ORD 10 04/20/1966 • • III 141 ORDINANCE NO. /(,) AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD APRIL 5, 1966 TO ELECT ALDERMEN FOR PLACES NOS. -1 , 4 AND 5 , AND DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF. WHEREAS, on the 5th day of April, 1966, a general election was held in the City of Cibolo, Texas to elect Aldermen for Places Nos . 1 , 4 and 5 and WHEREAS, the official returns show that there were 34 votes cast at such election by the qualified voters of the City; and WHEREAS, the following candidates received the number of votes set opposite their names for the respective places, to-wit; Place No. 1 - Karl Biser 33 votes Place No. !. - Fred Niemietz 34 votes Place No. 5 - D,O Thotti 33 votes; and WHEREAS, the candidates listed for each such office were unopposed and are entitled to be declared elected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: . 1. That said election was duly called and notice thereof was given in accordance with law and in accordance with the ordinance calling the election; that the election was held in accordance with the law; and that the return of said election has been made by the proper officers. 2. That Karl Biser was duly and is hereby declared elected to serve as Alderman, Place 1 ; that Fred Niemietz was duly and is hereby declared elected to serve as Alderman, Place 4 ; and that DA p, Trotta- was duly and is hereby elected to serve as Alderman, Place 5 ; for a term of two (2) years from the date of said election and until their successors are elected and qualified. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2oth•- .. ay of April, •66. f f' 'CIOT ATTEST: M. 0. Grooms, Mayor azy,/,7),1 ,4,e_AJ . Secretary