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ORD 60 06/21/1973
1 -- /e4:- • ORDINANCE NUMBER 60 LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS 0E-CHAPTER 231, ACTS OF THE 40TH LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1927, AS HERETOFORE OF HEREAFTER AMENDED (COMPILED AS ARTICLE 970a VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES) DECLARING THE POLICY AND THE RULES AND REGU- /. LATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. AMENDMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: .jORDINANCE 333 7/3/84 ORDINANCE 335 8/7/84 ORDINANCE 347 12/4/84 ORDINANCE 356 ' 9/5/85 ORDINANCE 60-A 9/10/85 ORDINANCE 60-B 9/3/85 ORDINANCE 60-C 1/7/86 • y SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE I AUTHORITY AND PRUPOSE 1 1.1 Authority 1 1.2. Purpose 1 1.3 Jurisdiction 1 ARTICLE II SUBMISSION OF PLATS 2 2.1. Pre-Application Conference 2 2.2 Preliminary Plat 3 2.3 Plat 7' ARTICLE III COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIRED REGULATIONS 12 ARTICLE IV RESPONSIBILITY FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS 13 ARTICLE V GUARANTEES OF PERFORMANCE 14 5.1 Construction of Required Improvements 14 5.2 Security and Maintenance Bond 14 ARTICLE VI VARIANCES 16 6.1 Required Conditions 16 6.2 Planned Units Development 17 ARTICLE VII SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS 19 7.1 General Design Principles and Objectives 19 7.2 Streets 19 7.3 Alleys 22 7.4 Easements 23 7.5 Pedestrian Circulation ... . .. . 23 7.6 Block . . . 24 7.7 Lots . '. . 24 7.8 Public Sites and Open Spaces 27 7.9 Protection of Natural Features 29 I + CONTENTS • PAGE ARTICLE VIII REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 29 8.1 Monuments 29 8.2 Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks 29 8.3 Street Trees 30 8.4 Water System 30 8.5 Sanitary Sewers 31 8.6 Storm Drainage 32 ARTICLE IX DEFINITIONS 33 ARTICLE X CONFLICT CLAUSE 37 ARTICLE XI SEPARABILITY CLAUSE 37 ARTICLE XII PENAL PROVISIONS 37 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, CITY;OF CIBOLO, TEXAS ARTICLE I AUTHORITY AND PRUPOSE 1.1 Authority This ordinance is adopted under the authority of the Con- stitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particu- lady Chapters 231, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session, 1927, as heretofore or hereafter amended (com- piled as Article 974a, V.T.C.S.*), and the provisions of Section 4 of the Municipal Annexation Act as heretofore or hereafter amended (compiled as Article 970a, V.T.C.S.*). 1.2 Purpose • The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the orderly, safe and healthful development of'the area within the city, or one-half (2) mile of the city, or a greater area when such contiguous area is the extraterritorial jurisdiction'of the city as provided for under the Municipal Annexation Act (com- piled as Article 970a V.T.C.S.*). 1.3 Jurisdiction This ordinance shall govern all subdivisions of land within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas and within a distance of one-half ('-z) mile from the City Limits. Any owner of land within the limits of said subdivision juris- diction wishing to subdivide land shall submitt to the Cibolo City Planning Commission a plat of the subdivision which shall conform to the minimum requirements set forth by these regulations. The filing of a plan, plat or replat without complying with the regulations of the ordinance, or the trans- fer of land by filing of an instrument in the nature of a con- veyance without having first complied with the requirements *Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes - 1 - of this ordinance', shall be deemed a violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance. No plat of a subdivision lying within such territory or part thereof shall be filed or re- corded in the Office of the County Clerk until such sub- division plat shall have been approved by the City Planning Commission and such approval entered in writing on the plat. No subdivider shall proceed with the improvements in any subdivision'until the plat shall receive approval by the City Planning Commission. ARTICLE II SUBMISSION OF PLATS 2.1 Pre-Application Conference A. Conference Procedure:, • The Pre-Application Conference is an optional procedure available to a prospective subdivider and designed to review his subdivision plan and assist with the efficient processing of Preliminary Plans. B. Data Required: • The following information should befurnishedby the subdivider at the pre-application conference: 1 . General Subdivision Information: A description of existing conditions of the site, data on land char- acteristics, available community facilities and util- ities, information describing the proposed number and size of lots, price range, business areas., public areas, proposed protective covenantsand physical improve- ments. 2. Location Map: A sketch map showing the relation- ship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities within a.one-half mile radius, including shopping centers, public schools, parks, playgrounds and the development name and location, scale, north arrow and date. - 2 - s i • • 3. Sketch Plan: A sketch showing the proposed layout of streets, lots and other design features. This sketch may be a free hand made directly on a print of the topographic survey or aerial photograph, if available. 2.2 Preliminary Plan A. Procedure: 1 . All persons desiring to subdivide land shall prepare or cause to be prepared a Preliminary Plan which shall be filedwith the City and the City Planning Commission together with other supplementary infor- mation.as specified.. 2. Application: Application for consideration of a Preliminary Plan shall be made by the subdivider in writing to the City Planning Commission: A copy of the Application to be given to the City Secretary. A certificate of filing shall be maintained by the City Planning Commission and a copy of such certificates shall be given the,subdivider. 3. Required Prints: The subdivider shall deposit eight (8) prints of the Preliminary Plan with the City Plann- ing Commission at least ten days prior to the date of hearing. The Commission may require a reproducible tracing of the Plan to be filed. 4. Preliminary Plan Review: Prior to the City Planning Commission's consideration of the preliminary plan the City Secretary shall transmit a copy of the pro- posed planto the City Engineer and all municipal or, county departments and to all utility companies which may, be affected for review and recommendation in relation to their specific service operations. 5. Filing Fee: A filing fee of $10.00 per subdivision pus $1 .00 per residential lot shall be paid by the subdivider. Where nonresidential lots, such as, but not limited to, sites for industrial or commercial use, - housing projects and shopping centers are included, - 3 - the subdivider shall pay a filing fee of $5.00 per acre. In no case shall the filing fee involving acreage exceed $100.00. 6. Processing: The City Planning Commission shall review a Preliminary Plan within sixty (60) days following the receipt of an application and the specified number of Plan Prints. If no action to approve or disapprove a Preliminary Plan is taken within the sixty (60) day period from date of filing, the Preliminary Plan is deemed to have been disapproved unless the time is extended by the Commission., 7. Approval of the Preliminary Plan shall be deemed as expression of approval of only the arrangement and approximate size of streets, lots and blocks, or other data that is required on a Plan. B. Data Required: 1. The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn at the minumum scale of one hundred (100') feet to the inch and shall provide the following plat or supplemental information. a. Site Data: (1) Existing boundary lines, bearings and distances, and acreage of the proposed subdivision. (2) Present ownership,-tract designation and pro- perty lines of all contiguous properties as shown by the official records of the County Clerk of the County with adequate ties to well established points or survey corners. (3) Location, size and centerline of all existing utilities, drainage structures, water courses, railroads and other physical features affecting the proposed development. - 4 - (4) Location, name, type and width of surfacing of all streets and alleys on or adjoining the proposed development. (5) Location, size and purpose of all easements and public areas on or adjoining the proposed development. (6) Topographic information including existing and proposed contours at intervals of not less than two feet (2') and based on city standard datum .or U. S. Geological Survey datum, which shall be specified on the plat. On slopes of 8 percent or more five foot (5'). contour intervals shall be acceptable. (7) Information concerning other conditions on the site such as marshes, wooded areas, buildings and other significant features may be required by the Commission when deemed necessary. - (8) Information concerning other conditions on adjacent land, such as direction and gradient of ground slope, buildings, railroads, power lines, towers and other nonresidential land uses may be required by the Commission when