ORD 26 01/21/1970 20
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WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from
W.E. Dean, Trustee --
owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction,
ofthe City .of Cibolo (a -copy -of which request is hereby attached
and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof' as if the same were fully
set out herein) ; and
WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibol6''tri)
include the hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas;
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All that certain tract and parcel of land situated in Survey No 404
in the name of John Saladin, and being described by metes and bounds
as follows:
__ SEGINNING at a point in the south line of 104-4/5 acres of land conveyed
to Fritz +Iordenbaunen by Hugo Hoegenauer by deed recorded in Guadalupe
County Deed Record Hook 32 pages T(1-8, 1040 feet N. 60 degrees E. from
southwest line of said tract, said beginning point being 780 varas
N. 30 degrees W. and 1040 feet N. 60 degrees E. from south corner of ; __-
Saladin Survey; VOL It2rAif 12,5
THENCE N. 60 degrees ,. about 812 varas to the northeast line of said
survey L0'-; .
--- :�.:C.� c ?.(� Lioczr_eF-� t-.- vara-i- to stake _ New Rrau211elS Selma-Road; -
THENcE S 4?. degrees 40 minutes - . with t-.'dd -' said road about 850 varas
to stake in said road N. 30 degrees W fro:": tee 'ln;nq point.
T?)_,_-CE' S. 30 de-Trees ' , about 400 varas to the p:,,. -ginning.
LESS MD EXCEHT THOSE PC?w -` ' S T "REO"conveyed to State of Texas as set
forth in deed fror Chas. - uest to the State reco.re ed in Vol. 249, page 150
of the Deed Records.
Said 79.3 acres is the same land corn- ved by Hugo Wuest et i.r to Carl Wuest
bg dead dated Eeo. 28, 'c:o, recorded in 'of. 122, pages 354-5 and in
deed from "alfred :cce et al to Chas. ,-uest aa_ed Nov. 13. 1944, recorded
in Guadalupe Sounty Recd =ecor•ds Hook 207, pages 203, and which was
devised o y tr,e -;- .,1 - ;:as. ";pest and ',Cilie -', r:uest :,o dodrow Wuest,
c�' �
, apes •:Les; 1, 20_a . .zest Georg and ?:ilmar Nues:, by virtue of
the residuary c!ae -.r orei _ , which tract was the only tract in the
Saladjn Sur-rey ar eacaL ups County, Texas, aforesaid owned. by Chas. Wuest
at his death. a-.1. ` ',
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- / Secretary
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Request To Be Included InThe Extraterritorial _
, .�, M Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cib lo, Texas
,- ---`-_- ------_--We; the-undersigned,—are-the owners-of-that-_ce-r-taa.n-;trac-t--of"-,.-_.-_..�._ _ ,_-
a.t°s ' in-,, is. -0 E lb,-.t� 'U� LTJ 15
�2) 15: vu5',>>SC.S _�-LS". .1;14J5 -CSL, j'`'am. ' tet' ' 0 the
@At cfg ,C:,40A,c . ear- r; CFi1 rypplr�. ,1 s d •;C'77-1 U _. . ) n-- ___ _ -
-_ 309/193-5 dated July 2, 1957. 4-
; ; ` Woodrow Wuest et al to W. E. Dean, trustee
All that certain tract and parcel of land situated in Survey No 404
in the name of John Saladin, and being described by metes and bounds
as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the south line of 104_4/5 acres of land conveyed
to Fritz Vordenbaumen by Hugo Hoegenauer by deed recorded in Guadalupe
County Deed Record Book 32 pages 107-8, 1040 feet N. 60 degrees E. from
southwest line of said tract, said beginning point being 780 varas
N. 30 degrees W. and 1040 feet N. 60 degrees E. from south corner of
Saladin Survey;
THENCE N. 60 degrees E. about 812 varas to the northeast line of said
survey 404;
THENCE N. 30 degrees W. 691 varas to stake in New Braunfels Selma Road;
THENCE S 42 degrees 40 minutes W. with middle of said road about 850 varas
to stake in said road N. 30 degrees W from the beginning point.
` THENCE S. 30 degrees E. about 400 varas to the place of beginning.
LESS AND EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOFconveyed to State of Texas as set
forth in deed from Chas. bluest to the State recorded in Vol. 249, page 150
of the Deed Records.
' Said 79.3 acres is the same land conveyed by Hugo Wuest et um to Carl Wuest
bg deed dated Feb. 28, 1930, recorded in Vol. 122, pages 354_5 and in
deed from Wilfred Hooe et al to Chas. Wuest dated Nov. 13. 1944, recorded
in Guadalupe County Deed Records Book 207, pages 203, and which was
devised by the Wills of Chas. Wuest and Emilie M,Wuest to Woodrow Wuest,
Agnes Wuest Stahl, Cora Wuest Georg and Hilmar bluest by virtue of
the residuary clause thereof, which tract was the only tract in the
Saladin Survey in Guadalupe County, Texas, aforesaid owned by Chas. Wuest
at his death. - --. -- -- ---.
We request that the above described property be included within
the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and
,, that the City of Cibolo, Texas, extend its extraterritorial jurisdic
., . -
tion for all purposes over the above described property as provided
-.- - iij_Ar=t- - 97.0A._of _thefRevised--Civil Statutes of the State __Of Texas::-_- T - ~
:-, =-= ----=—=;,To the-be-St ,of our knowledge- and belief the above-described---'''-=�-"
property is not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any
other City of the State of Texas.
Executed this 4c- day of �, 4,1,-...,- , 19 "7( .
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I, Ray Corbett , Secretary of the City of Cibolo., \,
Texas , certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is a
' true and correct copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City
of Cibolo, Texas, on the 21st day of January , 19 70 , and
that the same has been duly recorded in the minutes of said City of
Cibolo, Texas.
60..i..GI,U N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this
,. ,_ea1s.t,�'0a y of January , 19 70 .
, ."... 0 : ''' . •C/3:-. / 4,c 4,, 7:94 2 4 LI er—----—
=1'' • �'\\ .: c. Secretary for the City of Cibolo
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%fUpE ,•` o and subscribed before me Louise Gunzenhauser this
the 21s$ay of January , 19 70 , to certify and witness my
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hand and seal of office.
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- c: Guadalupe County, Texas.
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