ORD 769 12/12/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 7 6 9 PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CIBOLO, TEXAS CITY LIMITS BY THE ANNEXATION OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 509.62 ACRES DIVIDED INTO THREE AREAS, THOSE BEING Al WITH 306.98 ACRES, A2 WITH 196.73 ACRES, A3 WITH 5.91 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND THE EXISTING EAST CITY LIMIT LINE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS; AND APPROVING A SERVICE PLAN FOR SUCH AREAS. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code section 43.021 authorizes the City of Cibolo, as a home-rule municipality, to extend its City limit boundaries through the annexation of area adjacent to those boundaries; and WHEREAS, section 1.03 of the City Charter of the City of Cibolo provides that the City Council has authority by ordinance to fix the City limit boundaries, provide for the alteration and extension of said boundaries, and annex additional territory lying adjacent to said boundaries in any manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code section 43.052(h)(1) provides that an area proposed for annexation containing fewer than one hundred (100) separate tracts of land on which one or more residential dwellings are located on each tract is exempted from the state law requirement that an area proposed for annexation first be identified in an annexation plan; and WHEREAS, the areas described herein contain fewer than one hundred (100) separate tracts of land on which one or more residential dwellings are located on each tract and are, therefore, exempted from the above-described annexation plan requirement; and WHEREAS, on the 9th day of November, 2006 and the 14th day of November, 2006, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas held public hearings on the proposed annexation of a tract of land containing 534.70 acres, situated outside of, but immediately adjacent to, the current corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas and such public hearings gave all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation of such land; and WHEREAS,notice of the above referenced public hearings was published in The Herald on October 26, 2006, a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Cibolo, Texas and within the territory to be annexed, in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, the proposed service plan was made available for public inspection and explained to the inhabitants of the area at the public hearings held; and M b PEGGY CIMICS, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS APPROVED AS TO FORM: SUSAN C. ROCHA CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS INVOLUNTARY ANNEXATION 2006 Field Notes for a 509.62 Acre area of land to be annexed into the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas; said 509.62 Acres of land divided into three areas , Al =306.98 , A2= 196.73, A3 = 5.91 and adjacent to existing City Limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas. TRACT Al BEGINNING: At the intersection of the North Right-Of-Way line of the Union Pacific Railroad and the existing East city limit line of the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas. THENCE: North 30°24' 14"West, a distance of 801.17 feet to a point; North 58° 55' 11"East, a distance of 3531.58 feet to a point; South 32° 05' 57"East, a distance of 1498.94 feet to a point; North 84° 01' 06"East, a distance 248.51 feet to a point; North 58° 04' 31"East, a distance 1026.50 feet to a point; South 32° 16' 08" East, a distance of 1377.03 feet to a point on the North Right-of-Way line on the Union Pacific Railroad; North 82° 24' 20"East along the North Right-Of-Way line of Union Pacific Railroad, a distance of 1134.18 feet to a point; South 32° 14' 08"East, a distance of 2480.25 feet to a point; North 32° 05' 58"West, a distance of 1000.00 feet to a point; South 59° 59' 07"West, a distance of 164.42 feet to a point; South 80°40' 30"West, a distance of 934.80 feet to a point; North 32° 16' 08" West, a distance of 2350.08 feet to a point; South 82° 24' 20"West, a distance of 1477.17 feet to a point; North 32° 06' 02"West, a distance of 893.52 feet to a point on the South Right-of-Way line F.M. 78; South 84°47' 05"West, along the South Right-of-Way line of F.M. 78 a distance of 861.04 feet to a point; South 58° 16' 24"West, a distance of 1738.28 feet to a point; North 33° 56' 38"West, a distance of 806.60 feet to a point on South line Right-of-Way of F.M. 78; South 84° 41' 31" East, along the South Right-of-Way line of F.M. 78 a distance of 627.48 feet to a point; North 31° 51' 31"West, a distance of 179.13 feet to a point on the North Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way line; THENCE: South 82° 50' 11"West, along with the North Right-of-Way line for the Union Pacific Railroad a distance of 414.65 feet to the point of beginning and containing 306.98 Acres more or less. TRACT A2 COMMENCING: South 32° 14' 08"East, along the North Right-Of-Way line of F.M. 78, a distance of 2480.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, North 57° 53'27"East, a distance of 3836.18 feet to a point; THENCE: North 82° 53' 23"East, a distance of 688.70 feet to a point; North 76° 16' 17"East, a distance of 1006.02 feet to a point; South 31* 58' 09"East, a distance of 2259.87 feet to a point; North 62°20' 58"East, a distance of 283.88 feet to a point; South 31° 23' 58"East, a distance of 1009.51 feet to a point; Along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 4225.58 feet, a tangent length of 795.65 feet, a central angle of 21° 19' 38", a distance of the chord of which bears South 88° 02' 10"East for a distance of 156182 feet and along the arc of said curve for a distance of 1572 feet to a point; North 31°40' 44"West, a distance of 1086.79 feet to a point; North 65° 32' 06" West, a distance of 303.69 feet to a point; South 88°42' 06"West, a distance of 2630.00 feet to a point; South 42°23' 59" West, a distance of 24.90 feet to a point; South 36° 07' 01"West, a distance of 86.88 feet to a point; South 18° 08' 00"West, a distance of 38.17 feet to a point; South 01° 17' 54"East, a distance of 87.00 feet to a point; South 15° 28' 18"West, a distance of 77.29 feet to a point; South 46° 00' 29"West, a distance of 202.04 feet to a point; South 52°25' 21" West, a distance of 184.21 feet to a point; South 78° 33' 53"West, a distance of 164.77 feet to a point; South 89° 36' 19"West, a distance of 126.82 feet to a point; North 57° 08' 15"West, a distance of 145.14 feet to a point; North 34° 50' 39"West, a distance of 407.35 feet to a point; North 08° 35' 28"West, a distance of 313.54 feet to a point; North 57° 53' 27"East, a distance of 3358.31 feet to a point; THENCE: North 32° 05' 58" West, a distance of 1000.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 196.73 Acres more or less. TRACT A3 BEGINNING: Northeast corner of said tract bearing South 31° 12' 36"East, a distance of 636.28' feet to a point; THENCE: South 58° 29' 46"West, a distance of 403.13 feet to a point; North 31° 03' 57"West, a distance of 642.52 feet to a point; THENCE: North 59° 23' 06"East, a distance of 401.53 feet to the point of beginning and containing 5.91 Acres more or less. 0 - a�sna�sgM; I I II I r U zAry�is�§5�4�a � j I I I � e9 ^srasG �saa � u ZF. yZ I 0 II I I h — " Y � II I I r - SE'IDVE � 10,w I ism,= E N w L V Ln rd `"1 M V CO 0 - ®z pq �I u z a a4=4 ° 0 U fr s I = > L am ar 6 E0 OOZE LLA � ILII Ili a�sna�sgM; r U zAry�is�§5�4�a � j � e9 ^srasG �saa y' -w u ZF. yZ " Y � ®z pq �I u z a a4=4 ° 0 U fr s I = > L am ar 6 E0 OOZE LLA � ILII Ili