ORD 65 03/14/1974 i410 40 ORDINANCE NO. 65 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, THAT: The City of Cibolo, Texas proposes to institute annexation proceedings to enlarge and extend the boundary limits of said city to include the following described territory, to-wit: Being a parcel of land out of the G. Malpaz Survey No. 67 and being a portion of that certain 151.5 acre tract of land conveyed by Allied Guaranty Company, Inc. to Harry G. Bligh and wife, Thelma A. Bligh, by deed dated December 26, 1955, and recorded in Volume 350, page 533 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas , and a portion of the Texas Highway Department right of way in FM Highway 78 and a portion of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company right of way; said tract of land is described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows : BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Dietz Creek and the. northernright of way line at the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for the northwest corner of this tract; THENCE in a southerly direction following the center line of the Dietz Creek, crossing the Southern Pacific Railroad Company right of way and the Texas Highway Department right of way for FM Highway 78 to the paintof intersection of the center line of the Dietz Creek and the southern right of way line of FM Highway 78; said point also being Lae point on the northeast line of the Harry Bligh 151.5 acre tract; THENCE in a southerly direction continuing to follow the center line of the Dietz Creek with its meanders to the point of intersection of the center line of the Dietz Creek and the center line of the Cibolo Creek; THENCE down along the middle of the Cibolo Creek bed with its meanders to the southeast corner of the Harry Bligh 151.5 acre tract; THENCE north 28° 25' west 250ft; north 14+° 30' west 289 ft. ; north 09° 04' west 193.2 ft. ; north 26° 03' west 307 ft. ; north 07° 00' east 1+3.5 ft. north 28° 00' east 183.3 ft. ; and north 04+° 52' west 200.0 ft. to a point on the northern right of line on the Southern Pacific Railroad Company; THENCE along the northern right ofray line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company to the place of beginning. A public hearing will be held by and before the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas on the 4th day of April, 197+ at 7:00 o'clock in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Cibolo, Texas, for all persons interested in the above proposed annexation. At said time and place all such persons shall have the right to appear and be heard. Of all said matters and things, all persons interested in the things and matters herein mentioned, will takes notice. __ _ By order of the City__Council of the _City_of_Cibolo,__Texas this -the-14th day-of March, 1974. +tip F. S. Schlather Mayor, City of Cibolo, Texas ATTEST: Linda N. Ling ' City Secretary