Min CC 08/26/2013 - Special J of C/@ � C U O r rex �s "City of ChoiCe" Special City Council CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S.MAIN August 26,2013 9:00 A.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order—Mayor Hartman called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. 2. Roll Call—Council Present:Mayor Hartman,Councilman Pedde,Councilman Troncoso,Councilman Castro,Councilwoman Hale, Councilman Carlton, Councilman Liparoto and Councilman Hicks; Staff: City Manager Herrera, City Attorney Zech, City Secretary Cimics, ED Director Luft, Finance Director Miranda, Police Chief Cox, Fire Chief Niemietz, Public Works Director Stricker and Planning/Development Services Stricken 3. Invocation—Invocation was given by Councilman Castro. 4. Pledge of Alle fiance—All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Citizens to be Heard This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. The City Council may not debate any non-agenda issue,nor may any action be taken on any non-agenda issue at this time,however,City Council may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. Ryan Slaughter spoke to council on item 6A. He was in support of placing the alcoholic beverage ordinance on the ballot for the citizens to decide. Mr. Slaughter also felt the council should take immediate action to approve an ordinance to cover the next 72 days to stop the sale of alcohol near any school immediately. Andre Larkins stated that he had addressed a letter to Mr.Zech the City Attorney over 16 days before the signatures were validated by the City Secretary. This gave him plenty of time to make sure everything was legal. The City Attorney did address the issue and did state he received a letter but until his client the City Council directed him to take action and until he knew the petition had been validated by the City Secretary he could not spend tax payers money for research without direction. 6. Ordinances A. Approval/Disapproval of proposed ordinances relating to selling alcoholic beverages,providing order and notice of a Special Election for the purpose of submitting said ordinances to the qualified voters,for adoption or rejection. Councilman Liparoto moved to approve a proposed ordinances relating to selling alcoholic beverages,providing order and notice of a Special Election for the purpose of submitting said ordinances to the qualified voters,for adoption or rejection. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pedde. For: Council Members: Castro,Hale,Liparoto and Pedde; Against: Council Members:Troncoso,Hicks and Carlton. Motion carried 4 to 3. B. Approval/Disapproval of proposed ordinance relating to selling firearms,providing order and notice of a Special Election for the purpose of submitting said ordinances to the qualified voters,for adoption or rejection. City Attorney requested to go into executive session with council. Council convened into Executive Session at 9:24 a.m. Council reconvened into regular session at 9:34 a.m. Councilman Troncoso moved to disapprove a proposed ordinance relating to selling firearms,providing order and notice of a Special Election for the purpose of submitting said ordinances to the qualified voters,for adoption or rejection. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlton. For Disapproval: Council Members:Pedde,Troncoso,Castro,Hale, Carlton,Liparoto and Hicks;Against Disapproval:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. 1 7. Adjournment: Councilman Carlton moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 a.m. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Hale. For:All; Against:None. Motion carried 7 to 0. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2013. 9Jenmfer � Mayor ATTEST: Peggy Cimics,TRMC City Secretary 2