ORD 24 01/21/1970 „. .,,,,,,s„,,#,_.„ .•', f, . .,I ' F r ,
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✓,; ORDINANCE NO. 2L ,- '
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'•--::,WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from
-_- E:v lyn Kramm s._Ripps--'-and---Edwin-.__=W_. Ripps-± _
- -,-7,,----,Le _ ,-: _-. ',:7---:,:,77-.:--,-;- .._
-. -
' owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction
of the City_ of Cibolo (a copy -of which requests is hereby attached' ,,
and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully, -'
set out herein) ; and ,
WHEREAS it ,is in- the, best interest of the City of Cibolo to
' include the hereinafter described property in the extr, territorial
jurision of the City
of ctCibolo, Texas;, '., _
1 t{,l ; y, { ' ' UR,+ 5§ f3Q m O p J”1)),_ ` r7,j1 i=S' _ c ` r ..1R;fc.,'` „' G!,'_,+- _ 10, [m) 5 o I r` . / 111ls
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L-- _ - __- --_-.2624168_7.0._x-dated,-November-10.,--1952 - ---- ----- -- -- -- --- _. - - - - -- -- - ---- - ...
" - Hilda_Kreusler Ge sche to Evelyn Kraimne Hipps _ ._ _ _ __ _
y. A11 : hat,:eertain tract or parcel of land, lying and situated in the
` , 4`1 Cou1,n f Guadalupe, State of Texas, and being one hundred and sixty
(160 acres of land out of the John Saladin Survey No. 404, and being
described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a stake on the NE boundary line mf the Torrebio Herrera
Lg. Survey No. 68, said stake being set for the SW corner of said
John Saladin Survey No. 404;
THENCE North 60 degrees East 1201 varas to a stake Mr Southeast
corner of said John Saladin Survey;
THENCE North 30 degrees West 750 varas to a stake and stone mound
for Northeast corner of this survey;
THENCE South 60 degrees West 1195 varas to a stake set on said NE ,
boundary line of said Torrebio Herrera Lg. Survey No. 68;
THENCE South 29 degrees East with said boundary line ?50 varas to the
place of beginning, and being the same premises conveyed to Carl Tonne
by Hugo Hoegenauer by deed recorded in Guadalupe Coutny, Texas Deed
� Records Volume 42, pages 208-9, and conveyed by him and his wife to
1 - Christian H. Kreusler by deed recorded in the same records Volume 86,
page 246. - --- - _ .
L ________i
• - _••-..•t'YiY—rout-ca- s`-?QaZe-on co---Crit-crt�vv,- - _�_�r— a
, PASSED AND APPROVED this the- -,-21st day of January' - , 1970
„, . . ../ /e, /
, _ -• Mayor
' . ,ATTEST: - - . . - _
, ; /12 . ';' . , ,
Secretaryt,x.,;,, , __�
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41. 7---- --- -:- : -- -- - Reg-est -To Be Included Iii The Extraterritorial
Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cibolo, Texas
±a4' We, the undersigned, are theowners of that certain tract of
a; _ land which is contiguous ,to the extraterritorial:_jurisdiction-of-the=------
' City of Cibolo, Texas, and which is described as follows:
L 262/16$-70 dated November `10, 1952 •
Hilda Kruesler Gesche to Evelyn Kramme Ripps
All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and situated in
,.T the County of Guadalupe , State of Texas, and being one hundred and
sixty' ( 160) acres of land ,out of the John Saladin Survey No,. 404,
and being described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a stake on the NE boundary line of the'�'`Torrebio Herrera
Lg. Survey No . 6$, said stake being set for the SW corner of said -
. John Saladin Survey No. 404;
'THENCE North 60 degrees East 1201 Varas to a stake for Southeast
corner of said John Saladin Survey; .
THENCE North 30 degrees West 750 _varas to _a stake and stone,-mound.____ -
"-for -Northe-a ---Corner"-of --this survey; -
THENCE South 60 degrees West 1195 varas to a stake set on said NE
boundary line of said Torrebio Herrera Lg. Survey .No. 6$;
THENCE South 29 degrees East with said boundary line 750 varas to
_ - -=-- the- p ,a-e_e==-o.f=beginn ng, and being-being- the-same premises r;onveyed- to- - - _ -4
Carl lonne by Hugo' Hoegenauer by deed recorded in Guadalupe County,
Texas Deed Records Volume 42 , pages 20$-9, and conveyed by him and'; ',; .
his wife to Christian H. r'reusler by deed recorded in the same
records Volume $6, page 246.
— Vr:i - _ PAGE 181
We request that the above described property be included within
the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and
that -the City of Cibolo, Texas, extend its extraterritorial jurisdic-,
- - -_ •- tion--4or- all= purposes---over the-above-described property as provided ----
in Art. 970A of the Revised Civil' Statutes of the State of Texas. _ -
_ _ - To__the--best--of- our knowledge and belief the above. described -
property is not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any
other City of the State of ' Texas. N
Executed this .a-�l� day of ,f%_2 c(2, 3 , /, 19 .'
C }-e t--- a-1 -6,-...2.---,��a_C/,--e-(-___, ✓ 9, ,,���-_) t
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' I,-' _ - Ray Corbette� , Secretary of the City of, Cibolo, '
,Texas, certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is, a
_ itrue and correct 'Copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City '
,. of Cibolo, Texas, on the 21st day of January , 19 70 , ` and
- - _---tthat-thc"same=-ham been--duly-r-eco-r-ded-- ice=the-m nut-es-=of.--said-=C-ity�o=f ---,--- - --
, . Cibolo, Texas.
;:,iGI'' ANDER 'MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this
tai&;21st! d'ayo of - January , 19 70 .
, V, '.,-i;vr.:. / i< ;c/:•"-,' ./fd-r..2.," ), wcAr
' %�'•'•, v •' a` Secre 'ary or t e City of Cibolo
�``<•- '`�~ Louise Gunzenhauser
<;� },~to and subscribed before me this
1 ifii�iiii,..y..
' 'the 21st day of January , 19 70 , to certify `and witness my
.,hand; ,.,.seal of office. • , -
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