ORD 55 06/07/1973 411 II • • ` ORDINANCE NO. 55 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, THAT: The City of Cibolo, Texas proposes to institute annexation proceedings to enlarge and extend the boundary limits of said city to include the following described territory, to wit: A 64.473 acre tract of land, more or less, being 21 .478 acres of land, more or less out of the Genobera Malpez Survey 67, and 42.995 acres of land, more or less out of the A. S. Lewis Survey No. 78, Guadalupe County, Texas, and being; One, all of the Willie A. Kramer 19.228 acre tract; Two, all of the Harold E. Croxton 0.522 of an acre tract; Three, 13.382 acres of land out of the Mrs . Lonie Amacker tract; Four, all of the Leroy W. Amacker 1 .308 acre tract; Five, a part of the Mrs. Elaine Schlather 122 acre tract of land; Six, a portion of F. M. Highway 78; and Seven, a portion of the Southern Pacific Railroad ROW, and in all being 64.473 acres of land lying adjacent to and on the West side of the present City Limits of the City of Cibolo, and described more particularly by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of the Cibolo Creek, the present Southwest corner of the City of Cibolo, the Southeast corner of the above described Mrs . Elaine Schlather 121/2- acre tract of land, the Southeast corner of this 64.473 acre tract; THENCE with the Center line of the Cibolo Creek, the South line of the said Mrs . Elaine Schlather tract, the Mrs. Lonie Anacker tract, and the Willie A. Kramer tract as follows: N. 850 00' W. 566.64 feet, S. 83° 43' W. 369.44 feet, S. 75° 00' W. 300.0 feet, S. 74° 00' W. 450.0 feet, and S. 72° 04' W. 360.4 feet to a point, the Southwest corner of the said Willie Kramer tract, the Southwest corner of the 64.473 acre tract; THENCE with the West line of the Willie Kramer tract as follows: N. 28° 25' W. 250.0 feet, N. 14° 30' W. 289.0 feet, N. 9° 04' W. 193.2 feet, N. 26° 03' W. 307.0 feet, N. 7° 00' E. 143.5 feet, N. 28° 00' E. 183.3 feet, to a point in the South line of F. M. Road 78; THENCE crossing the Right of Ways of F. M. Road 78 and the Southern Pacific Railroad, N. 4° 52' W. 200.0 feet to a point in the North line ofthe Southern Pacific Railroad ROW, the Northwest corner of this 64.473 acre tract; THENCE with the North line of the Southern Pacific Railroad ROW, N. 85° 08' E. 1 ,994.2 feet to a point in the present West City limits line of the City of Cibolo, the Northeast corner of this 64.473 acre tract; THENCE with the present West City Limits line of the City of Cibolo, S. 11° 50' E. 1 ,364.6 feet to the place of beginning. A public hearing will be held by and before the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas on the 5th day of July, 1973 at 7:00 o'clock in the City Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of Cibolo, Texas, for all per- sons interested in the above proposed annexation. At said time and place all Aii gip III) 411 such persons shall have the right to appear and be heard. Of all said matters and things, all persons interested in the things and matters herein mentioned, will take notice. By order of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas this the 7th day of June, 1973 F. ther Mayor, City of Cibolo, Texas ATTEST: Linda N. Ling City Secretary