ORD 16 10/24/1969ORDINANCE NO. 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, EXTENDING ITS EXTRATERRI- TORIAL JURISDICTION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: WHEREAS the City.of Cibolo has received a written request from Mack Kardvs and Juanita Kardvs owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo (a copy of which request is hereby attached and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully set out herein); and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo to include the hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the property described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land out of the Simon Cockrill and A.S. Lewis Original Surveys in Guadalupe County,Texas, the same heretofore conveyed by A.W. Eason et ux to Mack Kardys et ux by Deed dated November 4, 1964, and recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 371 on pages 508-10, heretofore re- s1a west corner of that 100 acre tract, more or less, conveyed by Aaron E. Heubam et ux to Joe J. Wuneburger et ux by Deed recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 214 on page 520, a point in the northwest line of the Simon Cockrill Survey; THENCE north 60 degrees east 1094 feet along the northwest line of the Simon Cockrill Survey to the north corner of the above referred to 100 acre -tract, which corner is also the west or northwest corner of the 100 acres conveyed to Hilmar Reiley by Deed recorded in Volume 15L on rage 528 et seq. of the Deed of Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, which corner is also located as being south 60 degrees west 349 varas along said line of the Simon Cockrill Survey from its north corner; TtiE'iCE south 30 degrees east along the northeast line of the said 100 acre tract, 364'2.12 feet to the north corner of a 4.57 acre tract conveyed by Joe J. ;uneburger et us to Hilmar P.eiley by Deed dated April 21, 1S4^, recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 231 on page 49; THENC`r, south -1_-degrees 37 minutes west a distance__of_465-feet_ato its niost western corner, also a corner of a 3.21 acre tract conveyed by Alvin 1. 'Vvueneburgcr et ux to Hilmar Reiley et ux by deed dated October 2, 1952 and recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 262 on rage 61,1; TLEIIC south 6 degrees 32 minutes east a distance of 340 feet, following the west lire of the above referred to 4.57 acre tract to the corner of said 4.57 acre tract and said 3.21 acre tract, a point in the north line of County Road; TELNCE folloti.i:,g County Road along the north 'Line thereof south 7d degrees 36. .:i::utes west 163.5 feet to the southeast corner of a 10 acre tract which is not a part hereof; THEIICE north 30 degrees 40 minutes west along the eastern line of sa_d 10 ares, 1018.4 feet; TF`E(CE south (I degrees 41 minutes west 498 feet to a poing for the Cert"west corner of said 10 acres, which point is in the west line of the above referred to 10? acre tract; TF'ENCE north 30 degrees west along the western line of said. 100 acre tract 195 feet to the southwest corner of a tract reasuring 100 feet by 100 feet which is not a part hereof; i be included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and that the same rights and obligations applicable to all ex- sisting property within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo apply from this date on to the above described property. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24th day of October , 19 69. �r a or ATTEST: n CERTIFICATION 1, any Corbett , Secretary of the City of Cibolo, Texas, certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is a true and correct copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City of Cibolo, Texas, on the 24thday of October , 1969 , and that.the same has been duly recorded in the minutes of said City of Cibolo, Texas. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolo, Texas, this the 25th day of October 19 69. e re ry or the C P 'ib:ln Sworn to and subscribed before me O -W. Rawe t.:..s the 25th day of "ctober 19 69 , to certify and witness my hand and seal of office. Notary P blic in and for Guadalupe County, Texas. STATE OF TEXAS, X COUNTY OF GUADALUPE. X Request To Be Included In The Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cibolo, Texas We, the undersigned, are the owners of that certain tract of land which is contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and whic, is des.;ribed as follows: All that certain tract and parcel of land, out of and a part of the T. Garcia andbl. Lindenburg Surveys, Guadalupe County, Texas, and out of and a part of that certain tract of lard, containg 100 acres o conveyed to Emma Kropp by Julius Krueger et ux by deed dated February 42 1916, recorded in Vol. 57, page 109, of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and containing 75 acres and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at themost south corner of said 100 acres, a point in the most westerly line of the Y. Lindenburg Survey, said point being N. 30• West 320 varas from the most :westerly SW corner of the N. Lindenburg Survey, a re-entrant corner of said survey, and a re- entrant corner of the S. Cockrill survey, for point of beginning: THETiCE N. 3C'td. 1199 varas to a point for corner, THENCE N' . 