deemed necessary. (9) Proposed streets with names, right-of-way widths, roadway widths and proposed surface type, central angles of street intersections, approxi- mate grades and gradients, and similar information for alleys and other_right-of-way easements. (10) . Lot lines, lot numbers and block numbers. (11) Identification of any sitesto be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds, utility facil- ities or other public uses. - 5 - • (12) Identification of any sites for multi-family dwellings, shopping centers,. industry, chur- ches, or other non-public uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. (13) Building setback lines. (14) Title, north arrow, scale and date. (15) Key map, drawn at a satisfactory scale to show the relation of the property to adjacent existing streets and identifying features for a distance of at least a half-mile. (16) Index sheet if plat is drawn on more than one sheet, showing the entire subdivision at a suit- able scale. b. Title and Certificates (1) Present tract designation ofrecord at office of the County Clerk. (2) Title under which new subdivision is to be re- corded. (3) Identification and certification of registered professional civil engineer or registered Texas land surveyor. C. Master Development Plan: Where the proposed subdivision constitutes a unit of a larger tract which is intended to be subsequently subdivided as units of the same subdivision, the preliminary plan shall be accom- panied by a Master Development Plan of the entire area, showing the layout of streets, blocks, drainage, land use and other char- acteristics. The Master Development Plan is not required to have precise dimensioning or location of streets, lots, easements or uses but should provide sufficient information to the City Planning Commission for the Commission to determine the overall nature of the proposed development, its compliance with the City's Master Plan and its relationship to planned community improvements. The Master Development Plan, if approved, shall be filed in the permanent files of the City Planning Commission. Thereafter, preliminary plans for sections or portions of subsequent units of - 6 - such subdivision may be submitted without additionalpre- application review, and shall conform to such approved Master Development Plan. The subdivider shall deposit eight (8) prints of the Master Development Plan with the City Planning Commission at least ten days prior to the date of hearing. The Commission may require a reproducible tracing of the Plan to be filed. The Master Development Plan shall be at a scale of four hundred (400) feet to the inch or larger. 1. Changes to Approved Master Development Plan The City Planning Commission may approve a change in the Master Development Plan when it finds: a. That adherence to the previouslyapproved overall layout will be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or will be injurious to other pro- perty in the area. b. That adherence to the previously approved overall layout will hinder the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.. c. Approval of a Master Development Plan shall expire three (3) years after the date it is filed. Such conditional approval may be reinstated for one- year periods after review by the City Planning Commission. 2.3 Plat A. Procedure: 1. No plat shall be considered unless a preliminary plan has been submitted and approved. A final plat and a preliminary plan may be submitted simultaneously. 2. Required Plat and Prints: The original drawing and eight (8) prints of the plat shall be submitted to the Commission at least ten days prior to the date at which the plat will be considered. - - 7 - 3. Filing Fee: A filing fee of $20.00 per subdivision 1317;i1-270 per residential lot shall be paid by the sub- divider. Where nonresidential lots, such as, but not limited to, sites for industrial or commercial use, hou- _ sing projects and shopping centers are included, the subdivider shall pay a filing fee of $5.00 per acre. In no case shall the filing fee involving acreage exceed $100.00. In addition, when the final plat is filed with the Commission for approval, it shall be accompanied by a check payable to the County Clerk in the amount of the recording fee required by the County. 4. Processing: a. As specified in paragraph (2.3A, 1), no final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plan has been submitted.. However, if an approved plat has been duly recorded and the subdivider wishes only to revise lot lines or lot arrangements without increasing the number of lots, no preliminary plan will be necessary. b. If desired by the subdivider and approved by the • City Planning Commission, the plat may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plan which he proposes to record and develop. However, such portion shall conform to all the requirements of this ordinance. c. Upon receipt of the final plat and other required information, the City Planning Commission shall render a decision thereon within thirty (30) days from the filing date. Such decision may consist of approval, disapproval, or conditional disapproval . Reasons for disapproval or conditional disapproval shall be stated to the developer-subdivider in writ- ing. When a plat is conditionally disapproved, the subdivider may subsequently refile a final plat meet- ing the objections or imposed conditions, and the - 8 - • City Planning Commission shall within ten (10) . days thereafter sign said final plat, provided it meets the objections or imposed conditions. On approval of the plat, said plat being otherwise fully and properly endorsed, the Chairman and Secretary of the City Planning Commission shall sign in the spaces provided. However, in no case shall the City Planning Commission allow said plat to be recorded until the (City Secretary)(Moyor) or an engineer as appointed by the (City Secretary) or (Mayor) has approved all plans and specifications for the subdivision as herein required. Upon such approval, the (City Secretary)(Mayor) shall sign the face of the plat in the space provided. B. Data Required: 1 . The plat shall be drawn in waterproof drafting ink on drafting film or tracing cloth at a scale of one hun- dred feet (100') to the inch. The Commission may permit submission of the plat on other types of permanent repro- ducible materials and at larger scales where warranted. a. Plat Data: The following information shall be shown on the plat tracing. (1) Primary control points, or descriptions and "ties" to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred. (2) Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and all other rights-of-way and property lines of residential lots and other sites; with accurate dimensions, bearing or deflection angles and radii, arcs, and central angles of all curves. (3) Name and right-of-way, width of each street or other right-of-way. - 9 - (4) Location, dimensions and purpose of all easements. (5) Number to identify each lot, site and block. (6) Purpose for which all sites other than resi- dential lots are dedicated or reserved. (7) Minimum building setback lines on all lots and other sites. (8) Location and description of monuments. (9) Reference to recorded subdivision plats or adjoining public land by recorded name, date, and number. (10) Present ownership, tract designation: and pro- perty lines of all adjacent unplatted land. (11) Title, scale, north arrow and date. b. Titles and Certificates: (1) Certification of registered professional en- gineer or registered Texas public land sur- veyor certifying to accuracy of survey and • plat. (2) Certification of title showing that subdivider is land owner. (3) Statement by owner dedicating streets, right- of-way and all sites for public use as required by these regulations. (4) Certificate by the City Engineer certifying compliance to the appropriate codes and ordinances of the City. - 10 - • • c. Owner's Acknowledgement. d. Tax certificate from the Assessor and Collector of taxes of all taxing agencies within whose • jurisdiction the proposed subdivision lies to the effect that all ad valorem taxes have been paid on the land included within the subdivision. e. Utility certificate from the City Engineer appro- ving the proposed utilities layout and indicating that adequate service is available to the sub- division. • • f. Reproducible tracing and two copies of the follow- ing site improvement data complete and correct for the area being platted. (1) Plan and Profile of streets, alleys, side- • walks, crosswalks, and monuments. (2) Storm drainage data and proposed drainage structures, water lines and other water fac- • ilities, sanitary sewers and sewerage facil- ities including calculation, plans and profile. C. Recording Procedure: After the plat has been approved and a maintenance bond filed as hereinafter provided; or after the plat has been finally approved and the subdivider has filed the security and maintenance bond hereinafter provided, the City Plann- ing Commission shall endorse its approval upon the plat and cause the plat to be recorded with the County Clerk of the County. The City Planning Commission shall also cause the check or checks for the recording fee or fees deposit-ed at the time the plat was filed for approval to be delivered with the plat to the County Clerk. - 11 - • • ARTICLE HI COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIRED REGULATIONS. 