ORD 28 01/21/1970 .-, --. --„, ,,---\ ,,--"- d , . P :;,--- - -- , - ' ORDINANCE NO. 28 ' - - ._.' • ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, EXTENDING ITS EXTRATERRI- TORIAL JURISDICTION: BE IT ORDAINED BY ,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: - 1 .. WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from 1; , . WE. Dean, Trustee owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo (a copy of which request is hereby attached . and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully I set out herein) ; and 1 WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo to . i . include the -hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas; 1 4„,,te.?.3.,..tri, ,,,, .,...., ,,, ,,,,„, ,...r, ..„ ..4 ,4=,,A4•••=,., ,s.4,„.---,--%.1=:.,=7ty,. ..-==q=•-:- e4.4,4 , .01,14AtiTIA".,. ';'-:,,.."...'0',7:,,,'!':'.41';'1.:k,"'.ij C.:,-t.:,1.r:0'f,le 14';' ,-1::,'0'f, ,'",i; , ., - , A•,,oritrf,,gz,'&,4 il., ,vv.,.: , x e ei,..4,..,,..t,,,,,,ar,,, t:;.,.;.*,`:,/;;;, -1,`'r"1!:,;1,-0-;,1,^',,-,_'; '4 l;•:',-,,,,- '32' 4 . I , -: '-'`. v4-4,41 .12i02=Afri44;74 -',-Vf*I'W.-1.• =',,,:<,-0 .T.,IP:14 t',-*Prl'1=4-m7k40^1."'.7: 444'i':ii':IA':4,44v ilekrIV;,,tit:''',.>=,,,, ikelk„,:,yrAtitte, _ ,4,,,,,,,,,,,010; r,,...,,, s s,4.,,,,,4,_,.. ,,- v.•,!,:r==-,.-.:=., 1,,,,, . :...,',,,, r-,,, ' ''. . ; A:•.w, 4=. '‘f...'f,-- --''',.A.=;;,,,, =',••, ..A,",`, ?.',.:4%,=114.0417,'?..`,,ntA=4."- ' . J. Stehle and wife, Esther Stehle told. E. Dean, trustee ) _: I:11 that cemaL)-) -“:r. : Out of a tract of 1H).4 acres conveyed oy Edward Fey e:, al to dward J. Stelae et u cy deed dated. !'ay 17. :951, and recorded in Volune 2,51, pages .15C- 3 of t!-e 1-1 ,--Oa1ute CoLulLy Deed Records, an: being a part of --„re James I.:. 1?i ,r%rd-;onurvev 1:o. 102 in Guadalupe 2ounty, Texas. 71ild:-.1 at a corner oost in t)%e r„irtl,east line of a county road, , set for the south corner of a tract owned by Richard Friesenhahn, for the west corner of the- said Edward J. Stehle tract of 153.4 acres,and for the west corner of this tract; 1 401i1WC11.4o the northYest line of said Edward J. Stehle tract of 153.4 i acres, N. 60 defTree. Ti'. 2,751.5 feet to a post at its north corner; =NCE with the northeast lino of said tract, of. 153.4 acres, S.' 30)-degrees Last 12(.6.5 feet to a stake; - TENCE S. 60 der,rees l.1., 2751.5 fce), to a s',ake in the northeast line of said coun".,,, road and southwest Ilne of said tract of 153.4 acres, 1 I said stake be.inel located. N. - ' dorees '1. about 1190 feet from the orii-inal south corner of the said :ames .. Richardson Survey; TENwiththe northeast line of said county road, N. 30 degrees W. 1266.5 feet to the place of beir'InninF, containing 80 acres of land. _____ . ____ ____ __- - - -------- '—...• •••ma dm ---`-- ' • * • rs, c• • ORDINANCE NO. 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, EXTENDING ITS EXTRATERRI- % TOR/AL JURISDICTION: ff • ,,bst tVici tgati 1 4 y VOL 47 1O , . be included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and that the same rights and obligations, applicable to all' ex- sisting property within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo apply from this date on to the above described property. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 2lstday of January -, 19 70. 4711/ e Mayor - - ATTEST: Secretary _ _ • w . t r s --- ,. • - ". : STATE OF" TEXAS, . X t- 6 .''. COUNTY OF GUADALUPE. X Request Tq Be Included In The Extraterritorial , :.:44.iediction. Of The: Cit Of Cibolt, Texas — ` --We, -the undersigned,'.:are :.the owners of that ,certain tract of - t ' -- : land': which ie-contiguous° to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of' the ` i Ca7 • Y- -. t.4" .ht ;.:4,:.:;.:-;" 5.+�+ i �.Wtk 74* t 'y 3 y�1 .f •)1.;1,.. .93,-rJ lilt' , 4fiy T: ,0j.':,',4-?:::1 r. ,.ft f ' uta. f yo-&sa aw ',?,„ fry;; ,:N it"tt- "�* ;$ : + e .0144, f, . £. �'G� f%'..- c ,s .W::4ac y. s r :tt A.1.1-4.._- ,K"tfft ,t :ph 4-;tk.kX .:� Ai.,,` 34,- ., 3,,,4,,$1., } .k vs.7rv( , a '! i� ,- :„1 „ 0,'k+ ,,,=„ t. ”!.� , p1 ,„:;‘,1,:.1.*.o- e ''' S - f ' - s zf m • daedJ . �. , .. 7 :23.7 g t �Q �0s 195 , _ , • Ea LJ.