6C•E 257 varas; THENCE ° 30'E 063 varas tc. rc_e!'nt_•ant co_ner of said 100 acre tract; THPICE 60•c,. r� r, 370.3 varas; TPE''CE S. 30•E. 328 varas; TIENCE S, 60*W. 627.7 varas to t" -.e point of beginning; containing 75 acres of land. ' a twenty-five acre tract; BEGINNING at the most East corner of said 100 acre tract for point of beginni :g; THEIM M.30' v+ 328 varas to corner of said 100 acre tract; THEiiCE S.60' W 430.7 varas to c­rner of 75 acre tr=ct, out of and a part of said 1C_ acres, conve•ed to the 'iete,lan's Land ?rard• THENCE .30'E 32,' varas; THENCE N.6C•E 43C.7 varas to point of begiiU ng. We request that the above described property be included within -I the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas,.and that the City of Cibolo, Texas, extend its extraterritorial jurisdic- tion for all purposes over the above described property as provided in Art. 970A of the Revised Civil Statutes of.the State of Texas. To tl:a hest of our knowledge and 1-5-ef the above described or _ert.. nct no,.r ..ithin therater._ ;riai ;..:risdiction of any ot::er Ci u ; C,i tike State of Texas. ` Executed this day of * �% :.,.2 9 i STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF GUADALUPE X oe-ri. 44 Request To Be Included In The Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cibolo, Texas We, the undersigned, are the owners of that certain tract of land which is contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the --land of Cibolo, Texas, and which is described as follows: j VOL kr� All that certain tract or parcel of land out of the Simon Co c i 1 PAGE' and A.S. Lewis Original Surkeys in Guadalupe Oounty, Texas, the same heretofore conveyed by A.W. Eason et ux to Mabk Kardys et ux by Deed dated November 4, 1964, and recorded in Guadalupe County on reoruary its, yo SQ d3 acres and to be BEGINNING at the west corner of that 100 acre tract, more or less, conveyed by Aaron E. Heubam et ux to Joe J. Wuneburger et ux by Deed recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 214 on page 520, a point in the northwest line of the Simon Cockrill Survey; THENCE north 60 degrees east 1094 feet along the northwest line of the Simon Cockrill Survey to the north corner of the above referred to 100 acrestract, which corner is also the west or northwest corner of the 100 acres conveyed to Hilmar Reiley by Deed recorded in Volume 154 on page 528 et seq. of the Deed of Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, which corner is also located as being south 60 degrees west 349 varas along said line of the Simon Cockrill Survey from its north corner; THENCE south 30 degrees east along the northeast line of the said 100 acre tract, 3682.12 feet to the north corner of a 4.57 acre tract conveyed by Joe J. Wuneburger et us to Hilmar Reiley by Deed dated April 21, 1S482 recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 231 on page 49; THENCE south 31 degrees 37�minutes tbst;.-a_distanc6-.af 465_feet­.to i£s most *estern corner, also a corner of a 3.21 acre tract conveyed by Alvin I. Wueneburger et ux to Hilmar Reiley et ux by deed dated October 2, 1952 and recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Rgcord Volume 262 on page 641; THENCE south 6 degrees 32 minutes east a distance of 340 feet, following the west line of the above referred to 4.57 acre tract to `thet c9finer' ;. ,t b of said 4.57 acre tract and said 3.21 acre tract, a point in 6t nortT: line of County Road; THENCE following County Road along the north line thereof south 78 degrees - 36 minutes west 163.5 feet to the southeast corner of a 10 acre tract which is not a part hereof; THENCE north 30 degrees 40 minutes west along the eastern line of said 10 acres, 1018.4 feet,; THENCE south 61 degrees 41 minutes west 498 feet to a poing for the northwest corner of said 10 acres, which point is in the west line of the above referred to 100 acre tract; THENCE north 30 degrees west along the western line of said 100 acre tract 195 feet to the wouthwest corner of a tract measuring 100 feet by 100 feet which is not a part hereof; THENCE north 60 degrees east 100 feet; THENCE north 30 degrees west 100 feet; THENCE north 30 degrees west along the western line of said 100 acre tract 2825 feet to the PLACE OF BEGIRNING. We request that the above described property be included within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and that the City of Cibolo, Texas, extend its extraterritorial jurisdic- tion for all purposes over the above described property as provided in Art. 970A of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. To the best of our knowledge and belief the above described property is not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiQkion of any other City of the State of Texas. Executed this &i& day of D' 19 fyJ' VU 424 PAGE R ORDINANCE NO. 16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, EXTENDING ITS EXTRATERRI- TORIAL JURISDICTION: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from Mack Kardys and Juanita Kardys owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo (a copy of which request is hereby attached and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully set out herein); and WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo to include the hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the property described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land out of the Simon Cockrill and A.S. Lewis Original Surveys in Guadalupe County,Texas, the same heretofore conveyed by A.W. Eason et ux to Mack Kardys et ux by Deed dated November 4, 1964, and recorded in Guadalupe n..,ll Vnlirma :i71 nn naapC slog -in bor?