3.1 No building; repair, plumbing or electricalpermit shall be issued by the city for any structure on.alot in a subdivision for which a plat has not been approved and filed for record and all required city improvements including water, sewer, street and drainage improvements completed, approvedby the city and dedicated to public use. 3.2 The city shall not repair, maintain, install or provide any streets or public utility services in any subdivision for which a plat has not been approved and filed for record, nor in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have not been complied with in full . 3.3 The city shall not sell, supply or authorize any water, gas, electricty or sewerage service within a subdivision ,for which a plat has not been approved or filed for record, nor in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have not been complied with in full. 3.4 In behalf of the city, the City Attorney shall, when directed by the City Council, institute appropriate action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this or- dinance or-the standards referred to herein with respect to any violation thereof which occurs within the city, within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city as such jurisdiction as determined under the Municipal Annexation Act, or within any area subject to all or a part of the provisions of this or- dinance. 3.5 If any subdivision exists for which a plat has not been approved or in which the standards contained herein or referred to herein have not been complied with in full, the City Council shall pass a resolution reciting the fact of such noncompliance or failure to secure plat approval, and reciting the fact that the provisions of paragraphs 3. 1, 3.2, and 3.3 of this Section will apply to the subdivision and the lots therein, the City Secretary shall, when directed by the City Council, cause a certified copy of such resolution under the corporate seal of the city to be filed in the Deed Records of the county in which such sub- , - 12 - division or part thereof lies. If full compliance and plat approval are secured after the filing of such resolution, the City Secretary shall forthwith file an instrument in the Deed Records of such county or counties stating that paragraphs 3.1 3.2 and 3.3 no longer apply. 3.6 Provided, however, that the provisions of Article III shall not be construed to prohibit the 'issuance of permits for any lots upon which a residence building exists and was in existance prior to passage of this Subdivision Regulations, nor to prohi- bit the repair, maintenance, or installation of any street or public utility services for, to or abutting any lot, the last re- corded conveyance of which prior to passage of this ordinance was by metes and bounds, and/or any subdivision, or lot there- in, recorded or unrecorded, which subdivision was in existance prior to the passage of this ordinance. ART ICLE IV RESPONSIBILITY FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS 4.1 The subdivider shall be responsible for all site improvements required for normal development within his subdivision including paving of streets and all utilities, sanitary sewers and drainage facilities. 4.2 The city shall keep current and have available for distribution a written policy statement covering: A. The policy of the City regarding any participation, reim- bursement,or arrangements for future repayment to the subdivider for the cost of streets, utilities, drainage and other improvements. B. The policy of the city regarding street appurtenances (lights, signs). - 13 - • ARTICLE V GUARANTEES OF PERFORMANCE 5.1. Construction"of Required Improvements: The subdivider may commence construction of the improvements specified under Article VIII immediately following approval of the Preliminary Plan. All, construction shall be inspected while in pro- gress by the appropriate city department, and must be approved bytheCity Engineer and accepted by the City Council upon- completion. Prior to such approval:, the subdivider shall file with the City Council 'an instrument of dedication for all improve ments constructed and for any easement not dedicated on the plat of record. No building permit shall be issued until a final inspection has been made and the required improvements are accepted by.the City Council. Alternate Regulations: Note: Section 5.2 sets forth additional provisions which may be required. 5.2 Security and Maintenance Bond: - "No building permits shall be issued unless the subdivider has done one of the following: A. Has filed with the city a bond executed by a surety Com- . " pony holding a license to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the city, in an amount equal to the cost of the improvements required by this ordinance as estimated by the city, and providing that the subdivider will com- plete such improvements within three (3) years after approval - of such plat, such bond to be approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, or: B. Has placed on deposit in a bank or trust company selected by the subdivider and approved by the city, in a trust • account a sum of money equal to the estimated cost of all • site improvements- required by this ordinance. The estimated , - cost of such improvements shall be the cost as estimated by.the.city: Selection of the trustee shall be subject to approval by the City Council, and the trust agreement shall be approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney. _ C. Provided'a letter of credit from a bank, savings and loan • association or a similar financial institution subject to the same conditions as in 5.2B. , - 14 - 5.3 In the case of subdivisions within the city limits and subject to issuance of a building permit by the City, the City Council may allow the subdivider to transfer the responsibility for the construction of sidewalks to the builder or builders of houses or other buildings in the subdivision provided that satisfactory evidence is shown that said sidewalk improvements will be made • within the time period, including extensions, provided for other subdivision improvements. 5.4 The City shallinspect the construction of the improvements while in progress, and shall inspect such improvements upon comple- tion of construction.. After final inspection, the City shall notify the subdivider and the City Attorney in writing as to its acceptance or rejection of the construction. The City shall reject such construction only if it fails to comply with the standards and specifications contained or referred to herein. If rejected, the City Attorney shall, on direction of City Council, proceed to enforce the guarantees provided in this ordinance. 5.5 Where good cause exists, the City may extend the period of time for completion of work an additional one (1) year if the subdivider has not completed the required site improvements or completed such improvements in compliance with this ordinance. No such extension shall be granted unless security has been provided by the subdivider covering the extended period of time. - 15 - • • ARTICLE VI VARIANCES 6.1 Required Conditions: The City Planning Commission may authorize a variance from • these Regulations when, in its opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a variance, the City Planning Commission shall prescribe only conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable in the public interest. In making the findings, the City Planning Commission shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, existing uses of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed subdivision, and the probable effect of such variance upon traffic conditions and upon the public health, safety, convenience and welfare in the.vicinity. No variance shall be granted unless the City Planning Commis- sion finds: A. That there are special circumstances or conditionsaffecting the land involved such that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land; or envoke unnecessary hard- ship and B. That the variance is necessary for the preservation and en- joyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; and C. