ORD 21 11/15/1969 r _ -..�-__ •_ O DINANCE NO. 21 " AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS , EXTENDING ITS EXTRATERRI- TORIAL JURISDICTION: ) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS : • WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from Paul G° Silber, Jr. and his wife:, Phyllis H. Silber owners of property contiguous .to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo (a copy of which request is hereby attached and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully • set out herein) ; and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo to include the hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas ; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the property described as follows : BEGINNING at a stake set in the most western corner of said dames Jones Survey; THENCE N., 60° W. 7652 varas to a stake , S.60°W. "4 varas from. corner made for corner of part of Rud. ' iederstein and Gustav _: :60 ; .. W 761 varas to -a stake 'on the 'southwest boundary of the James Jones Survey; THENCE N. 30° W. 59$-1 /5 varas to the place of beginning, • containing $0 acres of land, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT, HOWEVER, that part thereof conveyed to Guadalupe County, by' Werner Buecke, et ux, by deed recorded in Vol. 193, pages 57-8 of the Deed Records Of said County and 65 acres conveyed by Henry S. Burrowsket ux to Veterans ' Land Board of the State of Texas by deed of even date herewith which said 65 acres is cut ofEby a line parallel to ,the northeast line of said tract, running from the northwest to the ''southeast line thereof and a sufficient distance therefrom to include exactly 65 acres, being all of said tract lying northeast of said -line. • The above described land being 13 acres, more or less, in the James ' John Survey, Guadalupe County, Texas. Abe included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas , and that the same rights and obligations applicable to a l ex-r 0 VOL .) PAGE Ski_ --- -s-i-sting property within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of t�e City ~of Cibolo apply from 'this ;date on 'to theaboVe described property. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 19th day of November , 19 69. ayor ATTEST: •- . "4. / fi, ' /'Secretary - t., t'4... .i C Ill - _. . - II ,e. . , IV- ,„ ill• — t — - _ STAT-E--.OF --T-EXAS , , X_ - COUNTY OF GUADALUPE. X Request To Be Included In The Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cibolo; MTexas y:. . ---''-_77:7-'-. 1-7-7-77 - = --We-rtYie=uride signed, a-r-e-the---=owners-:.off=that--certain__tract-' af- . `----==- ' land which is contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the - City of Cibolo, Texas, and which is described as follows : BEGINNING at a stake set in the most western corner of said James Jones Survey; THENCE N. 60* W. 765-1 varas to a stake, •-._S-.. 60* W: 4 varas- from corner made for corner of part of Rud. W ;e�d':erstein and Gtstav Wiederstein; THENCE S. , 30* . . 598-1/5 varas to a stake ; THENCE S. 60* W. 761 varas to' a stake on the southwest boundary of---the James Jones Survey; , THENCE N. 30* W. 598-1/5 varas to the k - pl -cef.of beginning, containing 80 acres of land, more Qr. less . riT LE ND EXCEPT, HOWEVER, that part thereof convey d to' Guadalupe County by Werner Bueche, Et . Ux. , by Deed recorde in Volume 193 , 1 Pages 57-8 of the Deed Records of said County ••a- k'65 acres con- - - veyed by Henry S . Burrows , Et . Ux. , to Veterans' Land Board of the Stace of Texas by Deed of even date herewith which said , i 65 acres is ,gut off by a line parallel to the no theast line of said tract, running from the northwest to the s theast line thereof , and a sufficient distance therefrom t include exactly` 65 acres , being all of said tract lying nort ast of said line ; r i Ver u//nV lVelkr-d //n /��Q/vi/I J r3,et:4.eir Rcd -k) ti,..../Ju../ o- /3_:0✓� � C -�-- ,' ' Th dbove described land being 13 acres,=more or less, in then - , James John Survey, Guadalupe County, Texas. i We request that the above described property be included within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, T:exas, and that the City of Cibolo, Texas , extend its extraterritorial dic; xl. tion for all purposes over the abovedescribed .,, - P P property as' ���„--ded I in_ Art. ,970A of the _Revised Civi1____Stus_ of. tha State o±_Texas...--__'_ -- , To the best 'of our -;knowledge ,,and belief the above described " - - property is not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any ' other City of the State of Texas . ' , Executed this is day of 92,,cu,���.4'i1 , 19 47 . pi,i/ - /VA-azn) ____ . „I " J . i • , .._ , . . , CERTIFICATION I, Ray Corbett , Secretary of the City of Cibolo, , . Texas, certify' that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is a . . true and correct copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City of Cibolo, Texas, on the 19th day of November , 1969 , and - - - -- -- — --- - -- - — -- ----'- i that the same has been duly recorded in the minutes of said City of ._. , Cibolo, Texas. - GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this , \ i: the 25th day of November , 19 69, .....,•,‘,:s..\f>> ,,,,, II:27-44. 1 ,..E?CIO: , __ \•' /l'<,( r-j?)424-. SeCi,tarY for thp;.4it .o `Cil*lib - • :., :. ..i Sworn to and subscribed before me Louise Gunzeiltaeiser.....,.. his . , 0 t\ I''' .- , . .. , ' ,• . the 25th day of November , 19 69 , to certify atiVrtness ITC'li --- --- „ hand and seal of Office. ,..4.0 t&f:ir Ik.VPI'‘... , / ') • Akk...,!'.'i'. . 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