+nfore re- ary 18, 1966 by William Cisneros being found to contain ~ .23 acres and to be within the following metes and bounds: ri(M-VeyeU Uy R87-Url r-. neuuam eU luc w vva �..� .. _ R - recorded in 7,,idalupe County Deed Record Volume 214 on page 520, a point in th.F LDrthwest line of the Simon Cockrill -Survey; THENCE n-rtr, 60 degrees east 1094, feet along the northwest line of the Simcr; Cockrill 'Survey to the north corner of the above referred to 100 acre,.tract, which corner is also the west or northwest corner of the 100 acres conveyed to Hilmar Reiley by Deed recorded in Volume 154 on page 52�11 et seq. of the Deed of Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, which corner is also located as being south 60 degrees west 349 varas along said line of the Simon Cockrill Survey from its north corner; THENCE south 30 degrees east along the northeast line of the said 100 acre tract, 3682.12 fret to the north corner of a 4.57 acre tract conveyed by Joe J. '�iuneburger et us to Hilmar Reiley by Deed dated April 21, 1948, recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 231 on page 49; THENCE south 31 degrees 37 minutes west a distance of 465=feeCe.Lo its most western corner, also a corner of a 3.21 acre tract conveyed by Alvin I. Wueneburger et ux to Hilmar Reiley et ux by deed dated October 2, 1952 and recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 262 on page 641; - - THENCE south 6 degrees 32 minutes east a distance of 340 feet, following the west line of the above referred to 4.57 acre tract to the corner of said 4.57 acre tract and said 3.21 acre tract, a point in the north line of County Road; 7 ;;CE fc=: g IoLi:t.y Road Mous C;.e n : t ` ' ...e thereof south 7`d degrees 36uminutes west 163.5 feet to the southeast corner of a 10 acre tract which is not a part hereof; THENCE north 30 degrees 40 minutes went along the eastern line of said 10 acres, 1018.4 --feet; ..... ._;,..,_ _ _ _-e€_= G�+F`--i'_' .__.. � _, _..«.. .- ,_,...- � nC o..e� ♦.. n ,,.,; nt ins t THENCE south 6 degrees 32 minutes east a distance of 340 feet, following the west line of the above referred to 4.57 acre tract to the corner of said 4.57 acre tract and said 3.21 acre tract, a point in the north line of County Road; ' " ICE 'o' 1o,; County Road along tLe nc:t.ne thereof south 7° degreer 36 minutes west 163.5 feet to the southeast corner of a 10 acre tract which is not a part hereof; THENCE north 30 deggrees 40 minutes west along the eastern line of said 10 acres, 101K.4 --feet; THdT1C1; ao deQrwes g1 minutes wery,. 490 Peet to a poi ng for the northwe.:t ^o?'ne: of aid IC a r-�, w�±_,h point is in the west line of the abn>e re-"arrW' t 1.00 acre tract; north 30d�aree� . st ;Hong thF western line of sr,id -?sacra tract 19S feet t thF . ^ a;t :re6 - cornea` of a tract measuring 100 feet by 1(,0 feed which is 'ei_Aart r:ereo — THil.! Ci ncrtP 30 degrees west 100 feet; THEDIC:. 'south 60 degrees west, 10C feet to a point in the western line n'said 100 acre tract; TVEINCE; north 30 degrees west along the western line of said 100 acre tact 225 feet to the PLACE CP BEGINNING. be included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas, and that the same rights and obligations applicable to all ex- sisting property within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo apply from this date on to the above described property. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24th day of October , 19 69. —' a or- 7iTTEST : & ��aty— Secretary CERTIFICATION I, Ray Corbett -, Secretary of the City of Cibolo, Texas, certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is a true and correct copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City of Cibolo, Texas, on the 24thday of October 1969 , and that the same has been duly recorded in the minutes of said City of Cibolo, Texas. GIVEN 'UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolo, Texa.s,–thgs the 25th day of October , 19 69, a}''ti••' .. I? =J \\ is ecre ry or he Cita ® CibolA Sworn to and subscribed before me the 25th day of October hand and seal of office. '•,.,' r E N A b .16' th`i's , 19 69 , to certify and witness my L� No ary P blic in and for Guadalupe County, Texas. OU STATE G DALUEX )' I, FRANK SCHMID'T, 'Clerk of the County Court in and for i9l ._ COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ) County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated the `! clay 1A0 with its certificate of a_thentication was filed for _nr hi r:y ,r. —9 2 - day of 19� ct kCL 3-F o'clock -:I'. ',_I, re o= t• - "ay of 1961 at A 55_ c"'_c,-`: m., in E. -ed _ iy h::.nd a:u. the seal of office in Seguin, the cay and year last ..f r; �( I"'rnn't -Clrq{1RI,ar7 v- 5