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area; and D. That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Such findings of the City Planning Commission, together with the specific facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting at which such variance is granted. Variances may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance so that the public health, safety and welfare may be secured and substantial justice done. Pecuniary hardship to the subdivider, standing alone, shall not be deemed to constitute undue hard- ship. - 16 - 6.2 Planned Unit Development: The City Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council and the City Council may authorize a Planned Unit Development, either within the city or within the area of extra-territorial jurisdiction, when it is found that said Planned Unit Development will encourage flexibility of design and development of land in such manner as to promote the most appropriate use of land, to facilitate the adequate and economical - provision of streets and utilities, and to preserve the natural, scenic and recreationalqualities of open lands. This procedure shall be applicable only where: A. The owner makes written application to the City for the use of the procedure and submits such plans and other information as required in this section and other sections of the ordinance. B. The tract proposed for a Planned Unit Development is at least five (5) acres in size for any property having R-1b or more restrictive zoning or that is within the extra-territorial:area, and at least two (2) acres in.size for property that has MF or less restrictive zoning. C. The proposed number of dwelling units does not exceed the number which could be permitted, in the Planning Commission's and City Council's judgement, if the land were subdivided into lots conforming to the minimum lot size andother development - requirements of the subdivision and/or zoning ordinance. It is authorized, however, that additional dwelling units of up to ten (10) percent more than would be permitted in a standard subdivision may be permitted if more than ten (10) percent of the land is allocated to community open space and accepted by the City. D. The proposed Planned Unit Development requires the waiver of one or more provisions of this Ordinance or the Zoning Ordinance and provides for community open space in accordance with section E. The City Council, after recommendation by the Planning Commission, may waive the requirements that: (1) require all units to front on a dedicated-public street; (2) prohibit the development of • private streets; (3) require each unit or building to be located on a lot of minimum size and dimensions with specified set-backs and similar coverage and yard requirements; and (4) such other requirements that limit the purposes for which the Planned Unit Development is intended. - 17 - - E. At least five (5) percent of the total tract in the Planned Unit Development shall be allocated to common recreation or open space. The City may, as a condition of plat approval, establish such conditions of ownership, maintenance and use as it deems necessary to assure the preservation of such lands for their inten- ded purposes. Such conditions shall be approved by the City _Council prior to the approval of the plat for filing. F. In addition to the subdivision plan, a site plan is submitted . showing areas within which structures may be located, the height and spacing of buildings, open spaces and their land- scaping, off-street open and enclosed parking spaces, streets and driveways, and other physical and developmental features. Said site plan shall be subject to review and public hearing before the Planning Commission and City Council. • - 18 - ARTICLE VII. SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS 7.1 General Design Principles and Objectives: A. Conformity with Comprehensive Development: All subdivisions shall conform to the City's Comprehensive Development Plan for orderly and unified development of streets, utilities, neighborhood design and public land and facilities. B. Achieving Desirable Neighborhood Development: Residential subdivisions shall be designed to take advan- tage of the principles and general designs for neighborhood development as established by the Comprehensive Develop- ment Plan and the City Planning Commission in order to achieve the most advantageousdevelopment of the entire neighborhood unit in which the subdivision is located. C. Provision for Future Subdivision: If a tract is subdivided into parcels larger than ordinary building lots, such parcels shall be arranged to allow logi- cal further subdivision and the opening of future streets. 7.2 Streets: A." Street Layout: The arrangement, extent., character, width, grade and lo- cation of all streets shall be consistent with the Major Street Plan of the Comprehensive Development Plan. Minor resi- dential streets shall provide adequate circulation within the • neighborhood, yet discourage-excessivethrough traffic . The street layout shall be arranged to achieve the most desirable development of the entire neighborhood unit with appro- priate consideration of creeks, drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical features which lend themselves to attractive treatment. - 19 - • B. Projection of Streets: When adjoining areas are not yet subdivided, the arrange- ment of streets shall provide for the proper projection of streets into the adjoining unsubdivided areas as will be re- - quired to complete the neighborhood pattern or conform to the Comprehensive Development Plan. C. Private Streets:. Private streets which serve more than one residential lot, or one or more multi-family structures owned by more than one person or corporation are expressly forbidden. D. Partial or Half Streets: In the case of minor streets, no half streets shall be platted. Where the proposed subdivision abuts upon an existing half street, the remaining half of the street shall be platted. • In the case of secondary streets and major streets, half streets may be platted, if necessary, when in conformance with the Comprehensive Development Plan. One-foot reserves shall be dedicated to the public in fee as a buffer separation, the condition of such dedication being that when the adjacent property is subdivided in a recorded plat, the one-foot res- erve shall thereupon become vested in the public for street right-of-way purposes. E. Dead-End Streets and Cul-de-Sacs: 1 . Dead-end streets shall be prohibited, except as short stubs designed to be continued in future subdivisions in conformance with Sub-Section 7.2B, or when de- signed as cul-de-sacs. Temporary turnarounds shall be provided at the terminal point of dead-end streets until such time as they are extended. 2. Cul-de-sacs shall, generally, not exceed eight hundred (800) feet in length and shall have a turnaround of not less than one hundred (100) feet in diameter in single- family residential areas, one hundred twenty (120) feet in multi-family residential, commercial and industrial areas. In commercial and industrial areas, additional requirements may be imposed where deemed necessary by the Planning Commission. • ' • - 20 - F. Alignment: The alignment of all major streets and secondary streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Development Plan and the design specifications set forth in Article VII. G. Intersections: All intersections on major streets and secondary streets shall be at ninety (90) degrees except as shown on the Comprehensive Development Plan or approved by the City Planning Commission. The intersections of minor streets shall be as nearly ninety (90) degrees as practicable. The curb radii at street intersections in urban_subdivisions shall conform to Table 1 of Article VIII. H. Right-of-Way and Pavement Widths: All street and pavement widths shall conform to the Com- prehensive Development Plan and the requirements of Article. VIII, but in no case shall the right-of-way widths be less than the following: 1. Major Arterial: One hundred (100) feet of right-of- way; minimum of 60 feet of paving. 2. Minor Arterial: Eighty-six (86) feet of right-of-way, minimum of 48 feet of paving. 3. Collector: Sixty (60) feet of right-of-way; minimum of 42 feet of paving. . 4. Minor Streets: Fifty (50) feet, when curbs are pro- vided. Sixty (60) feet, when no curbs and gutters or where desig nated as a minor collector; minimum of 30 feet of paving. I. Street Names: • Names of new streets shall not duplicate the names of existing streets within the county unless the new street is a continuation of or part of a future continuation of such existing street.. Street names shall be chosen to avoid sim- ilarity or confusion with existing street names. Names of all new streets shall be subject to approval by the City Plan- ning Commission and.coordinated on an area-wide basis. - 21 - J. Construction-Standards: All streets shall be constructed with reference to base, surfacing, curbs, grades, horizontal curves and inter- • section curve radii in accordance with the standard specifications, City of Cibolo and the standards pres- cribed in Article VIII'. K. Temporary Right-of-Way: When deemed necessary by the City Planning Commission, temporary right-of-way may be provided for certain uses or locations, such as the provision of turnarounds on pro- jected streets. Such temporary right-of-way shall revert to the abutting property owners when no longer required for its original purpose. 7,3 Alleys: • A. Commercial and Industrial Districts: Paved alleys not less than twenty (20) feet wide shall be provided in all commercial or industrial subdivisions, except that the City Council may waive this require- ment where other definite and assured provision is made , for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and' parking consistent with and adequate for the uses provided. B. Residential Areas: If alleys are provided in residential areas they shall be not less thansixteen (16) feet wide, with at least twelve (12) feet of paved surface. C. Intersections and Turns: Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, but where two alleys intersect, or an alley turns at an angle sharper than one hundred (100) degrees, a cut- off of not less than ten (10) feet from the normal intersection of the property line shall be provided. • - 22 - D. Dead-End Alleys: Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turn- around facilities as determined by the City Planning Commission. E. Construction: • All alleys shall be constructed in accordance with the standards prescribed in Article VIII of this ordinance. 