Min CC 08/12/2013 - Special OF C/9
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-City of Choice-
Special City Council
200 S. MAIN
August 12, 2013
5:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order—Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hartman at 5:05 p.m.
2. Roll Call—Council Members Present: Mayor Hartman, Councilman Pedde, Councilman Castro, Councilwoman
Hale, Councilman Carlton,Councilman Liparoto and Councilman Hicks; Council Members Absent: Councilman
Troncoso; Staff Present: City Manager Herrera, City Attorney Zech, City Secretary Cimics, Finance Director
Miranda, Fire Chief Niemietz, Police Chief Cox, Public Works Director Fousse and Planning/Development
Services Stricker.
3. Invocation-Invocation was given by Councilman Carlton.
4. Pledge of Alle igiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Citizens to be Heard
This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. The City Council may not
debate any non-agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time, however, City
Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens.
Ryan Slaughter spoke during Citizens to be Heard and stated he was against the Wal-Mart location. He also
wanted answers to a couple questions. First,he wanted a legal understanding how the City is bound by a table in
the Unified Development Code (UDC). Second, he would like to know what was said about Councilman Hicks
for him to have to have a character reference speak for him at the last council meeting. Andre Larkin's also
signed up to speak but chose not to speak as council never answers his questions.
6. Discussion/Presentation
A. Presentation by Mr.Robert McLain, discussion, and direction to staff on the City's water and utility rate
Mr.McLain gave a power point presentation to council on the Water and Wastewater Rate Study Update. He
gave council an overview,key planning assumptions,key adequacy tests and key findings. Two options were
given to council for review. Council agreed that option two was the option that the City needed to look at.
Mr.McLain will bring back a Comprehensive Report to include the CIP Project in approximately three
B. Discussion/Action on a possible bond election for the November 2013 election.
Council discussed potential General Obligation Bond Projects for the November election. Council looked at
funding the items listed for 2014 to include the Borgfeld/Dietz Road Intersection,Main Street/FM 1103 and
the Green Valley Road West to SCUCISD Property. They also moved the upgrade to Fire Station#1 to the
2014 list. The GVR project Mr.Herrera would look at possible other funding. Council agreed to have this
item come back before August 26,2013 with an ordinance to possibly call a Bond Election.
C. Discussion/Action and direction to staff regarding the FY 2013-14 Budget to include city services,priorities
and capital improvements.
Council would like to have three firefighters and three police officers added to this year's budget. The cost
for the three firefighter's positions would be$152,626.35 and an additional amount of$13,935.00 for
equipment. Three police officers positions would cost$177,973.71 with an additional amount of$25,500.00
for equipment. Total addition to the FY 2014 budget would be$370,035.06. Council and staff agreed to
remove the software for finance out of this year's budget and the City Manager would look at other budgets
to see what else may need to be cut. Council did state that it was a good budget that was presented but
needed to continue to add the Public Safety Personnel.
D. Discussion/Action on the finalization of the language amending the Cibolo City Charter amendments as
presented by the City Attorney.
City Attorney Zech went over the proposed amendments to the existing Charter. The only change that was
made was Section 6.02 Petitions for Recall(Measure No.22)be amended to read:As to the Mayor petition
must contain the number of valid signatures totaling at least thirty percent(30%)of the number of votes cast
at the last general City election, or four hundred and fifty(450),whichever is greater. As to the Council it
would be signed by qualified voters in such District equal in number at least thirty percent(30%),or one
hundred and fifty(150),whichever is greater. This was the only change made by council. City Attorney will
make the change and have the ordinance ready for the meeting scheduled for August 13,2013.
7. Adjournment:
Councilman Liparoto moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Hale.
For:All;Against:None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
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ennifer Hartman
Peggy Cimics,TRMC
City Secretary