`,.Stehle=and-wife ,Esther''Stehle-,to M."E. Dean, trustee _ . ' I All that certain land: Out -of a tract of 153.4 acres conveyed by Edward Fey et al to Edward J. t Stehle et ux by deed dated May 17, 1951, and recorded in Volume 251, pages 150-3 of the Guadalupe County Deed Records, and being a part of the James N. Richardson Survey No. 102 in Guadalupe County, Texas. BEGINNING at a corner post in the northeast line of a county road, set for the south corner of a tract owned by Richard Friesenhahn, for 1 the west corner of the said Edward J. Stehle tract of 153.4 acres,and for the west corner of this tract; ; THENCE with the northwest line ,of said Edward J. Stehle tract of 1534 acres, N. 60 degrees E. 2751.5 feet to a post at its north corner; THENCE with the northeast line of said tract of 153.4 acres, S. 301degrees 'II East 1266.5 feet to a stake; i; THENCE S. 60 degrees W.. 2751.5 feet to a stake in the northeast line. of said county road and southwest line of said tract of 153.4 acres, said stake being located N. 30 .degrees W. about 1190 feet from the , le originalsouth corner of-the said James N. Richardson Survey; THENCE with the northeast line of said county road, N. 30 degrees W. [ 1266.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 80 acres of land. We request that the above described property be included •within ,,;the ;extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, "Texas, :and 1 ''`' ' ;that the.'City: of "Cibolo`, Texas, extend its extraterritorial .jurisdic- .'t : for 'all:`-purpoeee; over "the above described property as provided' u'•:,. • in ,Art:."'970A'.of'„the::Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. .1.-,,-.' ”- ' '` �:To ".the; best= of-,ou r''knowledge and belief the ,above described : 1. - 'property"-is. not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of: any 4:.'•'..:- :other City, .of the State•.of: Texas. : {: . .Executed-: this_ - :y, '- day of A, 19 '•[L) • -; _. . < . _ .,L,..4.,, __,,a, i, -,:f. . / J ,—::,2,-,x�k i g ,Y 1,{ice.'t. �li '.S. 'I i :il_:. .:T''` -, _ �" '�'��.rt<^ck,1'r�a.:F:�3�a:. Y.�.�,b�a3:��zw"eact«.`i�l'rtFi:,�t.W:"i+,w!�Y�i;�.��:�+,i:.z,,:...,,. _,z..... ..... .. . . . ... __. ' ' . .. . 11... .- (***'\ ( %, ...""...,. . . .. „ . ..- .•: M . : I - . ' . CERTIFICATION .. ,t. I, Ray Corbett , Secretary of the City of Cibolo, . , . Texas, certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) ' is a:, 2- 2 . . true and correct copy ofthe ordinance passed and adopted by thill-,F4ty - itil • x - — - of Cibolo, Texas,' on' the 21st day of ' January I 1916 , and that the- same. has been' duly_ recorded in, the minutes of said City of . .Texas. , , . . . Cibolo, . ' ' 00o ,,,IJNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of. the City of Cibolo, Texas, this / 4-+.6.". ., 12. 21.2.t.; Agt-of January , 1970 .' . % • ..i .• ! •WE:4 ' ' / . , „ A...6, . ' ecr, ry or the City of Cibolo -..,7,,••... ..-,1•,-, „:- , . ' , . -,`,Up4:--:'-,t•Vi-' --- to and „subscribed before me Louise Gunzenhauser. this , ' the 21st day of: January , 19 70 , to certify and witness my hand and seal of office. . . ,,,,, ,1i51„,,,,, , . so -cf\rt't p ,, f, . ^ , (... ..7 - .: v‘ ,•,,( -%. ' . , .." 1.z . ...,, !.... _,,/,7 C"1-L-(-4C....( .4-',di' • Notary Public in/a or .. , .... :ay .. ./' : ca - Guadalupe County',.„..texa s. , ....4 • 4 , v. . , .., ..I- ...4-'. N . . . , . • ' - ?. . . , . , - c•;',V . , : . . - /• - , , , . . . - , . ..,...,,..., . . , 1 . . .. . „, .._ „ ' 1,?.47,to t.• ,v, ,,,,4•. 1 'V rt i,,..•:11:47 COI 1 Ly DT, CI.,eli.- ,..); 4:1-4 4.,.' ,,1.ir 11`"'n tn and‘IOVS1-11( (-! )[..11;TY OF".c.I.U.ADALI.I.PE ) : ', - ", - - " ' '7' ' - ' ' "--.' _rit... ,.._, -:•unty,_,•.:ici.hiare:1,y_Mt;;:rwktilp,t,tilc.,for'egoing if;: ti. le-o I: (11- N'y:' ' ii Z t.::-4.._ 1 thC. ._./a• day 01 wr1-th its eeri:i.Lc:ttt cif L:LItif eTItic;:}i,;on. waFt fit-,N! i'w- ,,.,,,!(:t..1.6 in my dile( _ p- a f.,a., ._,._, day,of- ..--a -1. _20.._ ,11- 4{, / 14.6- . ' 60 . . . _t. 1 , - _:deczi-44/-. 4e: ' ,_. ., _ . .. . _.._ , „,. . 1 y recorde. of __::::Zaft.aht844 .:-. - :,19 Id_ ;At _ ./ r.':', 1;2„:1., P..... , -. - - - Deed - -- r..',oli.41;v in Yol. ___ A_..2.......__ on '..':',_ p.k• 1 8.9 - /y/ , v'r.-4......i zs..,'-0.-- -hand and the. seal of of ;.hd ;:.?.', -3 , the cli.,'; -Is, , ,--..,.-_ writtion above. / 14e/ ' " ' / / FRANK SCHMIDi Oh I I / • / / it/Rmirli, . Coitahr eniirf - awl/1,72;7-pp rimvhi , TP:rev• . , -, . , .___ ._- • , , • „ ,. .. __ _ ,.. .. ..