7.4 Easements: A. Utility Easements: In Residential areas where alleys are not platted, ease- ments shall be provided for installation of utilities. In general, the rear easement shall be ten (10) feet wide, centered on the rear lot lines. Additional requirements, for public utility easements shall be determined by the city. B. Drainage Easements: Where the subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conform- - ing substantially with the lines of such water course, and of sufficient width, as determined by the city to accom- modate further width or construction and allow access for maintenance. 7.5 Pedestrian Circulation: A. Sidewalks: Paved sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of major and secondary streets and at least one side of minor streets and constructed in accordance with the standards prescribed in ArticIA VIII. Sidewalks shall be provided as deemed nec- essary by the City Planning Commission in commercial and industrial areas. - 23 - B. Crosswalks: Pedestrian crosswalks not less than ten (10) feet wide with not less than four (4) feet of paved surface shall be dedicated in subdivisions where deemed necessary by the City Planning Commission to provide access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers and other neighborhood fac- ilities, and for general pedestrian circulation. 7.6 Block: A. General Layout: The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be deter- mined with due regard to: 1 . Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated. 2. Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic. 3. Limitations and opportunities of topography. B. Length: In general, block length along minor or secondary streets shall not exceed one thousand four hundred (1,400) feet or be less than five hundred (500) feet, and along major streets shall not exceed one thousand eight hundred (1,800). feet or be less than nine hundred (900) feet. C. Width: In general, blocks shall be platted of sufficient width to contain two tiers of lots with alley or utility easement be- tween them, except where lots are double fronted on major streets, railroads or drainage channels, or where overall neighborhood design justifies a different layout, or where a single tier of lots is platted to adjoin the rear of existing lots or unplatted tracts. 7.7 Lots: A. General Layout: The size, width, depth, shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the neighborhood in which the subdivision is located, and for the type of development and use contemplated, to assure provision of proper open- space and prevent overcrowding. - 24 - B. Lot Dimensions: 1 . Lots by Type: a. Single Family Dwelling Lot: Where served by public or approved central sewerage system, the lot shall be at least seventy (70) feet wide, at least one hundred ten (1 10) feet deep and have an area of at • least seven thousand seven hundred (7,700) square feet unless approved by the City Council. b, Town House Dwelling Lot: shall have.: (1) Minimum width - 20', except the unit which occupies a corner lot shall provide an addit- ional 10 feet for side yard. (2) Minimum area - 3,000 square feet. (3) Minimum number of lots in a town house project - 3. (4) Town house projects shall make provisions for not less than 500 square feet of open space per dwelling unit in addition to lots and parking areas for recreational and/or court yard use. c.. Multi-Family Dwelling Lot: No lot or area to be used for multi-family or apartment purposes shall contain an area of less than six thousand (6,000) square feet plus an additional two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of two (2) dwelling units within structures to be constructed or occupied upon such a lot. • d. Where a lot is to be served by a septic tank system, the lot shall be at least one hundred (100) feet wide, at least one hundred twenty (120) feet deep and shall have an area of at least fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet. Any mobile home, two-family dwelling, town house, apartment or other dwelling unit to be served by a septic tank system shall have a minimum area of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet per dwelling unit. Said septic system shall be subject to approval of design and inspection and shall meet all State Health. Department, Guadalupe County and City requirements. -25- • 1 2. Depth and width of properties laid out for commer- cial or industrial purposes shall be adequate to pro- vide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of use and development contem- plated. 3. Corner lots shall have sufficient width to permit the required building setback and proper orientation to both streets. Lots abutting on cross-walks shall be treated as corner lots. 4. Where a residential lot backs up to a railroad right- of-way, high pressure gas line, industrial area or any other land use which may have an adverse environmental effect on residential property, and where no marginal access street or other street is provided at the rear of such lot, additional depth shall be required, not to ex- ceed a total of one hundred fifty (150) feet. Where a lot sides to any of the above development conditions appropriate additional width shall be required. A planting, no-access easement of at least ten (10) feet shall be provided along the line of lots abutting a traf- fic artery or other disadvantageous land use and access shall be restricted. 5. if a residential lot faces a major street, it shall be at least ten (10) feet deeper than otherwise required. 6. Radial residential lots shall be at least sixty (60) feet wide at the building line. C. Orientation: • Residential lots shall be oriented to take advantage of topo- graphy, climatic conditions and the best relationship to the overall design of the neighborhood and to minimize the eff- ects of any surrounding depreciating land uses. 1 . The placing of residential lots facing directly upon a major street shall be avoided, unless lots face a mar- ginal access street parallel to such major street. Lots should side or buck to major thoroughfares and other depreciating land uses. - 26 - 2. The placing of lots at right angles to each other (with rear and side lot lines adjacent) shall be avoided. 3. Side lot lines shall be as nearly perpendicular as practicable to the street the lot faces, or radial to curved streets. D. Access: Every lot shall be provided with adequate access to a pub- • lic street by direct frontage on such street. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. E. Building Lines: • Minimum front and side building setback lines atstreets and cross-walks shall be shown on all plats and shall con- form to the restrictions, if any, imposed on the subdivision by the subdivider, but in no event shall such setback lines be less than the following minimum requirements;. 1 . Interior Lots: a. Fronting on minor street: Twenty-five (25) feet. b. Fronting on secondary street: Twenty-five (25) feet. c. Fronting on major street: Thirty-Five (35) feet . 2. Corner Lot Front Street: Same as interior lot re- quirements. Side street (and building side yard) mini- mum ten (10) feet. 3. Side: Fifteen (15) feet total, with a minimum dimen- sion on one side of six (6) feet. 7.8 Public Sites and Open Spaces: A. Conformance with Comprehensive Development Plan: Where a proposed park, school, playground or other public • -27 - facility isshown in the Comprehensive Development Plan or official neighborhood plan is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the subdivider may dedicate such land to • public use, or shall cause such land to be held in reserve for a period of three (3) years from date the plat is recorded for purchase by the appropriate public agency. If detailed plans are not available for the land to be publicly used, the City Planning Commissionshall cause such determination to be made within a reasonable period of time and inform the subdivider of the extent of land area required. B. Other Public Land: The City Planning Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such other areas or sites of a character, extent and location suitable to the needs created by the devel- opment for schools, parks, and other neighborhood purposes. . Where deemed essential upon consideration of the particu- lar type of development proposed in the subdivision, and especially in large scale neighborhood unit developments not anticipated in the Comprehensive Development Plan, particular consideration will be given to this clause. - 28 - 7.9 Protection of Natural Features: The City Planning Commission may decline approval of a Preliminary Plan when inadequate design consideration regarding the preservation of natural features such as large trees, water courses, scenic points, historical spots and similar community assets. ARTICLE VIII REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS • 8.1 Monuments: Concrete monuments or iron pins shall be placed at all block corners, angle points, points of curve, all corners of boundary lines of the subdivision and all intermediate property corners in accordance with the provisions of the Specifications and Design Standards for Public Improvements of the City of Cibolo. 