfeil, et ux, Two; a 22 .189 acre tract. of land more or less out of that certain 75 acre tract of land conveyed by Aubrey F. Brooks, et ux, to Patricia Dean by deed dated July 31 , 1967 and recorded in Volume 400 Pages 169-171 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; and Three, an 11 .683 acre tract of land more or less out of that certain 133 .39 acre tract of land conveyed by Helena Pfeil, et al, to Henry W. Pfeil, et ux, by deed dated January 3, 1916 and recorded in Volume 45 on page 570 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and in all being 46.074 acres of land described more particularly by mets and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a j6 int in the Northeast line of F.M. Road 1103, the South corner of the Oscar Orth000.0 acre tract of land, the South corner of that certain 76.649 acre tract of land annexed by the City of Cibolo by Ordinance No . 181 , the east corner of the herein described 46.074 acre tract; THENCE with the Southeast line of the said annexed 76.649 acre tract, the Southeast line of the said Oscar' Orth 100.0 acre tract, the Northwest line of said 20.0 foot road, N. 60° 00' E. 1.,115.3 feet to a point, the West corner of the Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the North corner of said 20 .0 foot road, a North corner of this 46.074. acre tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the Northeast line of the said 20.0 foot road, S. 30° 00' E. 20.0 feet to a point in the Northwest line of the Patricia Dean 75 acre tract, a South corner of the said Benjamin R..K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, a re-entrant corner of this 46.074 acre tract; THENCE with the Southeast line of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the Northwest line of the said Patricia Dean 75 acre tract, N. 60° 00' E. 629.1 feet to a point, a re-entrant corner of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the North corner of the said Patricia Dean 75 acre tract, A North corner of this 46.074 acre tract . THENCE with the Southwest line of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the Northeast line of the said Patricia Dean 75 acre tract, S. 30° E. 00' E. 54.1 feet to-a point, a re-entrant corner of this 46.074 acre tract; THENCE Northwesterly of, parallel with and 250 .0 feet from the Southeast line of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133.39 acre-tract N. 60° oo ' E. 2,035.7 feet to a point, a North corner of this 46.074 acre tract; THENCE S. 30° 00' E. 250.0 feet to a _point in the Southeast line of the said Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the Northwest line of the above described Henry W. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the West corner of that certain 19 .207 acre tract of land conveyed by Henry W. Pfeil to the Veterans Land Board of Texas, under Contract of Sale to Mayo D. Hogue; THENCE with the Southwest line of the said Mayo D. Hogue 19 .207 acre tract; the Northeast line of the remaining acreage owned by Henry W. Pfeil, S. 30° 00' E. 250 .0 feet to a point, the East corner of this 46.074 acre. tract; THENCE Southeasterly of, parallel with and 250.0 feet from the Northwest line of the said Henry W. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, S. 60° 00' W. 2,035.7 feet to a point in the Southwest line of the said Henry W. Pfeil 133 .39 acre tract, the Northeast line of the afore said F.M. 1103, the Southwest line of the said Patricia Dean 75 acre tract, the South corner of this 46.074 acre tract; THENCE with the Northeast line of F.M. 1103, the Southwest line of the Patricia Dean tract, N. 30°OOx -W., at 554.1 feet the West corner of the said Patricia Dean tract, the south corner of the aforesaid Benjamin R.K. Pfeil 20.0 foot road, in all a total distance of 574.1 feet to the place of beginning. Compiled from existing descriptions found in the Deed Records of Guadalupe County Deed Records be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas, be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory within the City Limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens; of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said city, The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Guadalupe County, Texas a certified copy of this ordinance. Passed and Approved by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this the Z;,---14 day of `'c1 1982 . .1: 41...(6, EDWARD LING, MAYO' CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS ATTEST: ' BARBARA GLENEWINKEL CITY SECRETARY qrr 9 ; �. r Ya! 641 PACE 78 : . , I, the undersigned City Secretary of the 'City of Cibo]o, Texas, do hereby certify that the -above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and adopted by the = __ _ _____ _ ___City_,Council of said City on the 6 day of -rta,.c-i . 195 , which ordinance is -recorded in-the--Leal-.Minutes--dlf--the -- --- -- _ City of- Cibolo,. Texas : , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature and' the Seal of Said City, this the day of . 1-A-cd , 19,A.D. ,:6, -, Arii it J SCS I�Z, O,.M�,,�flp - - _ ;,.,`�,�„r,, , BARBARIC GLENEWINKEL . -, - _.. - �� -, -. G r• City Secretary, .. - •._•,'„'---- •;-•'.'. `� . = i .