ORD 15 10/24/1969 _
WHEREAS the City of Cibolo has received a written request from
Lewis C. Borgfeld and Mrs. Lewis C., Borgfeld
owners of property contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction
of the City of Cibolo (a copy of which request is hereby attached
and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof as if the same were fully -
set out herein) ; and
WHEREAS it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo to
include the hereinafter described property in the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, Texas;
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the property described as follows :
135 Acres out of T. Garcia Survey and 155 Acres out of M. Linden-
berg survey and 25 Acres out of A .S . Lewis Survey and being mart
'three(3) seperate deeds, to-wit:.
(A) A deed from Henry4Bomgfeld to Louis Borgfeld dated July 10,
1896 and recorded in Volume 10, pages 386-387 Guadalupe County
Deed Records .
(B) A deed of correction from Henry Borgfeld to Louis Borgfeld
dated January 23 , 1897 recorded in Volume 12, Pages 553-554
Guadalupe County Deed Records .
(C) A deed from Henry O. Borgfeld_ et al to Louis Borgfeld dated
' May 21, 1900, recorded in Volume 15, Pages 505-508 Guadalupe
f---- County Deed Records .
be included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo,
Texas , and that the same rights and obligations applicable to all ex-
ssting property_within the ,extraterritorial jurisdiction __ofthe_:City
of Cibolo apply from this date on to the above described property.
PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24thday of October , 19 69 .
VOL 424 PAGE-35
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---•,_. __ - ------ -----Request- To=Be -Included -In-The=-Extr-at�erritor-ia-1- - - -- _ - - --�--- -----
Jurisdiction Of The City Of Cibolo, Texas
We, the undersigned, are the owners of that certain tract of
-- --,- _ --land-=wh -ch--i-s--contiguous -ta-the'-extraterritorial j'ur- sd'ictidh-of the-- ` --'
City of Cibolo, Texas, and which is described as follows :
`,SOCptmEout�135 Acres out of T. Garcia Survey and 155 Acres out of M. Linber
survey and 25 Acres out of A.S. Lewis Survey and being a part ' of the
same property that was conveyed to Louis Borgfeld by three (3 )
. seperate deeds, to-wit:
(A) A deed from Henry Borgfeld to Louis Borgfeld dated July 10, 1$96
and recorded in Volumne 10, pages 3$6-3$7 Guadalupe County Deed Records.
(B) A deed of correction from Henry Borgfeld to Louis Borgfeld dated
January 23 ,1 $97 recorded in Volume 12 , Pages 553-554 Guadalupe County
Deed Records.
(C) A deed from Henry 0. Borgfeld et al to Louis Borgfeld dated
May 21 , 1900 recorded in Volume 15, Pages 505-50$ Guadalupe County
Deed Records. f ,i
We request that the above described property be included within
the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, -Texas, .and
, that the City of Cibolo, Texas , extend its extraterritorial.. 4q._t•,,;
tion for all purposes over the above described property asp' r ett°'p'
P P Y P 4S4 ' ::
•' in Art. 970A 2ftheRevis.ed�._Civil_ _Statute.s_pof-_the_St.a_te_.o-f--Texas..--- --4.--�=,'
- - - • - -_ To-,the'__best._o.f-our....,knowledge -and_ belief _the ;abov-e _des'crib_ed - - --
{ property is not now within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of any
other City of the State of Texas . .f.
• Executed this 20 day of (�;rgt/Z- , 1967 .
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•4-- 40.- i .; , ;_„, ‘'
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I, Ray Corbett , Secretary of the City of Cibolo,
Texas , certify that the above Ordinance (with exhibit attached) is a
true and correct copy of the ordinance passed and adopted by the City
of Cibolo, Texas, on the 24th day of October , 19 69 , and
- ___ -_-_ -- -- - — _ - _ --- --
that the same has been duly recorded in the minutes of said City of
Cibolo , Texas .
o•-•,,- 011180 --,„,
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of the City of Cibolct.',Itne5i g'--4,1a±;s
z. c,-.• ' .
the 25th day of October , 1969 . - • '
- . • ....is
:0: -_,. ' .-- ' ... • ':r, : o,.. `,' , , • • •or:
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Secr a
yry for the ,
Sworn to and subscribed before me
O.W® Rawe this
the 25th day of October , 19 69 , to certify and witness my
hand and seal of office.
• -— ',pc, .1.*
VOL 1•=''''-.8.1440
---,.. .%1
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Notax4 Publi,á in and for
7,i, iti$••• ',,'`'.f / i
\ ‘ ::: Guadalupe C unty, Texas .
/, ' ,....
•' .