8.2 . Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks: A. Plans: Copies of street, alley and sidewalk construction plans shall be delivered to the city at the time a plat is sub- mitted and provide the minimum following data: 1. Typical sections showing the proposed pavement width, type, thickness and crown; the proposed curb or curb and gutter type; the proposed sidewalk location and dimensions in relation to curbs and property lines; the proposed street grading slopes, for each of the different types of streets and alleys in the subdivision. 2. Alignment of each street, alley, sidewalk and cross- walk way showing a beginning and ending•station, each deflection angle of the centerline and the station of the point of intersection; the station of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of each curve; the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another street, alley or drainage easement; the station and radius of each curb return and the location of contiguous right-of-way lines. - 29 - ., 3. Location, description and elevation of bench marks; the top of curb,grade and each curb end, each fifty (50) foot station and each end of each curb return; the centerline grade at each end at each fifty (50) foot station of alleys; the gradient of each tangent grade and the location and length of each vertical curve; the direction of storm drainage flow at each intersection; the profiles of streets, alleys and drainage ditches shall show the natural-ground at adjacent property lines and for the proposed centerline. 4. All plans shall show scale, north arrow and date. Plan and profile shall be drawn to scale of one inch (1 ") equals fifty feet (50') horizontally and one inch (1 ") equals five feet (5') vertically. 5. All street and alley plans and profiles shall bear the • seal of a Registered Professional Engineer. B. Standards: Standards for streets, alleys and sidewalks shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Specifications and Design Standards for • Public Improvements of the City of Cibolo. 8.3 Subdivision Trees: Where residential lots do not contain at least two trees of at least two (2') inch caliper in healthy growing condition, the subdivider shall be required to plant a sufficient number of trees to provide at least two per lot. Said trees shall be at least one and a half (13,") inches in caliper and in healthy growing condition. In Planned Unit Developments, multi-family and other subdivisions, the Planning Commission shall estab- lish tree-planting standards for each proposed development or subdivision. By approval of the City Council, the subdivider may transfer the responsibility for subdivision trees to the builder or builders. 8.4 Water System: A. Plans: Copies of plans and profiles of all proposed water lines and fire hydrants shall be delivered to the city at the time a plat is submitted. - 30 - • B. Service: 1. Residential Service: Every lot in any subdivision shall be provided with an approved supply of water either by the construction of a distribution system connected to an adequate approved public water system, or if such public source is not available, by construction of a complete water system, including a safe, adequate water source, proper treatment, pumps, storage facilities and adequate distribution system, approved by the State Department of Health. 2. Fire Hydrants: Every subdivision, as part of the water distribution system, shall be provided with standard fire hy- drants in accordance with the city's current speci- • fications, and every lot shall be within five hun- dred (500) feet of a fire hydrant. C. Design Standards: Water system improvements shall be in accordance with the Specifications and Design Standards for Public Improvements of the City of Cibolo. 8.5 Sanitary Sewers: A. Plans: Copies of plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewer lines showing depth and grade lines and other design features and specifications shall be delivered to the city at the time a plat is submitted. B. Service: 1. Sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each lot in all subdivisions where connection is to be made im- mediately to a community disposal system or to a public sewerage system. Where such connection is not to be made immediately, plans shall be prepared for instal- lation of a sewage collection system to sreve each lot, - 31 - and those parts of such system which will lie in the por- tion of streets'and alleys, intended vehicular traffic shall be installed before such street or alley is paved. 2. Septic Tank: In any subdivision in which immediate connention to a sewage system cannot be made, a septic tank conforming to the regulations of the.City of Cibolo and the Texas State Department of Health shall be pro- vided. C. Design Standards: Sanitary sewer improvements shall be in accordance with the SpecificationsandDesign Standards for Public Improvements of the City of Cibolo. 8.6 Storm Drainage: - A. Plans: Copies of construction plans of storm drainage improvements shall be delivered to the city at the time a plat is submitted. 1. Construction details of all drainage sructures including dimensions, reinforcing grates and manhole covers and other components. 2. Alignment of drainage easements showing a beginning and ending station; each deflection angle of thecenter- line, and the station of the point of intersection; the station of the point of curvature and the point of tangency of each curve, the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another drainage easement, the location of each drainage structure and the location and size of all storm sewers. 3. The centerline grade at each end and at each fifty-foot station of drainage ditches, the direction of storm drain- age flow at each ditch intersection, the flow line eleve- tions of each drainage sructure, the flow line elevations of each sewer, at each point of change, each end, and at the intervening gradients. B. Standards: 1. No lot in any,subdivision which is subject to flooding by s rainfall, based on a 25 year frequency, shall be approved until drainage facilities adequate to carry off such rainfall - 32 - • have been provided. Lots in any subdivision subject to flooding by rainfall based on a frequency of between 25 years and 100 years shall be subject to approval by the City Council. 2. All necessary storm drainage facilities including enclosed storm sewers,, bridges, culverts and water course improve- ments, to carry off storm water within the subdivision and integrate such subdivision drainage with the overall urban drainage system, shall be installed in accordance with the Specifications and Design Standards for Public Improvements of the City of Cibolo. ARTICLE IX DEFINITIONS 9.1 Alley: A minor public right-of-way, not intended to provide the pri- mary means of access to abutting lots, which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or sides or properties otherwise abutting on a public street . 9.2 Building Setback Line: The line within a property defining the minimum horizontal • distance between a building and the adjacent street line. 9.3 City Engineer: A person named by the City Council and duly authorized under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Registration Act, as here- ' tofore or hereafter amended, to practice the profession of engineering. - 33 - 9.4 City: The City of Cibolo, Texas. 9.5 Commission: The City Planning Commission of the city. 9.6 Comprehensive Development Plan: The Comprehensive Development Plan of the City of Cibolo and any component or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendments to such plan or parts thereof. 9.7 Crosswalk: A public right-of-way between property lines which provides pedestrian circulation. 9.8 Easement: A right granted for the purpose of limited public or semi-public use across, over or under private land. 9.9 That jurisdiction given to cities under the provisions of Section 4 of the "Municipal Annexation Act" which provides for the application of selected local ordinances beyond the city's cor- porate boundaries. 9.10 Lot: An undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage on a public street and which is, or in the future may be, offered for sale, conveyance, transfer or improvement; which is designated as a distinct and separate tract, and which is identified by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly filed on record. - 34 - • • • 9.11 Major Thoroughfare Plan: That part of the Comprehensive Development Plan showing the locations and dimensions of major and secondary thor- oughfares. 9.12 Neighborhood: A complete and distinct geographical unit within the city, designed primarily for residential development and designated as a Neighborhood Unit in the Comprehensive Development Plan. 9.13 Plat: The map, drawing or chart on which a subdivider's plan of a subdivision is presented, which he submits for approval and a copy of which he intends to record in final form. 9.14 Shall, May: As used herein, the word "shall" is mandatory, the word "may" is permissive. 