ORD 45 10/19/1972 t„. . 1110 - 410 C/C of Ordinan - - - City of Cibolo • VOL 460 PAGE 75 ANNEXING ORDINANCE NO. 45 6101 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF TIIE RIGHTS AND PRIVIT,RGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition for annexation has been duly signed and acknowledged by each and every person or corporation having an interest in the following described territory, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest line of Borgfeld Road, the Northeast line of the above described Lewis C . Borgfeld tract, set for the North corner of that certain 177.1 acre tract of land annexed by the City of, Cibolo out of the said Lewis C . Borgfeld tract; the East corner of the herein described 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said 177.1 acre tract, now the Northwest City Limits of Cibolo, Texas, S. 60c 00' W. 1,8450 feet' and S. 42 50' W. 1,066.1 feet to a point in the Southwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, set for a West corner of the City Limits of Cibolo, Texas, for the South corner of this 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract,- N.. 30° 00' W. 1, 283.0 feet, S. 60° 00' W. 1,117.0 feet to a point, the West corner of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, a West corner of this 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, N. 60° 00' E. 3, 975.0 to a point in the Southwest line of Borgfeld Road, the North corner of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, the North corner of this 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of Borgfeld Road, the Northeast line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, S. 30 00' E. 1,839.5 feet to the place of beginning. WHEREAS, said tract of land- is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Cibolo, Texas, and is not more than one-half() mile in width, and WHEREAS, said petition was presented to the City Council on the 20th day of September, 1972, and WHEREAS, after hearing such petition and the arguments for and against the same the City Council has voted to grant such petition and to annex said territory to the City of Cibolo, Texas; NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas: That the following described property, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest line of Eorgfeld Road, the Northeast line of the above described Lewis C . Borgfeld tract, set for the North corner of that certain 177.1 acre tract of land annexed by the City of Cibolo out of the said Lewis C. Borgfeld tract; the East corner of the herein described 147.40 acre tract; ,., --_ „, • , _. -) le P - IP VOL 460 PAGE X76 THENCE with the -Northwest line of the said 177.1 acre tract, now the Northwest City Limits of Cibolo, Texas, S. 60° 00' W. 1,845.0 feet and S. 41050' W. 1,066.1 feet to a point in the southwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, set for West corner of the City Limits of Cibolo, Texas, for the South corner of this 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, N. 30° 00' W. 1, 283.0 feet, S. 60° 00' vl, 1,117.0 feet and N. 30° 00' W. 889.0 feet to a point, the West corner of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, a West corner of this 147.40 acre tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, N. 60° 00' E. 3, 975.0 to a point in the Southwest line of Borgfeld Road, the North corner of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, the North corner of this 147 .40 acre tract; THENCE with the Southwest line of Borgfeld Road, the -Northeast line of the said Lewis Borgfeld tract, S. 30°00' E. 1,839. 5 feet to the place of beginning. Compiled from existing descriptions found in the Deed Records of Guadalupe County Deed Records be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the City of Cibolo , Texas, be and the same are hereby extended to include the above described territory within the city limits of the Cityof Cibolo, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said city. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Guadalupe County, Texas a certified copy of this ordinance. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Council, this 19th day of October, 1972. ., APPROVED: yOWi; '' 2.,161/4524"-- '� "" -';.:* MAYOR ATTL;A ,,,�, 5.T;X• .SECRETARY ,'‘ ... th.louundersigned City Secretary of the City of Cibolo, Texas `-' ' do : her <y. certify that the above and foregoing is a true and cortntk. .copy of an Ordinance passed and adopted by the City ' `° "`' vof said City on the 19th day of October, 1972 which ' '•. .O1-di A,ee is recorded in the Legal Minutes of the City of Cibolo . V''•."AtigictiMASS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature "'-an4oele Seal of said City, this the 25th day of October, 1972,A. D. City Se cr•etar a THE STATE.OF TEXAS I, FRANK SCHMIDT, Clerk of the•dnt_v�kort iQ Pt� E 77 County of Guadalupe and for said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated the__i _.day of 0c ,•-k).‘, 1972— , with its certificates of authentication, was filed for Record in my office the "�_i.........day of £-a 1977 , at / % o o'clock P M., and duly —. - . , ice "regor lg �� d the a day of Tri 19723 , at ' o'clock.R.M., in ` � . 0 ,•• D L13 Record of said County in Vol. 4 6'D , on Pages— ` 9 7 c., .. WITN �S my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County, at office in Seguin, Texas, the day and';year last written above. l FRANK SCHMIDT, Clerk At• la County Court, Guadalupe County. ° , " ,' -"- ' - ' Deputy