ORD 52 02/01/1973 41 • ORDINANCE NO. 52 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1969 EDITION WITH 1972 AMENDMENTS, AS A BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AS HEREIN MOD]FTFD. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOID, TEXAS: SECTION ONE: Building Code. This ordinance is and shall be known and may be cited as the Building Code of the City of Cibolo . SECTION TWO: Southern Standard Building Code - adopted; penalties . (a) The Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition with 1972 amemdments, as heretofore amended, revised and corrected, published by the Southern Building Code Congress, three (3) copies of which are now and have been for the next preceding thirty (30) days on file with the City Secretary, except for penalties contained therein, is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as the Building Code of the City subject to and including by reference such amendments, corrections and additions as shall appear herein. (b) Any violation of this ordinance or the provisions of the Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition with 1972 Amendments, as herein modified, shall be deemed a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $200.00. Each day any violation of this ordinance or of this building code shall continue shall constitute a 'separate offense. SECTION THREE: Amendments to the Provisions of the Southern Standard Building Code. The building code of the said Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition, shall herewith be amended to read as follows: Section 107.) . This paragraph shall be amended by the addition of the following sub paragraph (d) . (d) Exemption from Fees . No fee for issuance of a building permit shall be charged or collected for permits to erect churches or other buildings to be used by churches for religious purposes only or for permits to erect school houses or other buildings to be used by public and private schools for school purposes only. io • 411 SECTION FOUR: Procedure for issuing permits; collecting fees. The building official, with the consent of the mayor, may designate the City Secretary of the City of Cibolo, Texas, to receive applications for building permits, to collect fees paid for the issuance of such permits and to furnish receipts therefor. SECTION FIVE: Cumulative nature of ordinance. This ordinance and the Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition with 1972 Amendments, adopted herein by reference are cumulative of any other ordinance on this subject dealt with herein and does not repeal any present ordinance unless this ordinance and said Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition, with 1972 Amendments, are in direct conflict therewith, in which connection this ordinance and the Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition with 1972 Amendments, shall govern. SECTION SIX: Fire Limits unaltered. Nothing in this ordinance or the Southern Standard Building Code, 1969 Edition with 1972 Amendments, shall be held or deemed to amend, alter, abolish or in any manner change the fire limits as heretofore established by the ordinances of this City • PASSED AND APPROVED this the 1st day of February, 1973. F. Slather Mayor ,Edward City Secretary 1111 • • „1 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO . 52 ORDINANCE NO . 52 (BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE) DATED 2-1 -73 IS HEREBY AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION TWO(a) AS FOLLOWS: `T;he Southern Standard Building 'Code 1979 Edition with 1981 amendments is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as the building code of the City subject to and including by reference such amendments, corrections and additions as stated in Sec . 2(a) of amended ordinance. Each sub- sequent amendment to the 1979 Edition (on advice , of the Building Inspector) shall automatically be adopted by the City until such time as an updated edition is published. At the time an updated edition is published it shall be adopted and amendments thereto. • PASSED AND APPROVED this the ,e5-- day of. January 1982 . - • -..C*-;-4(14'.14e/1 EDWARD LING, MA°`i' .e BARBARA GLENEWINKEL ' CITY SECRETARY