9.15 Street: • A public right-of-way which provides vehicular circulation and/ or access to adjacent land, whether designated as a street, high- way, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, avenue, lane, boule- vard, road, place, drive or however otherwise designated. A. Arterial: A principal traffic artery, more or less continuous across the city, which is intended to connect parts of the city or areas adjacent thereto, and act as a principal connecting street including state and federal highways, and shall include each street designated as an Arterial street on the City's Comprehensive Development Plan. Such streets may be designated as Major and Minor Arterials. B. Secondary Collector Streets: A street which carries traffic from minor streets to the major thoroughfares or arterial streets and highways, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development, principal streets within a neighbor- hood, commercial streets not otherwise designated and ex- pressway service or frontage roads. - 35 - C. Minor or Local Street: A street which is intended pri- marily to serve traffic within a neighborhood or limited residential district, and which is not necessarily continuous through several residential districts. D. Cul-de-Sac: A short minor street having but one vehicular access to another street and terminated by a vehicular turn- around. E. Dead-End Street: A street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one vehicular access to another street. F. Street Width: The shortest horizontal distance between the lines which delineate the right-of-way of a street. G. Roadway or Paving Width: The portion of a street available . for vehicular traffic; w ere curbs are laid, and portion be- tween the face of the curbs. • 9.16 Subdivider: A person or any agency thereof, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as that term is defined here- in. In any event, the term "subdivider" shall be restricted to include only the owner, equitable owner or authorized agent of such owner or equitable owner, of land sought to be subdivided. 9.17 Subdivision: A division of any tract of land situated within the corporate limits, or within the subdivision jurisdiction, of the city into two or mere parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition of any town or city, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parts or other portions intended for public use or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto. Subdivision includes re-subdivision, but it does not include the division of land for agricultural purposes in parcels or tracts of five acres or more and not involving any new street, alley or easement of access. • 9.18 Surveyor: A licensed State Land Surveyor or a Registered Public Surveyor, as authorized by Article 5282a Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes to practice the profession of surveying. - 36 - • 9.19 Utility Easement: An interest in land granted to the city, to the public generally, and/or to a private utility corporation, for installing or main- taining utilities across, over or under private land, together with the right to enter thereon with machinery and vehicles necessary for the maintenance of said utilities. 9.20 Any office referred to in this ordinanceby title means the person employed or appointed by the city in that position, orhis duly authorized representative. 9.21 Definitions not expressly prescribed herein are to be construed inaccordance with customary usage in municipal planning and engineering practices. ARTICLE X CONFLICT CLAUSE Whenever the standards and specifications in this ordinance con- flict with those contained in another ordinance, the most strin- gent or restrictive provision shall govern. ARTICLE XI SEPARABILITY CLAUSE Should any portion or part of this ordinance be held for any reason invalid or unenforceable, the same shall not be construed to affect any other valid portion hereof, but all valid portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE XII PENAL PROVISIONS Any person violating any provision of this ordinance within the jurisdiction of the City of Ciboio, Texas, shall be guilty of a a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined an amount not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day that such violation continues, shall be a separate offense. Prosecution or conviction under this provision shall never be a bar to any other remedy or relief for violations of this ordinance. -537 ‘1.41 This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage or From and after the day of , 19 ' . , PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of I. , A.D. , 19 , with an effective data ; •‘..• , 19 , (month) • (/ (day) SIGNED: Mayor ATTEST: 1 Th • City Secretary • - 38 - 1 . 7 it we • STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTIONS • MINOR STREET . , - ,500' R0W 10 0' - 30 0' - 10 0' ravine 7"DUMB EXPOSURE SOIL ,MAP SL Pe r pen PT' / /PAvENE NT 23131 LOS PER $0 YO MIN $l PE 1/4"PEN PT ��...J 4. CROWN• •- sl ALK,MIN.SLOPE 1/4" PER FT. 111. \ 6"COMPACTED one(' •90% cOMPACTCO DENSITY 111. LUPORADE •90% COMPACTED DENSITY COLLECTOR STREET 60 0'R 0 W ..-- 9 0 42 0' -- 9 0 PAVIFO $011,MAN !LOPE 1" PER T i' CURB CXPO@UNE ` MIM •IOP( I/A"PER T 1 PAVEMENT 0 E 90 RD __I i 26+0 LOS PER WALK,MIN SLOPE We' _ 4� 0' CROWN. 11 PER P T 13 COMPACTED BASE - 95 0,6 COMPACTED OENSITY' + $UBORADE - 90% COMPACTED DENSITY F MI NOR ARTERIAL TYPE G-1 (Preferred Design) --- 86.0'R 0 W----- 10.0' s_ 24.0 — . 12."O` 24.0' --- ..-4110.0' PAv11Qt3 MEDIAN' PAvINT, PAV :MENT 2.75 LES ER SQYD SOIL,MIA SLOPE t"PER FT. /WALK,MIN.Sh OPE 1/4" PER FT. 7"C.URt3 EXPO::URE,\11'1 " 'l4." ' t3"GROvJ r._•„_. — LI - 5"C.Fto W N — rte i .'C_^.--� -3..•vin.S.s—e•r." �..4j Ft12."cot'PACTCo F)o.:E -`15% COP'IPAGT£D DENSITY rit- SU13(..R .DE -`kO"J, COt'1WAGTE) DENSITY MINOR ARTERIAL TYPE'G-2 (Alternate) 86 0' R 0 W -- . 3.o' 160.01 PAVING 1 13.0' I• ' SOIL, MAX SLOPE 1"PER F WALK, WIN ,L04E 1/4"PEN PT —PAVEMENT 275 LEIS PER 50 TO T"CUR° EXPOSURE\ \\MIN 1/1 . ., •••••••••-•-••1•••••••••-•-••1 (�. -.�r...�Y"•.�$Lop I/�I "PCR FT �.��w !LOPE I/K" �[R FT -.— NI 0. `\12"COMPACTED SAIL— 90%COMPACTED DENSITY) �, ' PU°ORADE - 90 'b COMPACTED DENSITY • A-1 STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTIONS MAJOR f\RTERIAL TYPE C.I b (Plefurred Design) - 100,0 — -- - -10:0' . . 33.0'-- -' 14.0' - -.r..— — 33.0'--- 10. '. PAVING T' om.t.I PAv1N4 PAV •t1Et4T 275 L©S PER SaYp SOIL,MAn SLOP[ t"?ER FT. (WALK,MIN ErLOPE 'l4�� PER FT. 7"C.uR6 EXPOEsURE` -,...rt, Y " ,W 1 3"C,ROwN-� 8"4CiOWN� �� F IG•GUMO 1,3AC CE) 4E `19 °-. — '/. Gorl1'rAC.l•E O ou NsITY' -SUS G hUE —9U"/o GOC'1PAGSL:U Q -NS•IZ'Y MAJOR ARTERIAL TYPE C=I b (Alternate) . 100.0' - 20.0' - -I GO.0' '- 20.0' PAVING • I •OIL, LI AA DLOPC I•P[R f MAI A, MIN 31.001( 1/4•PCR fi ` ---- PAVE WENT 415 107 PER SO `ID -�.T.CURD I KIOSURC\ \ UIN • I/A� • • --a .. ii(,P( I/4.-Prn ,T 11f11•( I/e..P.L��.�,.. _ `\rr•'%-''-----T•;...-;--;;, . ',2"CONPACTCD DA3( - V0 b COWPACTCD OCNUTY�''' �. R f /000RADC - 00 % CONTACTED OCNLITY .f._/,A•r/i V:/:/!=•I r-.l-/If r-1. /k. --- ZA M r ./.' 7 ..',.... .: / \i �. I /r'/1 .t' I;/.; '.' - / ' / I y /•' / n d' /• IS'''. r. r• i- / v /,.. 4 1/ I•' / 40 -<:- //.i .- >_� l'.r -' I. /3-i/!• i _ ' • . ii.:, -), Ai' . ,C.• / • i .V DIAGRAM OF SUGGESTED LANE MARKING PATTERN FOR CONTINUOUS LEFT-TURN LANE ON 60' OF PAVING • A-2 • • • STANDARD . CROSS SECTION ALLEYS — COMMERCIAL ZO.O n 0 W —----- . . PAWNS YIN 11•ROIL SHOULDER A•OVE PLOW LINO • MT ISO LOB PER •9 VD- AVlNI 0.TO(CROWN •. ••• • • • • • / P • • • O •• 0 0 • 0 •• •• O. � • • COMPACTED RAGE-26%COMPACTED DENSITY. IUO•RADC-00% COMPACTED DCh01TV ALLEYS — RESIDENTIAL — PAVED 110.0. 0 W 12.01 PAVING UHL MIN.SLOPE PAVEMENT 166 L•• PER 20 TO --fZVZVFXZT lastoatormaticaca I•. IE• 0' TO 1'CROVN 1' 12" _` P ` • • ••• • • /P.•• a • • • •• • • • • p • / • ••COMPACTED NAPE -•6% CONPACTEO DENSITY! •UI•RAD! -90% COMPACTED DENOITV CROSS V./AU/0 Io.o' --P. •—-- a o' - ... —-- 4.t.o' ----- 0'------w REINFORCED CONCRETE W LK SLOPE I/4" PER FT MIH OR '1 34 / �./?-" MU.1 FANO OR ems Ie"OC 4 WAYS }- I GRAVEL CUSHION A-3 CURB a PAVEMENT DETAIL TYPICAL SIDEWALK DETAIL FOR MINOR STREETSH 6"--1SOw ► 6 0' . 4 0 —--- RES. . RADIUa•f RAo.ue•I/i• -� ••. L YIN 7LOPr I/A"yr . BulrrAce coueec • o ° A a • 295 LOS P[R 30 YD._ � • � Aa 4 _ A�• .. Fii0 .. 9 03 O 00 • NIN 2" $AMO OR 111/4. O 0 0 •4 •• A GRAVEL COSMION ' J 0!0 10 NC SM OR (1 0 O p 0 • .a. OARS SOC 2%ATS A • (q"COYPACT(D 80.5E SO%COMPACTEO DENSITY IN T. BANO OR I I GRAVEL CUSHION MORRO!•+OXCOw►ACTfD OCNSIT r...— e• ,....1 - DRIVEWAYS r..._. 12" 1...___—________ 12 co' ..... rA j-- 12" — -- 12" --•-I l� •I 1 j b 1 I •, tr. , � °N d 1 1 Am; — 2G/e 5�� 3'•R CURB Of GUTTER DETAIL • ' •i. 4. -= -- ' oowrLaN rxPdT r t_�.• • f_ °p • .:-.0a .00 0 • + •4 O a.W' 4 CONI 1AR6 • i� G ° 0 ° 1..... , a b • I 1 o I 0 O �� 2i�• 1p 12"D— o " o !ll��� o 0 0 ( O 0 0 0 C o SLOPE 1/4 PERT/T .