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. -• „ , .I E x As - ::,z-'"
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. , .
TI4 E STATE OF TEXAS, Y T, FRANK SCHMIDT, Clerk of the County Couit in and for sal'
County., do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing dated the ._ _._a_._5--- day ,
with its certificate of a_Al:entication was filed for _7.C,'301': in a ), i
day of efico 19 loc"\, at k Q, `• ' ----z: o'clock . i'. Lill duly :.-e• 0.. t-•
_ , ..y o,. _ _ __ ____, _ ___ , , 1901, at 3 5.'d•-•0 c' LOCI': C) . M., ip, - - - Led -
,. ._ ... s. . ....- _ _
. .....I.d f-r s.2,i.71 County in VOL t-Nr”-- on :-3':ti•s• -(--, GI •---3(05), _______ ,.
vvi-PNEss my hand and the seal of office in Seguin, the day and year last vvYitteli ,:l: o .;-.
C,0,II 'L '"--- "
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, .
Request ToBe Included In The Extraterritorial
,� �u'z
Jurisdiction OfThe City Of Cibolo, Texas _
We , the undersigned , are the owners of that certain tract of (�=.; a'''S_
land which is contiguous to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of 'the
City of Cibolo, Texas , and which is described as follows : "` _
All that certain tract or parcel of land out of the Simon Cockrill
and A.S. Lewis Original Surveys in Guadalupe County, Texas, the
same heretofore conveyed by A.W. Eason et ux to Mack Kardys et ux -
by Deed dated November 4, 1964, and recorded in Guadalupe County
Deed Record Volume 371 on pages 50$-10 , heretofore referred to -as__.
eL e_` of land but upon resurvey made on F..,u 18 1966 by ,,
uag n-3.:-2: r" ` sound to :contain -90:2'' . . '.
wa �f n e,� •, s and bounds: _-
:.;WO 4 W. _ rner of that 100 ac rx� �, c� 1
y . s.
. ., 3 . ' 4-iw? .21,11.2-?5).=.f. �_.. f` barn et ux to Joe J. v - •-1 - r_..° (fn. Nates : .04�Q:3
recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 214 on page -4-,--... --
point in the northwest line of the Simon Cockrill Survey;
THENCE north 60 degrees east 1094 feet along the northwest line of 1
• the Simon Cockrill Survey to the north corner of the above referred 1
to 100 acre�'tr•act , which corner is also the west or northwest corner i
of the 100 acres conveyed to Hilmar Reiley by Deed recorded in Volume
154 on page 52`' et seq. of the Deed of Records of Guadalupe County,
Texas , which corner is also located as being south 60 degrees west
349 varas along said line of the Simon Cockrill Survey from its north
THENCE south 30 degrees east along the northeast line of the said 100
acre tract , 3682 . 12 fLet to the north corner of a 4 . 57 acre tract
conveyed by Joe J . Wuneburger et us to Hilmar Reiley by Deed dated
April. 21 , 1 !F`' , recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume 231
on page 49 ;
THENCE south 31 degrees 37 minutes west a distance of 465 feet•:to
its most western corner , also a corner of a 3 .21 acre tract conveyed ;
by Alvin 1 . ':�fueneburger et ux to Hilmar Reiley et ux by deed dated
October 2 , 1952 and recorded in Guadalupe County Deed Record Volume
262 on rage 641 ;
THENCE south 6 degrees 32 minutes east a distance of 340 feet , following
the west line of the above referred to 4 . 57 acre tract to the corner
of said 4.. 57 acre tract and said 3 .21 acre tract , a point in the north
line of County Road ;
IIIT!:eNCE follow: eg Count," Road along the north line thereof south degrees i
__ _ _min to west_._t63., 5 - :dee t__to -the _s-on theast_corner_ of a 10 acre tract 1
which is not a part hereof;
THENCE north 30 degrees 40 minutes west along the eastern line of
sa: d 10 acres , 1018 .4 feet; '
THENCE south 61 degrees 41 minutes west 49F' feet to a poing for the
,i northwest corner of said 10 acres , which point is in the west line of
the above referred to 100 acre tract;
THENCE north 30 degrees west along the western line of said 100 acre
tract 195 feet to the r•outhwest corner of a tract measuring 100 feet
by 100 feet which is not a part berecf ;
T .NCE north CO degrees east 1'.0 feet ;
THENCE north 30 degrees west 100 feet ;
THENCE south 60 degrees west 100 feet to a point in the western line
ofsaid 100 acre tract;
THENCE north 30 degrees west along the western line of said 100 acre
tract 25'25 feet to the PL1",CE OF BEGINNING .