Min CC 11/08/2012 - Workshop or C,g
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-C.,ity of Choice"
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
November 8, 2012
5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order: -Workshop was called to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Roll Call: The following council and staff were present: Mayor Hartman, Councilman Pedde,
Councilman Troncoso, Councilman Castro, Councilwoman Hale, Councilman Liparoto,
Councilman Hicks, City Manager Herrera, City Secretary Cimics, City Attorney Zech, City
Engineer Klein, ED Director Luft, Finance Director Marquez, Public Works Director Fosse, Fire
Chief Niemietz IT Donnelly, Commissioner Cope and Commissioner Wolverton.
3. Review with City Council internal actions city staff undertook in response to the comments
made by the public during city council meetings concerning residential foundation issues
within Cibolo, Texas.
City Manager Mr. Herreraexplained to council and all those in attendance what staff has done
thus far with the complaints by Cibolo citizens on residential foundation issues. Staff is
looking at all the ordinances and will have some changes when ordinances are sent to council
for approval in December.
4. Discuss and receive a findings report from Allen Dunn, a geo-technical engineer concerning a
review of soil conditions within the City of Cibolo and potential suggestions and
recommendations the city may wish to consider.
Mr. Dunn a Geo-Technical Engineer hired by the City to review soil conditions and provide
recommendation suggested the following:
A. Recommend that the PTI Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground be limited to
Third Edition only.
B. Recommend that Recommended Practices for the Design of Residential Foundations,
Version 2 be included in building codes.
C. Recommend that the objective criteria for functional failure in IBC be adopted to
apply to residential foundations.
D. Recommend that foundation spacing between houses be widened to at least 20 feet to
improve drainage.
5. Discuss and receive a findings report from Rudy Klein, City Engineer concerning existing
residential development standards and potential suggestions and recommendations the City
of Cibolo may wish to consider.
Rudy Klein from Klein Engineering and the City Engineer reviewed current residential
building codes centered around the presentation and implementation of grading plans that are
provided by Developers and their Engineers. MR. Klein stated that proper grading around
residential foundations is critical in maintaining the moisture of the soil beneath the foundation
at a constant level. Poor drainage can lead to foundation settlement. The soil around a
foundation must always shed water away from the structure.
6. Receive report from Robert Stricker, Director of Community Development who was tasked to
contact other Texas cities which may have experience similar foundation issues and to learn
what those cities may have done to address this concern.
Mr. Stricker, Director of Community Development Services contacted other cities with similar
soils to see what kind of issues they may be experiencing and what they have done to solve
7. Receive report from City Manager Herrera summarizing recommendations which may be
helpful as part of the city's residential building requirements.
Mr. Herrera summarized the workshop with the following recommendations:
A. All future residential subdivisions within the city limits should require the developer or
the builder to employ a geotechnical engineering firm to perform soil testing. Soil testing
will be done on each lot and results filed with the City.
B. City should require home builders to report to the City and potential home buyers the
locations of home sites which are built upon former streams, waterways or stock ponds.
City should require home builders to disclose this information to potential buyers in
C. The City will continue updating its municipal building codes upon release of updates.
D. Recommend that the City consider adopting an amendment to the building code
addressing the timing as to when a home builder is allowed to begin the process known as
post tensioning on residential slabs. Recommendation is for a seven day waiting time after
concrete slab has been poured. Exceptions if signed document from the engineer that built
the home would be allowed.
E. Recommend that the City consider adopting an amendment to the building code that on
conventional steel foundations home framing shall not be permitted prior to the seventh
day. Exceptions allowed if signed by the engineer that built the home.
F. Recommended that the City consider requiring home builders when submitting
application for a building permit that the builder acknowledges in writing that they have
taken the appropriate steps to prepare the home site. Builders would also acknowledge in
writing that if loose, un-compacted fill dirt is brought in that the fill dirt was properly
compacted to its natural density.
G. Prior to the City issuing a certificate of occupancy for a new home the City should
require written documentation that the home builder informed and provided the
homeowner with a written set of accepted maintenance practices associated with
foundation maintenance.
H. The City should consider requiring home builders to provide a surety bond at a
minimum in the amount of$25,000.
I. Recommend that the City revisit its current building policies concerning the distance
between residential slabs. An additional increase would allow for better drainage.
J. Recommendation from the City staff concerning a Home Lemon Law which is outside
of staff's sphere of authority.
8. Comments and direction from City Council.
Council had a long discussion of these items. They thanked Mr. Dunn, Mr. Klein and staff for
all the work in putting the information together. Council requested that the updated 2012
International Codes be brought to council as soon as possible for approval.
9. Adj ournment.
Councilman Liparoto moved to adjourn the Workshop at 7:02 p.m. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Troncoso. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
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City Secretary