�--•—r. • CURB a PAVEMENT DETAIL CURBBa PAALSTREEI'SVEMENT DETAIL FOR COLLECTOR STREETS p nV P SURPAC[ COURB[ eUR,ACT COURSE o 7.5D L+S PER 30 TO a try 1.03 P!R SO rO , 3 D v allIARPIIIMil 4 •_ Q .0 • 0 0 O •• • 00 0 C D p Dai • AV o • 0 0 0 a J 0 O ° • O o o • .7 B" GOY PACT[D BAH J ° 0 0 -- 00%COMPACTDD DENSITY ; ,2"cOn/PACTfo OA7F • Su+iRAot•+o 4, cowPACT[o Denelrr 96%cON"ACTED orNS,Tr e000RA0[ •BO°bCUNPACT[D OINoir r A-4 . . ' 77;" `\ I/l i, . . R 1N CURS NA MI II/AIL CONFORM 10 . IULIO/V/I/ON RESLILAr/ONs. `' 4.0 lU"'"•.0' � e"Xe"X e" , o it.-_ Q?tV 1.i.; i t^..T L� .ILI.1 r01"-G- 2. _.__ 0 '-r . i-- ` $I"Si)i.TR SLAV Cr 4 ` �.I �-c� '..-2641..9 .l•RVICE� STR16:E•T I i �-• - O MN. ;F.tYl:p� e h WATCH sERvlc -X2,,..1 � � � f 19.611.0' LOCATION OF UTILITIES IN STREETS "' SEWER MAIN — IN cif-tire'? of srReer �, w . . � n WATER MAIN — 4.0' PROM SovrH I wr-sr SIDE If PAL if .LINE IS ON SAME SIDE Of 4171E17% -, - I WATER. MAIN -- so' PROM sauril a wf•sr sloe it POLL- Liter Is Nor ON SAME SIDE Or s rREE r GAS MAIN — 4.0' f/[A1l it'oRrN • EAST S/OE If POLE LINE I. /I ON SAME SIDE Of STREET. •.0' 0. V GAS MAIN 6..o' PNOM MORPH S EA.SP Slot If POLE LINE is Nor ON SAME SIDE'Of sreeer. POLE LINE -- 6.0' PROM CIPHER R.O.W. LINE. SERVICES SERVICE LINES rO EXPENO S ' IN BACK Of CURS LINE. 6.01—i 50.0' R.0.W. 10.0 30.0' PAVING . . 10.0' STREET -11....e.;... '.. ...i...v.,.„,,.. -•-• eN r-- ' , , 4.12...i. 6.0 • MATES UAINI SE'EN . •A• If MN UTILITY POLE 0 • TYPICAL UTfl_ITY AP�,RaaIr, L!It'NT PIAN A-5 • ) I I GAS MAIN t---- SAN . SEWER -17%\ WATER WIN / UTILITY POLE 10.0' EASEMENT LOCATION OF UTILITIES IN STREETS AND EASEMENTS Sewer Main-- in center of street Water Main-- 4.0' from south side of street • Gas Main-- 4.0' from north side of street Electric Service/Telephone-- closely adjacent to either side of easement 's center line Note: For underground electric utility/ielephone refer to A-7. TYPICAL UTILITY ARRANGEMENT (Electric Service from rear easement) • • r A -6 `•a•••� •vntr.wweMAwORM%•••••WArYstrflrKs..r•vrM,ertory u 7.^Rf7vgiY:M+71iR'rirmavogr R1.�.1o�17YRo►T.eT ., • 4lllII 111 / i LJ 1 WATER MAIN el Y -- SEWER WI - / 1 [l_-- GAS Mll N / . 1 SERVICE BOX ANI D i TRANSF RMER PIT . i tW0LLLCT0RMA1 IL Ivy; �� 1 'j DRAIN/ GE jL-- A -- ---_ M11N0(� REEK OR _ :ice— a FASEME1NT LINE - QRAINAG WAY 1 I f LOCATION OF UTILITIES UNDERGROUND , 1. t Sewer Main-- in center of street (for individual lots) 4 ���;�,x �' Sewer Collector Main-- in bank of minor m..-� !: 1.u. �-�-. �- ClII-t /III \ti ...-..;:s:,•'" N 1 ' creek/drainage way ''�'"�'/ I,).., �' , telephone '!- Water Main-- 6.0' from north side of street p ___________,;',1••••:::',).„ -A : 1conduit if elec. Oil ._ is not' on same side �'� '• ° e• ,, _ 1- Water Main-- 4.0' from south side of street electrip - • --- I� if elec, util , is on same side conculconcrete ---''<?' • ' ''/% Gas Main-- 4.0' from south side of street if `��" ;'"?:nFi elec. util./telephone is same side TYPICAL SECTION Gas Main-- 6.0' from north side of street if i elec. util ./telephone is not same side , Electric Utility/felephone-- 8.,0' from south side of street or as specified by I electric utility company _ Services-- Service lines should extend 3.0' past curb TYPICAL ALL UNDERGROUN-D UTILITY , ARRANGEMENT s-r-T-r-.---^•r.7=,^::-.r•7-• .1"_.• :f•1r.,Trril.T_::•:Tr n•41:5nstmerY.-CT.:"�'TvSrma:. A-7 • • • . . .. . . .. • , . . . .."... , ' . , • , 2 1 ' A 5rReEr - . , . . ] It... W W ,...14.1 ...1 , .J Ci -1 erl 1.... .1 et , Cr) It- - UI II/ . , } in 4.0. 0 li/ ... I. 0 II —.... —...-... . :2 0 .--•• .---—— -•-----I-- - -•-: ' - - -• -- . • fl l; ---.--- .- . ..... yi A" •----- ur,Lay ..vcr • . .. ... L.....:.__k...... . _ • - - -- -„Az..:_--_ V.....:1 . I , . , 1 i . . . . RESIDENTIAL ALLEY -ri.cc POWER • TaEolji CliA00E0Li.Y LOCATION OF UTILITIES IN ALLEYS r 1"---I(1.01PAv i NG --1 . 4- .• — 1.____.....m.......1. . . .. .• . . 1• ••• ,..., .-......../....A..../..... 1.•-.-.4...- j SEWER MAIN -- 4 0. FROM NoRTH a FAS1 3101: "c• • %HERE CURVATURE /3 mrooDocto mr INN ALlowNENT OP ALLEY, SERER II OriN 10 SE PARALLEL ARO I 0. DISIAN1 -. liy.....t PROM NORTH S wEsr\ SIDES. , -44. - ' ---40 i 0 WATER MAIN -- 4 0'1 ROPI soup, 0 REV" SIDES I • — GAS MAIN -- CENTER OP ALLEY _ r COMMERCIAL ALLEY POLE LINE CLOSELY ADJACENT TO EITHER 3/06. --- i . 2 t:54/1 RINO 'Flu.- • ••. • • ... 0 WA t"E'R . -..-- 4 0'- • • • 0 0 --- 4 0'--- TYPICAL UTILITY ARRANGEMENT PLAN SEINEN I , , . ' — -- - . .. . • . A-8 • .. STORM DRAINAGE .. t'' Street velocities and capacities • . . • Flowing curb full Manning' s N=0.018 .1. t • MINOi2 COLLECTOR MARGINAL RES , SECONDARY PR1t•MAPY STREET STREET ACCESS STREET STREET-1SIDE STREET-1 SIDE i W,30 41=1+2' l•1=?6' W=241 ,1=361 Slope c=4" wp=31. 16 c=5" wp=1+3. 16 c=3" wp=27. 16 c=G" 1,,rp=2-+.66 c=9't wp28,52 h. A.1.2.45 r*+. '+0 A=1.5..54 A=15..54.'.rf . 36.-.-A=11.83._�1. '.1+1+ _Arc4...7rl. � r=!.32 : .:32 A=1 8t.�)+�? .r=.28a _." ri�j, , £7a2cia_. f/: _ 1,.?tc_. _17.00 �Q. l ')1 17.86 _ 1. 2 9.66 - 1.12 9.09_ CU _1.G� .. ...1.17_ _1. ,_,-- 1 _.11. 37 11.12 1.47 ?9.16_ __. . ?3_ -. - - • 0 .3. 1.3 3.70.. ._.1.a8.3 12..83, O.25 2.2 + ?7.89 2.09. ' ) _ 1 _1 ,; 11 ?' _1 .437 0.5 ? r,9 2.65 32.99 2.14 3 '.5t '• 22_29 0 40� 2.84 , 35.436 2,6441,_03.._._3...0235.73_-...:Al►L._19... 2.___2.21t_ ,.11 19 0.45 3,01 37.147 2.80 4 'x.)1 3!.20 '�7,.R6 � 52_i;c,5_� 2 .Z 1:x,..:1+ 0. O 317 ;521472_ 145.84 - x 39.3.71L C? , ft. 0.55 32 `+t 3 10_ ..48. +8 1 t )� 41,.H: Fi r 3• ., s1� �---- -- - . .7 11.1.__ �. �? �,.. , 1--- _...4.62_21.27 ;. X0,60 3.1+ 1+7 20 _3424 (, 7,t 7 _ .�.KJ_.J 3.; U _4_3.477 0.65 . 3.61 4 94_ 3.37 5?. 3 '. t3� 1r . 5 12 • 21+ 1 ? 86 11+ a 7 � � .2.51 _..3 "l ' 5 11+___..., - 0.70 3.75 1+ ►+9 3.50 l+7 O1 ?3 r. r8i 2 F ) `� _>14, 32 •' ._ 1. �,_..--- 3� _ _1..-1- --- 2�_.. �! 44 0,75 3.88 '-I+7'7j21. 2 .16, =' - 1'-: 1-5 - !48.86 ►1,31_ ._?.G.53__..3.9L_. %1f.8 1 7 1 t 1 1 ,7 c 5 1 ! I 3 t. 0. 30 x+,01 +9.92 3. � + .:8. 1�. +., 1. � 1n•.�1 j��fi �.7�+ � _ 0.85-74. 13 51.42 37.5 59. P, _ 1 , 1)o _;57.05 _3,J G ? ;, "'0 26 2.6,._14_7 2e�1,7 0.Ter x.75 _3 6.1....-511:11- ► _A! 6 _ 0.95 '4. 37r +, +-1 ._ 1+• 1'� _5 •Q1 _.',. y 7 ,'.9.1 (' _ 1411+1 _ t) 1.004.48 ' t).Z8. 4.18 61+.96 4 . 77 t,h,43 3,86 `7,O. '�•) ,fit ?82_66 1.50 .4 68 t' 1' 9 561~ i i' 21 ) J 1 7 7,;:2.,_16- 2.00_ 6.34 78.93 5,_91 1PA__6 `15.... _. '1`)•8;5 5, 4(3 .. 1'3.;''4 .00 ; i ?L�9- -7 P9_ .__88.27 _6.61 1102. 7-2- 7. j1+ --8•),PO 6, 11. 48. 3r) .5 159 45.39 4 X11? I . L . 3.00 7.76 _ 16.�i 7.�_. _.5��.�,�?1 _9.7. .1'_J)'s___ - i', 3.50 8.39 104.46 7_82 821:.5 $_,93.- 105 X614 _7.23 ._57_.26 6_ 615�.4i { 4,00 8,97 111`68 8,36_)12_9„9.1 954 __112. 86.. 7:.73 _ 61.22_ 7.077 ___. 4,5o 9.51 13.8.4o 8.86 Ft37.68 10. 12_ 119.72 1+8.20 64._ 7.50 bo.90 5.00 10.02 121+, ,5 9. 34_1.45.14 _10,67 126.23 -8 64-68.43 7.9076 V.-13-" 5.5o.10.5 . 130 11 9.To 1.52 29 11, 19-- 1 13�•1� ��_- 7 6_, 8 29-. 71 1. 6 6.0o 10.98 •...7o 10.23_ tair.97 11.69 ]..38.29 9. +6 74.0 8.65 70.24 6.5_0 1143 ,143,30 10.65, 15_5.0 12,12 143,9i. 9,85 _78,0f-'_9.01._. _73.16 �. 7.00 _11. 6 8 14 66.11,O5 171,3.2 12.63 _149.41 10.22 80.94 9.35_ _75.92 • _7.So 12.28__ 152.89 11,44.--177.78._ x:3,-07-- 11,34,C-if10,58_ 83.79-- 9.68 78.60 8.00___ 12.68 157.�g5 11.82 _83.68 13.50 159.71 1 .93 86157_ _9.99 81. 12 _A_lo 11401_ 1(;2.'1 .. .e_i8._t89t.?8._. 13. 1-, 1F►+.jG ,1...2` _8.9:18. _10,.56 - 1 ,f4 ._on__l3L.5 _162,.k5_12,_, .1_ 1.94,72 1,32 169,41 .111,5.9 _91.79 1.0_LJ,0 36.07 9.50 13.82 172.06 12.889 00.16 14.71 1711 ,02 4.91 _94,3,3 10.89- 88,4, 10.00 . 14,18 176,5.+ 7.3121. 05,2t3 335.09 1.24..5,. 12.2?. 96.78 11. 12 90.70 A-9 RAINFALL. INTENSITIES AT SAN ANTONIO AREA • FOR VARIOUS DURATIONS AND FREQUE'if.: ES DEDUCED FROM RAINFALL RECORDS OF U.S. WE:.T.NER BUREAU • ■>SH T".-. ._F:Lr� -1fE} 1} 4 1II .ht J , ' : :• '1 ' 1• 1 3: F1 1t :• t—'1'`rt: ±' :1 •ic 1T: t-l'OBER ~. .-•• I 1I- t rµ 7` .i. it t4 I.' • 1 .. t jp _.. "---1-'0' Yt ri, . w-,•� , : ' • - e I( I :t ♦. T a.- - 1----.t•-i - TT_ -+. r:1}• , 11 i L }•it: •-__,.. • •• . • • • • .: t1 :: . • , . . , ' . . i• ] _ ♦j . . _ . 4.8 ,4-,.• . tr..4.. ._�� _�_.- _•_Ly.11i4 : 4..—..- i.7 y .: ._�- �—__{ + ..- -tea Ly 1 1-.-- •+_ - _ *_ _} . _ Vii- ;..-} • ••1-• } : , I. ••'I i •. . --•_+ : -i: 1 " : ..1~x_1- ' z _ ' t -- ------ - -J-- -}- . '''±'T - -• '-1 •-T t V iI 1 . 1 -- - } -- • ? :1 • -7;-1 r- • EAU . . , • • _•--^- ;• �' _--L -. --._1 .i-! •, . . 4i • •1 •_1 .. _t.. 1 - ! ---_j -__+ -++--_ _- -4 • Z 4 I.{ .. 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J_=o --i 1-� � ., -1_ i�1 Tz. F~-,_ .. ._-- -----.1 .1 _---. - • •+1.1 ? F!/a -1 - - . i .• 1 _ - - _ _t-±-,n1- --•1 1 . 1 1I_] —• z ' — �4p . • • ' . - --- - - _ -1 • • .- aL 1': -- _ 1 . -_ =ez�__,----i -- ._ -1-- 1 ; '_�.11-- --� +_+ =,.— i------• ----�D:ir: -11 r: IJ=1 R Iti -- . . -• ii' i-.I • • •-i • • _ :•r - `�1`- {fir -- --r-t'+--1 ---:-•_1 -•- ;_-,- - : '. !.:1 _• 11•1 .f 1 i i-} ' 1 1 : •I. , ; { ;, • I 1 . • ! - __1 . . , • i i f . 1 : TR►Ate►&lk AQet 0P V1S �3 � t ITy SUBDIVISION ENTRANCES OR PARKWAYS 4-30I STre.c.7 k1" VIEW ("bSrruc-Tlonf lime CITY & C, boton IRroperry To BEFree 04 O b5 UCTIO . � a v P- iUD WR/l A , , STfda Z te,Apeirl Trace orgrowr4 ea Amy Kind id OileessaP.?%a -Pr, shAit 1,e.P1lev d iw 5)-t4 deeI fRpa_ . o/ to ORDINANCE NO. ,6`0'=B ATTACHMENT "A"